War Of The Gods - Character Creation

War Gods Character Creation - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 30th May, 2010 - 6:52am

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War Of The Gods D&D 3.5 - Character Creation with Testsubject1 as DM
27th May, 2010 - 9:13pm / Post ID: #

War Of The Gods - Character Creation

War Of The Gods Character Creation

Post interested characters here!

This game will hold three or four players max.
Characters will start fourth level and use the point buy system for their stats.
(easiest way is to show the available outcomes) This is before racial bonus.
This is above the supposed average roll because your characters are special!

32point buy

If a vacancy occurs mid game and someone joins they will have a 28 point buy in instead of 32.

a rough Intro

Magic is a fading and an often feared art as dwarfs and gnomes develop modern magic in moving parts and alchemy, with sprockets and explosions! Humans thirst for conquest is growing as they stretch there laws of the imperial army further and further pushing their allegiances thinner and thinner. A new religion has exploded out of nowhere many fearing they failed to see plots unfold as its strength and followers infiltrated everywhere! This religion is claiming they serve the one true only god, the god of gods.

Clear waves gently splash upon the strong wooden hull of the Le'Andor as it cuts through the ocean with ease making for a fast and tame ride. The suns bright rays warm's the clear blue sky and a few birds circle above chirping cheerfully but not to loud to out do the soothing melody from the band of charismatic bards.
As alluring as their song may be to the ear the exotic identical twin dancers tanned from a distant land are twice that to behold on the eye. Ale and a smoking stick are being merrily passed around for those who are not servants or guards.
The entire crew as small as it is, makes the most of this beautiful weather and great vibe, the hand full of gnomes and dwarfs scurry around maintaining ropes and polishing floors, elvan and human waiters tend to the sixteen patrons in anyway possible. (most of wich are nobility or at least well presented but a few are slaves to those, or were favoured by fortune in one way or another)
Even the burly guards posted inside the storage room stand outside to soak up some of the buzzing radiance.
Gazing upon them from up behind the wheel with a large smile on his face is captain Varesque. A young ambitious man, donning a royal sailors suit and an old pirate hat. He stands quite tall and his presence while demanding respect is also warm and comforting, he has brown curly hair that bounces around his shoulders and eyes as blue as deep ocean. He is friendly to all and proud of his ship.

With every right to be for the ship Le'Andor is impecible and grand utilizing the advancement in technology of the gnomes with aid from the old ways, with the captains companion the elder druid secure and hidden in the crows nest ensuring a clear sky and strong wind.

On either end of the large space of the top deck are two rooms the dinning/kitchen at one and a locked storage at the other, holding the spices and goods for trade and this trip. Above the storage is the wheel and most the time the captain. Above the kitchen the bards perform while people dance, play and mingle (and re-enact titanic)
Below deck there is a single file hallway with stairs to above deck on one side and stairs to the dining room/kitchen on the other. Four doors line each side, each a room for two of the patrons, a large comfy room each with a small bathroom and either two smaller beds or one large one. Behind the stairs to the dinning area holds the door to the crews quarters, not nearly as luxurious as the patrons room they are holed up in bunk beds, only been able to sleep when others awake, not even having a bed each.
The other end holds the captains quarters, and all can easily tell its the largest room of them all, the double door way is quite grand, gold plated patterns swirl through the masterly crafted wooden frame. It is reenforced with steal and has a large complicated lock mechanism smack bang in the center.

This voyage is on the way to the large island of Eruantiya holding many towns and castles and a kingdom now owned by the Imperial army and in need of supplies.
There is no port only a desert that leads into a beach. Surrounded by mountains to the north and forest to the south the destination is a mining town called Vaglof in the middle of the dessert.

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Post Date: 27th May, 2010 - 11:38pm / Post ID: #

War Of The Gods - Character Creation
A Friend

Creation Character Gods The War

Do I take it all skills are 6 and we use the 32 points to build them up from there?

28th May, 2010 - 3:37am / Post ID: #

War Of The Gods - Character Creation Archive Pathfinder / D&D

All ability scores start at 8,

9-14 each costs one point
15 and 16 each costs 2 points
17 and 18 each costs 3 points

Point value for individual abilitity scores
9 - 1 points
10 - 2 points
11 - 3 points
12 - 4 points
13 - 5 points
14 - 6 points
15 - 8 points
16 - 10 points
17 - 13 points
18 - 16 points

Post Date: 28th May, 2010 - 9:22pm / Post ID: #

War Of The Gods - Character Creation
A Friend

Creation Character Gods The War

What rules are we playing by? The 32 points I have set up as basic status without racial bonuses. Here is what I have so far.

Ranger level 4
Strength: 15
Constitution: 17
Dexterity: 14
Intelligence: 9
Wisdom: 10
Charisma: 10

29th May, 2010 - 8:37am / Post ID: #

Creation Character Gods The War

I know this may sound dumb but I am a little confused at the makeup. I understood the choosing your ability points part but the buy points thing threw me.

29th May, 2010 - 3:18pm / Post ID: #

War Of The Gods - Character Creation

Playing 3.5 by the book, and those scores are good pretty nicely balanced, I'm surprised it wasn't on the predetermined table. I forgot too mention the +1 to a stat for achieving fourth level tho so you still get that

and Oliron

So understood you have 32 points to spend. The higher you get a stat the more it begins to cost
just follow the table below,

To have a stat of 9 it will cost 1 point, To have a stat of 18 it will cost 16 points,
some times it can be a little tricky to balance out so you can always use the predetermined scores posted before but not every option is available on it.

stat and cost
9 - 1 points
10 - 2 points
11 - 3 points
12 - 4 points
13 - 5 points
14 - 6 points
15 - 8 points
16 - 10 points
17 - 13 points
18 - 16 point

using KNtoran as an example 15(8) 17(13) 14(6) 9(1) 10(2) 10(2) =(32)

I hope this helps smile.gif

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29th May, 2010 - 11:43pm / Post ID: #

War The Gods Character Creation

I was thinking of making a Hierophant, do you accept that prestige class? If so this is what I have so far. I am also wondering if you would accept a psionic character. I might go that route if you do.

Level: 4
2/2 - Cleric/Wizard

30th May, 2010 - 6:52am / Post ID: #

War The Gods Character Creation D&D / Pathfinder Archive

I found the Herophant class and it all seems ok to me, I will accept both character classes, and I have already made some psionic npc's so psionic while rare will be in the game.

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> TOPIC: War Of The Gods - Character Creation


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