African & Indian Dating at UWI - Page 3 of 4

Filmoreslim QUOTE I'm just asking - Page 3 - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 29th Aug, 2008 - 1:36pm

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30th Sep, 2003 - 1:23am / Post ID: #

African & Indian Dating at UWI - Page 3

it isnt a matter of "lesser race", but rather, an issue of "different" race and culture. I should have explained, that the conflicts between afro and indo Trinidadians stem from two main issues.

firstly, both indians and africans were brought to Trinidad to work. However, Africans were brought as slaves, and indians were brought as "indentured labourers". The main difference between them is that the Indians were allowed to stay with their families, and more or less, practice their religions. The African slaves, on the other hand, were not kept in their family unit, but sold seperatley. They were also forbidden to practice their religions and cultures.

Of course, this may have caused a sense of injustice by the African population, as they may feel cheated that Indians were treated differently from them, under similar circumstances.

the second reason for conflict, lies in our politics. Because Indians and Africans are the two most dominant races, there is a constant struggle for power. Politicians have played a part in turning races against one another, and though we, as people, are supposed to know better, decades of conflict have torn us apart

now, as for your comment about  "they ought to know better than to be dancing with us lesser races..".....its not like indian women see African men as a "lesser race" (it appears that you are now misunderstanding ME), its just that, depending on, as i said before, society/ family's impact on the particular woman, she may not have the "strength" to deal with external pressures.

however, as i said before, this depends greatly on the woman involved

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Post Date: 30th Sep, 2003 - 2:54am / Post ID: #

African & Indian Dating at UWI
A Friend

UWI Dating Indian African


now, as for your comment about  "they ought to know better than to be dancing with us lesser races..".....its not like indian women see African men as a "lesser race" (it appears that you are now misunderstanding ME), its just that, depending on, as i said before, society/ family's impact on the particular woman, she may not have the "strength" to deal with external pressures.

I understand where you're coming from, Cookie but I still say that those folks that have this certain line that they don't cross with black folks do view them as inferior..However, they don't mind imitating the way black folks sing and dance and the way black folks carry themselves and the overall "style" that black folk have..

I also notice that the men from other races and cultures will try to holla and push up on a sista in a New York minute but they want their daughters to have nothing to do with black men..And will disown them if they marry a black man..

The same can't be said for how black folks react when their child brings home a potential suitor who might be from another race or culture..

1st Oct, 2003 - 1:01am / Post ID: #

African & Indian Dating at UWI Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

FillmoreSlim, I understand exactly what you mean but the issue you're talking about happens every day in the USA NOT in Trinidad, we have a big african population in Trinidad, indians, spanish, white, chinese and I will not be a hypocrite and say there is not discrimination because I would be lying, discriminations happens everywhere but the extreme of what you're talking about it doesn't happen in Trinidad. As Cookie said about Indian women and as I said before has a lot to do with their backgrounds, social status and so on. Some Indian parents in Trinidad are very very very strict and they will not allow their daughter to date not only black men but no other men of any race but indian, you understand my point?.
If you ever come to Trinidad, you will see what I mean. I'm a minority here, I'm spanish and having an accent is not easy, not to mention the reputations that spanish womens have in Trinidad. So I know what you mean.


The same can't be said for how black folks react when their child brings home a potential suitor who might be from another race or culture..

Are you saying blacks folks are open about their child bringing home a potential boyfriend/girlfriend of another race?. I don't think that's true. They even tend to be more agressive about their daughters dating a white guy for instance...I have seen how mixed girls for instance are being treated at school in the USA. Blacks folks don't accept them because they dont think they're black and of course white folks maybe you can express yourself more about what you tried to say. In my experience in the USA, I lived in Baltimore. Blacks folks were very racial and white folks too...maybe my point here is that in both races there are people who are very racial, lets not forget that.

1st Oct, 2003 - 3:39am / Post ID: #

Page 3 UWI Dating Indian African


However, they don't mind imitating the way black folks sing and dance and the way black folks carry themselves and the overall "style" that black folk have..


I dont think this has as much to do with "imitation" as it has to do with a merge of cultures. If you notice, alot of R&B/Hip Hop recently has been based on samples from Indian and Chinese traditional music. No one has raised a fuss about this. So why is it a problem for non African men and women to act or dress like what you believe is "African". In Trinidad, we dont have a problem with Afro-Trinis wearing traditional wear during Divali.....and similarly, no one has a problem when I, as an Indian woman, wear headwraps, or bohemian-inspired skirts.
Only ignorant people (both indian and african), think that i'm trying to be "black".

it is quite ridiculous. For centuries, cultures have been merging and adapting. Who is to say what is "acting black" or "dressing black"?? If you look at some recent studies (i will try to refer you to the specific study if you like), there is a belief that rastafarians originated in India. So thats my point. Who gives anyone the right to put peoples actions and dress into categories?

