Astral Travel? - Page 3 of 4

What is your doctrinal source for one's - Page 3 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 7th Mar, 2010 - 10:35am

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Post Date: 28th Aug, 2008 - 12:57am / Post ID: #

Astral Travel?
A Friend

Astral Travel? - Page 3

While most of what you say is enlightening, I would have to disagree with astral projection being harmless. We do have power over Demonic forces, which is why they like to attack us when we are at our weakest. I will strongly agree that fear is a magnet to dark forces. Just like it's opposite "faith" is a magnet to lighter forces. I think one has to be careful with "spiritual guides". The devil and his minions will come as angels of light.

Coming back to your body after astral projection does not necessarily mean you will be sharing your body with a minion. Your spirit does have a protective force around it that needs to stay in the body. It is a co-dependant relationship. Demonic forces can shoot (fiery darts) at your body easier when your spirit is gone. It is like leaving your car in a bad neighborhood. The "fiery darts" can cause damage even in the slightest way. Diseases, sicknesses and many other things are caused by dark forces.

The article you have provided seams to promote such a thing. I believe there is a difference between astral projection and astral travel. You should not have to leave your body in order for the spirt to take you places.

The room in new jerusalem is interesting and I have often theorized about it.

If you diagree please enlighten me further. There are all kinds of angles to this subject and it appears that there is a lot of knowledge about this subject yet to learn.

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Post Date: 28th Aug, 2008 - 1:52am / Post ID: #

Astral Travel?
A Friend

Travel Astral

I like your posts Quasar! Now we are getting into "the weird stuff". laugh.gif

Sickness: I suggest cleaning your body preferably before returning into it. Fill it with light such that all darkness is removed. (Power wash) You can also do a cleaning meditation after if you feel any negative effects lingering. I suggest you also clean your spirit before returning to your body especially if you have been involved in healing others.

Spiritual Guides - It is possible to easily distinguish between any demonic guides that appear as angels of light. The trick is to not focus on the light, or appearances. Focus instead on the motivations and intents, again, love, peace, joy, light. (Light being what is radiated from the intent vs. Darkness radiating from the intent.) Because of the spirits natural telepathic ability to "see clearly" it becomes very easy to recognize evil intent regardless of appearances.

The article you have provided seams to promote such a thing. I believe there is a difference between astral projection and astral travel. You should not have to leave your body in order for the spirit to take you places.

The room in new Jerusalem is interesting and I have often theorized about it.

You are right. Visiting any place including the New Jerusalem does not require you to "leave your body". I believe the goal is actually to remain in the body and in the spirit to the point that just as our bodies take our spirits with us wherever we go, so to our spirits can take our bodies wherever they go. So, the body and spirit can have the bests of both worlds. Thus we have "a spiritual body" with a physical body attached where our day to day focus remains in our spiritual body rather than in our physical body.

Let's talk about the Spiritual New Jerusalem in the "mature area" as it feels a little too personal to discuss in a public setting.

There are all kinds of angles to this subject and it appears that there is a lot of knowledge about this subject yet to learn.

I agree. I admit to being only a baby in regard to this subject.

Post Date: 8th Sep, 2008 - 9:24pm / Post ID: #

Astral Travel?
A Friend

Astral Travel? Studies Doctrine Mormon

I have researched astral projection for a while. I have tried it on and off with no real success. The way I look at it is that it is not a seperation of body and soul. Without the soul, the body would die. I think there is a difference between your "astral being" and the soul/spirit. My understanding is that the astral being is almost like a state of conciousness or even a mirror image of yourself in energy form. This being can be projected to commune with others on a higher plane. Once achieved, there are guides and teachers that help you learn and become enlightened. Personally, I would love to have these experiences and I think that great growth can come from them. I have wondered what the churches stance is on the topic, but from everything that I have read on the topic, it doesnt seem to be dark or satanic in any way. At no time are you trying to envoke the powers of the supernatural. You don't cast spells or conjure spirits. It seems to be the opposite of evil. I believe that those that truly seek to project themselves have enlightenment and knowledge as their goal. If there is doctrine that says that astral travel is evil, I would like to see it. Otherwise it seems that the practice is harmless if not beneficial. As I have said, I have had little success with it as I am rather impatient. Maybe with a little a little work on self control I can achieve the results I am looking for.

3rd Nov, 2009 - 8:18am / Post ID: #

Page 3 Travel Astral

I've just wanted to project myself down to southern Utah in the spirit because there's some things I've wanted to check on and see what was buried. I suppose if I'm in the spirit or subconscious mind I could look under the soil. This is really important. Anyone have an experience like this? Making it out past your house?

19th Feb, 2010 - 1:40am / Post ID: #

Travel Astral

I personally find this whole idea fascinating! In my younger years I studied some of this stuff and I believe that it is real. As was mentioned earlier there are many scriptural references that give us the idea that many prophets experience this. Think about Ezekiel's and Isaiah's prophetic visions. They were very similar to those of LEhi and Prophet Joseph. It would make perfect sense that the spirit can leave the body because we know that upon death it does.
Now that being said: I believe that there is a difference between it being true and us being encouraged to practice it. I like the idea of going places without having to leave the body (New Jerusalem) because it is safer and, I believe, very possible. In light of everything, my opinion is that astral projection or travel is possible, but unless we have a spirit guide taking us on that journey, we should never go there.

5th Mar, 2010 - 11:25pm / Post ID: #

Astral Travel?

The Book of Mormon teaches that once the spirit leaves the body you are dead, so astral travel is not a doctrinal idea but a myth by those into metaphysics and drugs.

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7th Mar, 2010 - 5:50am / Post ID: #

Astral Travel - Page 3

I believe if 100% of your spirit left you'd be 100% dead. But what if 50% left, because spirits can fragment leaving the other half with your body. Thoughts? Anyone.

7th Mar, 2010 - 10:35am / Post ID: #

Astral Travel Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 3

What is your doctrinal source for one's spirit fragmenting in mortality or are you just speculating?

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