man yuh just visiting the place for a few days and thinking about only one aspect of such a short stop over? stepsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss |
Hey, I'm not some sex tourist..I know that I'm new here and everything, but to be grouped with those white men who travel the world looking to indulge in some power/ego trip where they assume their rightful position of dominance over the women of us "lesser races" is really insulting..I'm a black man and for the record, I don't need to travel to some foreign land to pick up women..
We're gonna be in Trinidad for at least two weeks from what I heard and I don't think that I'm some sort of pervert because I might wanna ask a young lady to dance or have a cup of coffee..I didn't know that it was a crime for men to want to go out and dance and meet women while on vacation..
But maybe it's a crime if a brother wants to socialize with women while he's on vacation..God forbid that a single black man might want to actually meet some women while he's on vacation..
I just didn't wanna look stupid by approaching some woman who might have a colonial attitude towards brothers..I've seen terrible attitudes towards black men with some hispanic women and women from some of the middle eastern countries..So forgive me if I wanted to prevent not only looking stupid, but giving some bigoted, racist female more fodder for her backward belief system..Now, being from the dep south in the USA I know that white people are raised to view black people as inferior and to me--it ain't no big thing to leave them and their women alone..But call me naiive, but it's just kind of disheartening to see people who are as dark and sometimes even darker than you embrace the racism of the white man..
My parents raised me to view people as people and not to judge them based on skin color or any other superficial qualities..And that's what I do..But it seems that they actually listened to Martin Luther King Jr, where a lot of people just like to quote him..
Now, my Indian friend Arjun told me that I shouldn't approach any Indian women while I'm in Trinidad cause they don't deal with or even speak to black men..That they are raised to not associate with black men because the Indian culture in Trinidad teaches them that blacks are inferior..He said that it had someting to do with some clashes between the two groups way back in the day..I just found it to be very peculiar that he would say that..
Another young lady on another message board said that the Indian women in Trinidad tend to choose black men as potential mates and suitors more than any other group of Indian women, so that if I found a young Indian woman attractive, that I shouldn't be afraid to ask her to dance or strike up a conversation with her..
I mean, here in the USA I've never seen any brothers with Indian women, except for Denzel in that movie "Mississippi Masala"..There are plenty of Indian men dating sisters, however and before my cousin announced that she and her hubby to be were getting married in Trinidad and I had that conversatiopn with my Indian friend where he literally warned to stay away from Indian women there--I'd never actually thought much about the subject of Indian women dating brothers..Which is why I asked the question here at this discussion board..
Judging from the holier than thou attitudes some of y'all have to a question from a person not familiar with the culture of your country--sheesh..Maybe he was right..
I'll just do as my Indian friend suggested while I'm in Trinidad..
FillmoreSlim, relax yourself, first of all you have to remember to us that are actually here in Trinidad your question is kind of strange. Second based on your strong referrence to race I gather that your environment has led you to treat such issues with caution through doing a lot of find out - it is a good thing.
Here is some general advice though... rather than wonder if you are going to see an Indian woman and ask her out why not just be yourself and ask any woman of whatever race; Indian, black, white, whatever that may come in your path because you are in essence trying to sterotype a race based on individual opinions that may not represent the actual individual you meet when you are here - understand or too deep?
JB, I am relaxed and I do approach women of all races--except white women..There are enough cats like Kobe Bryant and Bryant Gumble around to take care of white women..Me, they won't miss..
I did not appreciate being grouped with those men that travel the world looking to exploit women sexually..Now, you have to admit that even though my question may have sounded "strange" to y'all in Trinidad, no where did I mention that I was on the prowl looking for Carribean women to play with as if they were toys without feelings or worthy of respect..
I ain't no sex tourist..I'm not a white european male looking to bring back the days of colonialism and have the natives serve me as if I'm some big game hunter on a hunting expedition..
