Talk to Yourself?

Talk Yourself - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 2nd Jul, 2006 - 12:18pm

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Discuss  Talk Yourself Talking to yourself can help you control emotions and relieve stress.
Post Date: 29th Mar, 2003 - 5:55pm / Post ID: #

Talk to Yourself?
A Friend

Talk to Yourself?

Talk to Yourself?

Ok, be honest now. How many of you all talk to yourself? And do you ever have conversations with yourself, or argue with yourself? Anyway, so who is going to admit talking to themselves here besides me?

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30th Mar, 2003 - 12:47am / Post ID: #

Yourself Talk

I admit it! I talk with myself a lot. Specially when I feel lonely and sad, I tend to speak with myself a lot. It makes me feel better, some people will think I'm crazy or something but it's a great way to deal with some problems if don't feel to talk with no one. But I make sure I do it when I'm alone and NOT in public! who knows..the police may arrest me if they see me! lol

Post Date: 7th May, 2003 - 10:05pm / Post ID: #

Talk to Yourself?
A Friend

Talk to Yourself? Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

OK ok since you both admitted I might as well also admit sometimes my head thinks conversations inside it rather then me actually saying the words with my mouth.

However, today on the bus I felt like sneezing then the sneeze didn't come out and I accidently said out in a whisper oops I couldn't sneeze, I'm going to try again lol I think the man next to me heard and turned round and looked at me.

21st May, 2003 - 10:15am / Post ID: #

Yourself Talk

:spock: They say it is alright to talk to yourself so long as you do not talk back.

As for me I don't do that save for times that I am working out something deep in my mind such as the code for this forum.

Post Date: 2nd Sep, 2003 - 6:23am / Post ID: #

Talk to Yourself?
A Friend

Yourself Talk

I constantly talk to myself. It is usually in my head, but I am always having a conversation, or more likely an argument, with me, myself, and I. If it makes any sense, talking to myself keeps me sane!

Post Date: 19th Jan, 2006 - 8:43am / Post ID: #

Talk to Yourself?
A Friend

Talk to Yourself?

I don't think I talk to myself...I know. Mostly, I do it to gain confidence within myself when I feel panicky or afraid to do something. I do believe my alternate ego and I have conversations within my head and sometimes arguments. He can be mean sometimes, but he's cool for the most part.


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29th Jun, 2006 - 6:10pm / Post ID: #

Talk Yourself

Me! I talk to myself all the time. I do actually talk back to myself usually when I'm deciding on what to do or something. I don't do it because I'm lonely, in fact I usually don't notice I'm doing it! It'll be something like "Hmm lets have cereal for breakfast" "Wait no I want to have pop tarts!" etc etc.

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Persephone: Do not use Teeny Bopper scribbles in this Community.

Post Date: 2nd Jul, 2006 - 12:18pm / Post ID: #

Talk to Yourself?
A Friend

Talk Yourself Culture Family Travel & Consumer Reviews

I talk to myself too, but on a regular basis and sometimes I'm not even talking to myself, I'm talking out a story scene or something out loud. I'm that guy you see walking down the street quietly and contently chatting away to himself. I'm also the loser you walk past in the street making swordfighting or gun sounds and doing that voice that's at normal tone but is actually meant to take place of a shout....

Yeah, and I bet you thought you looked weird or had problems. lol

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