Trinidad Noise Pollution - Loud Music

Trinidad Noise Pollution Loud Music - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 12th Jan, 2011 - 6:21pm

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Tobago Noise Pollution - Fight noise pollution in T&T - Trinis are some of the noisiest people on the planet from the way they talk on the streets, blowing their horn, playing their music so loud that the speakers need repairs and so on. There is no respect for peace.
Post Date: 7th Apr, 2003 - 7:22pm / Post ID: #

Trinidad Noise Pollution - Loud Music
A Friend

Trinidad Noise Pollution - Loud Music

Fight noise pollution in T&T

Right to Quiet , is the website for Trinbagonians who treasure their rights to peaceful surroundings and are ready to defend them. It is time to make noise about noise, and to change the system as it is in this country.

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Post Date: 8th Apr, 2003 - 1:23pm / Post ID: #

Trinidad Noise Pollution - Loud Music
A Friend

Music Loud Pollution Noise Trinidad

Well this ought to be real good. I am not trying to be negative, but it is definitely going to be hard.You have to put an end to what I call speakers on wheels,yup the Maxi Taxi's they blast music regardless of the hour and then they have those very irritating and very unappealing horns that make some weird noises.

If you can get rid of that then the rest should be easy. I hope you guys are triumphant in you battle with the noise monster.

10th Apr, 2003 - 10:14pm / Post ID: #

Trinidad Noise Pollution - Loud Music Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

Maxi Taxi's they blast music

I think it is much better now than it used to be. The most irritating noises are the limers who sit right on your corner cussing and laughing, that is worst than any maxi passing by.

24th Mar, 2007 - 4:55pm / Post ID: #

Music Loud Pollution Noise Trinidad

What about construction workers? As I am writing this my head is about to explode and my ears are hurting me. I live in an apartment and the landlady is having work done ALL OVER THE PLACE, the amount of noise is unbearable and I have two kids listening to all this (one is just a baby). I am concerned that this noise will affect his hearing in the future.

The landlady says she cannot do anything about it which means she does not care at all because she is NOT listening to this. What are the laws concerning noise pollution in Trinidad?

Post Date: 21st Jun, 2009 - 6:48pm / Post ID: #

Music Loud Pollution Noise Trinidad

Name: Loraine

Comments: We currently are experiencing a morbid noise pollution problem in main road Chaguanas. It is generated my the night club - Club India, and also a Bar formerly known as Traxx Bar. The noise pollution is awful to say the least.

Post Date: 3rd Apr, 2010 - 1:10am / Post ID: #

Trinidad Noise Pollution - Loud Music

Name: Sayad

Comments: The law in this T&T sucks real bad right now we are experiencing loud noise from [..] Villas Restaurant & Bar in Aranguez this bar is in a side street a residential area we the residents have made several complaints to the EMA got no satisfaction this goes on till 3-4am the next morning everyday.

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26th Apr, 2010 - 12:12am / Post ID: #

Trinidad Noise Pollution Loud Music

Noise is part of the culture. Just look at Carnival, the louder the better right? Then there are fetes which doesn't require soft music. People on the street are also generally very loud. A person sees someone they know and immediately shouts out at them even if you are near to them and you pay the price of ringing ears. I don't see this changing anytime soon. People here do not hold manners very high as I've seen both classes do this. What I know is if you want to avoid noise you pretty much have to look for a quiet area to live in and even still some neighbour will want to have a fete in their house and for at least a few times in the year you lose some sleep.

Post Date: 12th Jan, 2011 - 6:21pm / Post ID: #

Trinidad Noise Pollution Loud Music Trinidad & Tobago / Caribbean

Name: Indrani

Comments: The next door neighbor playing music right through in Lendore Village, Enterprise Chaguanas [I want it to stop].

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