I ain't no sex tourist..I'm not a white european male looking to bring back the days of colonialism and have the natives serve me as if I'm some big game hunter on a hunting expedition.. |
Hey, JB, I just want folks here to know the real deal..All I did was ask a simple question because my Indian friend seemed so serious about Indian women in Trinidad possibly being racist towards black men and some folks decided to run with the notion that I was another foreinger on the prowl with a Caribbean jones to exploit women..Sorry, but I ain't the one, you know?
Take those notions of sex crazed foreigners and apply them to the real culprits: WHITE MEN. Lord knows that there are enough of them wandering the globe to keep anyone who wants to track the exploitation of women and children in the sex/prostitution industry busy for several months if not YEARS..
I've seen how easy it is to get your reputation tarnished online by folks taking what you post out of context..It's so hard to even ask questions or get a decent discussion going because someone will just not take the time to read what you've posted..
I won't stand idly by while some folks try to paint me as some perverted thug..
Fillmore, i do believe your posts may have been misinterpreted or taken out of context. However, this is normal. What you are trying to say may not be properly expressed, or on the other hand, may be misunderstood by readers. I dont think your main reason for asking such a question was because you only want "one thing" when you come down here. Your curiosity is understandable since your indian friend made that comment.
in either case, i think your constant referral to race and the WAY you refer to it, has given your post a relatively hostile feeling. You must understand, that even in this supposedly "modern" society, race is still a sensitive topic, and as such, should be handled with tact and grace...at least until people are fully capable of dealing with such issues.
anyway, getting back to your question. I think your indian friend has a distorted view of Trinidadian women. We are generally open to any culture and race. However, due to cultural history, i think, although a local indian woman would dance/go out/lime with you, cultural tensions may hamper hopes of long term relationships/marriage.
Of course, this is a generalisation and is affected by the way the woman allows family and society's pressure to control their decisions.
Cookie, I appreciate your comments and your candor..I am from the deep south of America and being a black man here ain't no cakewalk..That being said, perhaps I do have a negative view of white men given the history of beatings and lynchings of black men at the hands of whites here in the USA..Almost all southern states have a town named "Lynchberg" to let blacks know not to be caught there after sundown..Most southern states still fly the confederate battle flag to let black people know that the gains that were made in the 60's and 70's will be rolled back in a heartbeat, should black people fall asleep at the wheel..
It wasn't my intent to come off as hostile, but I hope you can understand how insulted I was to be lumped into the same category as those white men who globe hop looking for sex..
It gets frustrating at times because black men are always cast as villains everywhere in the world they might be, yet and still it's white men and their "manifest destiny" that's responsible for the kidnapping, raping and enslaving of whole races..Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't blacks and Indians both brought to Trinidad to work on those plantations by white men from Europe?
As a black man from the deep south in possibly the most racially stratified country in the world, I think that all people of color should stop dealing with racial matters "tactfully"..Why is it wrong to point out the history of those white men who did indeed enslave people of color for profit?
The truth is the truth and when you fail to tell the truth, you do a disservice to future genrations..And the truth is that everywhere that colonialism has been, there is also this caste system based on skin color..The lighter you are or the closer to caucasian your features are, the higher your percieved rank in society is..
If you look at history not written by white scholars, you'll find that the culture clash that you spoke of, Cookie, should an Indian woman decide to seek a black man as a long term partner and the possible disapproval from her family as a result of that decision, while present when any outsider tried to gain acceptance--it wasn't as big a deal..
But when you mix in the stereotypes and lies that have been passed off as facts for generations that have been spread by those white men who enslaved people of color, that's when you get people of color being outright hostile to each other..
It's not a clash of any culture per se, but the legacy of colonialism and the "divide and conquer" mentality that europeans had and some still suscribe to even today..They like to pit people of color against one another all the time, so it's easier to steal the resources from the land those people inhabit..
But despite the best efforts of folks that suscribe to racist notions, the world is gonna get increasingly browner and browner..
Cause even you Cookie pointed out the interaction of the two groups does occur despite the pressures that may come from society..
If those racist folks wanted to really keep their societies and cultures "pure", they ought to know better than to be dancing with us lesser races..I've seen more bigots transformed on the dancefloor than anywhere else..