Autism - How To Understand Jokes

Autism Understand Jokes - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 11th Feb, 2010 - 11:15pm

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11th Feb, 2010 - 9:05pm / Post ID: #

Autism - How To Understand Jokes

Autism - How to understand jokes

One of the big difficulties my son has is understanding what is a joke, when to make a joke, when to laugh, and actually making a joke and not merely a statement and then expecting everyone to laugh. As a result he laughs spontaneously when he hears people laughing just so he can feel like he understands but then later he will ask why everyone was laughing. I know something like understanding a joke has to come naturally but any parents familiar with this characteristic is welcome to present tips here. Thanks.

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11th Feb, 2010 - 11:07pm / Post ID: #

Jokes Understand To - Autism

I read that purchasing a joke book may help and providing the child with "set" jokes for him to learn and understand. As they get older and get more experience, they will understand more and be able to deliver them more appropriately.

11th Feb, 2010 - 11:10pm / Post ID: #

Autism - How To Understand Jokes Health & Special Psychology

He seems to catch on with Tom and Jerry type jokes but when he decides to enter a conversation with others with his own joke then it becomes odd.

11th Feb, 2010 - 11:15pm / Post ID: #

Jokes Understand To - Autism

Yes, I read it is very common for them to understand VISUAL jokes but no jokes that they are given in a conversation because they take everything literal.

Rather off topic, but...
As I was asking him a question this morning, he grew frustrated because he couldn't understand and then he asked very annoyed, "Mommy, if you write it down or draw it I will understand it!". I didn't and I explained that people out there won't be pulling out a piece of paper and draw something or use their hands in order for him to understand. After a few times, he understood but it was hard. He is VERY visual as most kids in the spectrum.

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