Baffling. I watched Peewee's Playhouse, though I was too old, because it was just so bizarre, like a parody of an older, real kids' show, but one which inexplicably remained on TV. I saw his movie and even kind of enjoyed it. His whole Pewee persona was really irritating and obnoxious, but there was something compelling about him at the time. As I was looking at the picture of him in this link just now, I realized I think it is because I realize he is a form of clown or mime, or even an older comedian like Charlie Chaplin - a new concept but also a throwback to a much earlier, simpler, seemingly mindless and innocent time. I personally don't think he has it in him to maintain this to the point it can be accepted again, he's too old and likely has a resentment for the character, deep down - too cynical, or worse, he may have some sort of breakdown or psychotic break. I don't see it ending well - either simply the whole project and such dying quietly, or loudly.
Well that sex scandal at the adult movie theater is what most people in the US that are over 30 remember and the booking photo that came with it. Pee Wee Herman or Pervert Herman...same difference to most of us. He can probably make it with a stageshow aimed at making fun of himself for a while, but I suspect that will become tiresome quickly. With the cost of making a new movie, I just cant see anyone forking over the bucks and taking the risk demanded in getting another Pee Wee Herman movie in box offices unless he becomes wildly popular again.
Honestly, I see the only way for him to keep making money will be for him to become an adult comedian (meaning lots of lewdness and sexual innuendos).
I remember Pee Wee Herman and his show. I watched it a lot, fell asleep to it mostly. I think it came on right around noon which was my unofficial nap time. Anyway, I don't know if it was so great that now after so much time it can be brought back.
Everyone knows him as a pervert. He was a star in a kids show, then exposed himself in an adult movie. Seems a little to weird for me and I'm pretty open minded. I think if you are a role model for kids you have a responsibility to certain things.
I don't see a problem with him still having a career, he is talented obviously. However I would not want my kid being influenced by someone who engaged in activities like this. As harmless as it was, I just have to wonder what frame of mind he was in to do that. What other thoughts are floating around in his head that he isn't acting on in public, yet.
To be fair, it wasn't really a "sex scandal" if I remember it right, it was just him, doing something solo, legal in private, but did it in public, but at a place where I rather doubt that others weren't doing it also. I really don't think that should confer the status of "pervert" to him, unless he was really being obnoxious or lewd with it, to other people, etc.
I don't think it necessarily shows any inclinations or unnatural predilections, other than maybe exhibitionism, and I wouldn't really be any more worried about him being a role model, in his Pewee Persona, than any other person, except maybe Mister Rogers, who I probably would say is the celebrity I would have ever trusted the most.
I was searching through our database and I can't believe we don't have anything on Paul Reubens. His arrest was based on publicly masturbating in an adult theater: Source 9
I was just using the sex scandal phrase from the original linked article. Yes, he did get caught with others doing the same thing. Now, I would have to disagree with him not being a bit of a perv as he was caught doing this...
The main concern with any kind of sex crime is the rehabilitation. Very rarely does anyone ever leave their sex-capades alone. I had some laughs at Pee-Wee as a kid but what he was doing his free time is no laughing matter.