African & Indian Dating at UWI - Page 4 of 4

I want to respond to the original poster (OP). - Page 4 - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 5th Nov, 2012 - 1:50pm

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African & Indian Dating at UWI Related Information to African & Indian Dating at UWI
Post Date: 18th Dec, 2010 - 11:54am / Post ID: #

African & Indian Dating at UWI - Page 4

Name: Ken

Comments: Looking at the whole topic of Indian and the Black race; it's true that the only problem is with the families (Indian Families) having the daughters marry from outside the community. In Kenya we have however seen quiet a number of rebellious Indian girls marrying outside their community thus making headlines in the country. We all know that they love the blacks as much as they love their Indian brothers. We have a lot of in the dark relationships between the Indians and the blacks but the Indian men are the more pronounced, they will date the black woman anytime and not even their families will make noise about it. So,'s all about the family and the culture but with time we are seeing it wearing off albeit slow.

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Post Date: 2nd Aug, 2012 - 11:30pm / Post ID: #

UWI Dating Indian African

Name: Stev

Title: Black men Indian woman

Comments: Hey Filmore as a black man in Trinidad I can assure you that you will have your fill and beyond of Indian women in T&T, man they just cant do without us. Some leave their husbands run away from families just to be with a black man. [..]

Post Date: 9th Aug, 2012 - 1:14am / Post ID: #

African & Indian Dating at UWI
A Friend

African & Indian Dating at UWI Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

For FillmoreSlim

Your term "the brothers" might apply to the United States in relation to just one race but this is Trinidad and Tobago where we call every man and woman here either a brother or a sister though not every man or every woman operates all the time brotherly or sisterly so your exclusionary American term that is relegated to just one racial group does not apply to us. We are Trinidadians and not Americans and so you need to take that term and properly use it in the designated geographical location where it rightfully belongs namely America. Trinidad does not split up men into "the brothers" or the "non-brothers" because since we are all Trinidadians here regardless of race you are either a "Trini man" or you are not.

Let me say this also about the "Indian woman thing" and that is that it seems to me that you wish to come here because you want to use the women here. If that is your intention you are free to stay in the USA.

Women here though they are not always easy to get along with do not deserve to be treated with scant courtesy here because some person wants to come here because he is a womanizer and take advantage of women here.

There are women who are open to African men here because they are exposed to African people on a daily basis in this country. However, it is all up to how you treat a lady and approach her that makes a world of difference when it comes to a lady being interested in you as a person.

On a final note please do not come to Trinidad and Tobago just because of the women here because Trinidad and Tobago is so much more than just some foreign man's personal playground that's definitely for sure. rolleyes

Attached Image Edited: IToldYou on 9th Aug, 2012 - 1:21am

Post Date: 9th Aug, 2012 - 11:25am / Post ID: #

African & Indian Dating at UWI
A Friend

Page 4 UWI Dating Indian African

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Your term "the brothers" might apply to the United States in relation to just one race but this is Trinidad and Tobago where we call every man and woman here either a brother or a sister though not every man or every woman operates all the time brotherly or sisterly so your exclusionary American term that is relegated to just one racial group does not apply to us. We are Trinidadians and not Americans and so you need to take that term and properly use it in the designated geographical location where it rightfully belongs namely America. Trinidad does not split up men into "the brothers" or the "non-brothers" because since we are all Trinidadians here regardless of race you are either a "Trini man" or you are not.

All of us are family in Trinidad and Tobago. :)

I find I agree with some of the posts explaining how things are in Trinidad in this topic. Trinidad doesn't have a problem with inter-race dating, The issue may be in the social class. But since the original poster of this topic obviously doesn't have any intention of dating any of our beautiful women from whatever race/or country that reside in Trinidad and Tobago and just wants to "party", that isn't going to be much of an issue.

Doesn't anyone believe in dating anymore?

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Post Date: 9th Aug, 2012 - 11:37pm / Post ID: #

African & Indian Dating at UWI
A Friend

UWI Dating Indian African

I could honestly care less if a foreign man wants to be with one of these women here. Some (though not all) are very ego-driven and can operate with prideful attitudes at times. Some are also very quarrelsome and you would be wise to not get on their bad side. You think African American women when you get on their bad side are "something" then wait till you deal with a Trini woman and get on her bad side. (This is why I am seeking outside of my country because the drama from some of these local women is too much to handle and having been there and done that I am definitely not going there ever again).

Besides the much more accurate term for what we call as "interracial relationships" or "inter-race relationships" should be more appropriately called inter-human relationships which is simply the connection made between two members of the human species who may simply be different in appearance.

My main concern is that these women not be misused or mistreated by any foreign man coming to Trinidad. I know of an African man who married an Indian woman here but later on was found to be cheating on her.

Again to reiterate the point: If you want to come here and play games with the women here then its best you stay at home and play your little games there. Trinidad does not need game players such as these.

Although I am not into local women here I will indeed say that respect is something all women want regardless as to what land they come from and any foreign man who wants to come here and show any lack of respect to any woman here should best remain in the land where he is and not come to Trinidad and Tobago at all. :D

5th Nov, 2012 - 1:50pm / Post ID: #

African & Indian Dating at UWI

I want to respond to the original poster (OP). Just because someone tells you that does it mean it is true? We are in 2012 going into 2013, not everyone is so small minded. But even if you met someone who thinks like that it doesn't mean its the majority.

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