Should the counting be taught in school?

Should Counting Taught School - General Religious Beliefs - Posted: 18th Jun, 2003 - 3:06pm

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Post Date: 24th May, 2003 - 5:16pm / Post ID: #

Should the counting be taught in school?
A Friend

Should the counting be taught in school?

Should the counting be taught in school?

Should non voilence be taught in school?

Why should we keep everyone from leaning about the rich rewards that are promised to us through the bible?

Please do think that I am trying to say it is maditory, because there are many people of different religions who do not believe in the bilbe or even God.

Still I think that it should be an option for the students in that school to consider! Don't you find it ironic ?

For example American trust the name of God so much that it appears on all of it's currency, but does not think it good enough to be in the hearts and minds of it's students.

America was founded "One Nation Under God" and if his name was good then I believe it is still good now!.

The bible says in Lamentations 3:22, 23 "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Now I ask you to find me one person that you have read about through the course of your schooling who has a better thing going on for you.

Just a few days ago my dada's boss was out with his wife having a good time. That was the last thing he remembered after waking up in the hospital paralized from the waist down because his wife added a little extra to what they were drinking.

He suffered a stroke and a heart attack, and is still able to talk and use most of his body parts. Who else but God could have given him something as good as that. Life.

sometimes when i have noone else to turn into .. i read the bible..

"I am the way, the truth and the Life." (Jesus Christ)

Thanks for reading this and please feel free to reply

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24th May, 2003 - 5:40pm / Post ID: #

school taught counting Should

Posted by: veryloudsygirl14 Posted on: Today at 3:16pm Should the counting be taught in school?

I am not sure what you mean by 'the counting'?

Very did you write this? I ask because of the focus on 'America'. In anycase, if the question is... should the blessings of the Bible be taught in school? then I would have to ask a few more questions....

1. What about non-Christians
2. Who will teach about the Bible, a Minister or the teacher
3. Where will the teacher's understanding of the Bible come from? School or a particular Church.

I think religion being taught in school is a good thing, BUT it depends on how it is taught... if it is to be a biased point of view then no.

Post Date: 24th May, 2003 - 6:40pm / Post ID: #

Should the counting be taught in school?
A Friend

Should the counting be taught in school? Beliefs Religious General

(by the counting) i mean religion beliefs..

Yes i did write this..  Why did i pick on American, well i was watching a program in the history channel about religions and the teaching of it in american schools..

and i think the question is : should religion be taught in school ?
now to answer your questions.

1. What about non-Christians  : For non-christians the learning of the bible should be an option for the students in that school to consider! like i said above.

2. Who will teach about the Bible, a Minister or the teacher: Just normal teachers like they do it now... it doesn't take a monkey or two to open a jar of pickles.. Lmao

24th May, 2003 - 7:02pm / Post ID: #

school taught counting Should

(by the counting) i mean religion beliefs..

Thanks for clearing that up wink.gif

Yes i did write this..

Cool - I see your charisma going up by leaps and bounds...

Just normal teachers like they do it now... it doesn't take a monkey or two to open a jar of pickles.

It sounds simple, but it is not, for instance the Catholic view of the Bible is not the same as the Evangelical movement and depending on which the teacher is a part of the instruction will com in that view.

I think religion being taught in school is good, but should not be forced because of this. I say this because a lot of schools in Trinidad require you to belong to a certain religion before entering.

24th May, 2003 - 8:31pm / Post ID: #

school taught counting Should

This is a very difficult question. I think even though it would be good some kind of religion class, I think it will bring a lot of problems from the parents (because of the diversity of religions in the school).

Post Date: 18th Jun, 2003 - 3:06pm / Post ID: #

Should the counting be taught in school?
A Friend

Should the counting be taught in school?

The LDS church has on off-campus seminary students can go to.  I'm sure other churches could do the same thing if they were interested enough in doing so.   8) smile.gif :smile.gif  Anyone is more than welcome to attend the LDS seminaries.  At the rate the church is growing, these seminaries will be all over the world before you know it.

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