as for the rest of your complaints, all i can say is that we meet ignorant people in this world. If as individuals, we take action to show how truly trivial race is, im sure we can leave history where it the past!!

but fillmore, dont come to Trinidad expecting what goes on in the US. From my experience, Trinidadians are quite open-minded and im sure you wont have any problem making friends of any race here :)

Post Date: 1st Oct, 2003 - 12:12pm / Post ID: #

African & Indian Dating at UWI
A Friend

UWI Dating Indian African


but fillmore, dont come to Trinidad expecting what goes on in the US. From my experience, Trinidadians are quite open-minded and im sure you wont have any problem making friends of any race here :)

I appreciate your commments, Cookie..One of my uncles, a world traveller thanks to his days in the Navy has said that far too many black people in the USA need to see how the rest of the world operates..That the USA, while it can be a wonderful place, it isn't the only wonderful place in the world..

That people around the world do tend to have a more humane view of race then what black people here are usually accustomed to..

That said, while I'm in Trinidad I'm gonna celebrate my cousin's wedding and get out and about, see Trinidad and Tobago and enjoy myself..

I might even get in a little shark fishing while I'm down there..

Post Date: 1st Oct, 2003 - 12:24pm / Post ID: #

African & Indian Dating at UWI
A Friend

African & Indian Dating at UWI

FillmoreSlim, I understand exactly what you mean but the issue you're talking about happens every day in the USA NOT in Trinidad, we have a big african population in Trinidad, indians, spanish, white, chinese and I will not be a hypocrite and say there is not discrimination because I would be lying, discriminations happens everywhere but the extreme of what you're talking about it doesn't happen in Trinidad. As Cookie said about Indian women and as I said before has a lot to do with their backgrounds, social status and so on. Some Indian parents in Trinidad are very very very strict and they will not allow their daughter to date not only black men but no other men of any race but indian, you understand my point?.
If you ever come to Trinidad, you will see what I mean. I'm a minority here, I'm spanish and having an accent is not easy, not to mention the reputations that spanish womens have in Trinidad. So I know what you mean.

LDS, I hear what you're saying and I know that when it comes to social status for some families that's what's really important--not the race of the suitor..I also understand that for some families it may also have to do with not only their culture but their religious beliefs as well and the daughters and sons may not marry outside the faith..

I appreciate your comments and you get props from me for having lived in Baltimore..That city is way too dangerous even for me and I'm a former cop..My cousins who live there are all as hardened and tough as Vietnam vets..And they're women!!

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1st Oct, 2003 - 3:24pm / Post ID: #

African & Indian Dating UWI - Page 3

Fillmoreslim, oh yeah, you will have a great time in here :). Most people are really friendly, people will think you're a Trini (if you don't talk lol obviously because of your American accent) most people are friendly toward Americans and like I said before, having African people as the majority of the population in Trinidad, you're the boss. :) not like the USA.

I appreciate your comments and you get props from me for having lived in Baltimore..That city is way too dangerous even for me and I'm a former cop..My cousins who live there are all as hardened and tough as Vietnam vets..And they're women!!

lol thanks for your 'condolensces' lol I hated Baltimore. I had such a bad time in there, the people were so unfriendly and it is such a dangerous city. I will never leave in the East Coast again, I went to other parts of the USA and I liked the most the west like Utah, Arizona and California. But was a nightmare ::)

29th Aug, 2008 - 1:36pm / Post ID: #

African & Indian Dating UWI Trinidad & Tobago / Caribbean - Page 3


I'm just asking because an Indian cat from the UK told me that when I get to Trinidad, don't expect any Indian women to respond if I was to approach them..A young lady from another discussion board says the exact opposite..That Indian women in Trinidad ain't gotta nothing but love for brothers from the USA..

So, my question is: which one of them is correct?

Afro-Trini/Indo-Trini relationships are commonplace. I'd think many families have members that have married outside their race. This is evidently one reason for the large percentage of mixed race persons in Trinidad.


I'm only gonna be in Trinidad for my cousin's wedding but I'm single and I'm not gonna be a monk while I'm in Trinidad..I'm gonna go out and dance and party..I'll just be my charming self and try to meet a nice young lady during my stay..I normally approach women that I find attractive but I don't wanna be looking really stupid by pushing up on women that ain't feeling brothers..

You know the type--thefemales that might have some residual colonial racist nonsense swirling about in their noggins..Which is why I asked the question about Indian women..

I'm new here so any input, any info y'all can give a brother woukd be greatly appreciated..

I think in general, the different races get along just fine. I see little day to day differences in the culture and lives of Afro-Trinis and Indo-Trinis. If there is any racism, then it's not really overt. I've never really noticed much open racism in honesty. I suppose sometimes you might hear the words "ni**er" or "co**ie" but these are only said in jest and not to offend or inflame.

And I don't understand the part about colonial nonsense.

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