Will your parents' demands for perfection??

Will Parents' Demands Perfection - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 16th Mar, 2003 - 11:12pm

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Post Date: 16th Mar, 2003 - 8:28pm / Post ID: #

Will your parents' demands for perfection??
A Friend

Will your parents' demands for perfection??

[Question]Will your parents' demands for perfection hurt you later in life?

My dad always seem to be pushing me too hard, even though I'm not a slacker. I have a high GPA, take all honors classes and don't do drugs, drink, or smoke. Both my mom and my dad, but particularly my dad, push me harder than I think I can handle. For example my dad found out about my 3.8 GPA, he was disappointed and angry that I didn't get a 4.0. He's going to make me spend two more hours per day studying to get me to a 4.0. Even then, he'll probably find some other fault, like why I'm not playing any team sports. Will this have any negative effects on me later in life?

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16th Mar, 2003 - 11:12pm / Post ID: #

perfection demands parents Will

I understand both sides of the story. smile.gif For one hand, I am a parent and also a daughter. I can relate to this thread perfectly since I have experienced it in the flesh. It was very hard for me because it seemed that no matter what I did, it never pleased my family. And when you did something good it's like normal like 'you're supposed to' like if 'it's your obligation', so I know how you feel xtra. All I can say is that I know it's hard, I would suggest to speak with your dad and express him how you feel, this is the best method. If you keep it to yourself then it will be harder to handle it. Your dad loves you and he means well, he just tries to push you maybe because he thinks that's the best method, as a single parent I guess it's challenge for him, remember that he's learning to be a parent as much as you're learning to be a daughter. The best thing to do is to express him how you feel, your expectations and both of view can share their thoughts.
Personally, the way my uncle (who was the one that raised me) pushed me for perfection had both a negative and positive consequences that I still have to deal with, if your dad it's the type that you can talk about those things, don't doubt...talk! I didn't really have that chance....
All the best!

> TOPIC: Will your parents' demands for perfection??


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