Ogre Mage
What is your strategy for confronting the fantasy creature Ogre Mage in Dungeons & Dragons?
More info on this creature: Source 2
Sneak up on it and paralyze it with poison or something. Cast the silence spell on it maybe. Anything to stop it from using its spell abilities. If I knew I was going to be fighting an Ogre Mage I would bring some sort of magic to combat its charm person ability. In battle this spell can turn the battle in a second. The Ogre Mage has mediocre AC and sub-par HP. Other than its spells I don't see a real problem with them. However as I have said before a clever GM can take an easy kill and turn it into a very hard fight.
I was in a band of seven party members wit ha average skill level of 6. We ran into a ogre mage and we were seriously hurt. This is a monster that can turn the tide of a battle in a heartbeat and take what looks like a easy kill to one of the hardest fights I was in. Anything you can do to keep it from its spells is the way to go.