Astral Travel? - Page 2 of 4

QUOTE It is a lack of control of your own - Page 2 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 27th Aug, 2008 - 11:40pm

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Post Date: 8th Jan, 2007 - 5:45pm / Post ID: #

Astral Travel?
A Friend

Astral Travel? - Page 2

Marvin J. Ashton, 1989, youth fireside for Longmont/Boulder Stake. The source material can not be found on paper (at least not by me) as I heard him speak these things at this fireside & took no notes myself. Hope that helps for the GA thing.... sorry about that.

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Post Date: 25th Jan, 2007 - 7:11pm / Post ID: #

Astral Travel?
A Friend

Travel Astral

There is an important spiritual difference between personally leaving your body and relying on a medium who channels the spirit of a family member (in Old Testament lingo, that would be "has a familiar spirit").

Spiritually speaking, it is healthy to do that which strengthens your own spiritual awareness and access to the Spirit of God. It is less healthy to rely on props and persons, such as Ouija boards, lots, and mediums.

I think that in addition to that fundamentally true distinction, there is also a distinction of stigma in the church between spontaneous experiences and provoked experiences. For example, most church leaders would be very hesitant to condemn or criticize a spontaneous out-of-body experience, near death experience, or heavenly visitation or vision. But many would readily condemn seeking those same experiences. Is this stigma healthy or unhealthy?

Further, there is a strong taboo in the church against sharing spiritual experiences. This taboo is rooted in the true concept of teaching and receiving by the Spirit for edification. Spiritual experiences that are shared in a poor moment and environment don't edify. Unfortunately, this taboo has become entrenched as a tradition beyond its true roots; LDS members and leaders share less than they probably should, just like they seek less than they probably should.

In the end, the mores of the LDS people in this regard, as they discourage personal seeking and sharing, end up encouraging a form of unhealthy reliance, as members and leaders, at least in their public discourse, end up foregoing the promise of latter day dreams, visions, and prophecies upon and by all flesh, and return to the ancient tradition of seeking to those who mutter.


Reconcile Edited: JustinM on 25th Jan, 2007 - 7:13pm

Post Date: 8th Mar, 2007 - 9:49pm / Post ID: #

Astral Travel?
A Friend

Astral Travel? Studies Doctrine Mormon

I would like to explain a little about OBE.

Many of you have interesting theories and comments. But I would like to explain to you what OBE is and what OBE isn't.

First of all, your spirit does not leave your body. If it did, you would most certainly be dead. And that would be a literal OBE wink.gif . Reminder: The ONLY PERSON EVER TO VOLUNTARILY MAKE HIS SPIRIT LEAVE HIS BODY WAS JESUS CHRIST. He alone has that power.

Someone commented on the fact that we don't utilize a very large portion of our brains, and that is putting it mildly. Our minds and bodies are incredible. After all, we were created after the image of God himself and are here on earth progressing to be like Him.

That being said, our minds are very powerful and we don't fully understand what we are capable of. Some people are more intuitive, some people can instantaneously count how many marbles are in a 4 gallon glass jar. I even saw a man on TV who could make ANY mathematical computation instantaneously in his mind, could remember everything he has seen, heard and read and also learned Icelandic in a week just by listening to the native speaker. And there was Mozart who was composing music at age 4. So, many people, and more than you realize, can be conscious while unconsious (sleeping). And that pretty much is what an out-of-body experience is. While sleeping, your conscious mind "projects" out into the conscious world, where you can consciously experience it, but on a different spiritual/vibrational level.

Your counscious mind (which isn't a physical vehicle) "leaves" your uncounscious body, so in a sense, yes something "leaves" the body but it isn't physical, it is much finer.

I could go on with the metaphysics, but it is really confusing. For example, when we have an OBE, our consciousness is out of body on a higher vibrational level. This is the vibrational level at which our spirits "exists" hence some people who are having an OBE, they see other people (which I personally believe are people in spirit prison or in spirit paradise since both exist here on earth). Many people call this the Astral Plane of Existence (I think the person who referred to this earlier had a misunderstanding between Astro and Astral which are two completely different things). However, our denser waking conscious eyes cannot see the higher vibrations otherwise we'd be seeing spirits everywhere. There are many explanations, but as LDS, we know that our spirits do not leave the body, unless we die.

So, I do know we have OBEs. I have had many, unvoluntarily, and one voluntarily. I've studied this topic, as well as other spiritual topics that I should not have, for many years. As for the Church's doctrine and what is says in the Bible and Book of Mormon, no we should not be messing around with spiritualism-contacting the dead, having a familiar- but OBE isn't spiritualism. I happen to believe it is a natural part of our minds and some people are more in tune with it than others.

With all this conjecture I've read, why not just write a letter to the Church authorities and ask them? Until they officially state these words that we cannot have OBE, I have no reason to believe otherwise. Unless someone can point me to a publication that has the Church's standing, I would truly love to see it. If I am sinning I would really love to know so I can repent and move on.

Post Date: 1st Apr, 2007 - 2:39pm / Post ID: #

Astral Travel?
A Friend

Page 2 Travel Astral

Oh my gosh EricW! I have waited so long to have someone put into words EXACTLY what I've experienced!

I know in my previous message I stated my spirit left my body. But that was because I didn't have the understanding of what what was actually happening to me. When I read your post, I realized that is EXACTLY what was happening. I do still believe, however, that the "cord" I "felt" was actually there... at least metaphorically. I still believe it is a mental and spiritual connection to prevent, or at least warn, my psyche not to stray or be "gone" too long.

Rather off topic, but...
I'm hoping you might have some more insight to share. Do you have thoughts and/or knowledge about deep meditation? Specifically, does deep meditation and/or self-hypnosis make one susceptible to evil and/or evil spirits or is it a safe way to connect with ones spirit and psyche on a deeper level. I am deeply interested in exploring deep meditation, but feel uneasy when I prepare to, as though I might not know what I'm really getting in to. Thanks again for you wonderful insight. I'd be interested in "talking" with you one-on-one if that's allowed.

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31st Jul, 2007 - 2:13am / Post ID: #

Travel Astral

I agree pretty much with EricW.

I have OBE's quite regularly. At first I had them spontaneously, now after a little effort I can do it at will. Though not so often, as I have also found that there is a lot more to it than playfully flying among the clouds.

Let me state firstly that, I believe that we are here on earth primarily to learn of, and have physical experiences. And so we should focus our attention on living this physical life, with its many beautiful, amazing and challenging experiences.

But, additionally, I believe that spiritual experiences are part and parcel of being spiritual beings. Moreover, as we exercise faith and develop our spiritual gifts, the veil becomes thinner and our interaction with the spiritual realm increases. Some may also have more natural tendencies than others in this.

I do believe that what is absolutely essential in any spiritual activity is righteousness and holiness. The spiritual is sacred, powerful and deserves the utmost respect and care. Keeping ourselves in tune with the Holy Ghost is the most fundamental requirement and is the key to discerning what is of God and what is not of God. That, also in association with the keys of discernment held by righteous parents, bishops or other stake presidents should guide us in these undertakings. The Powers of Heaven should not be trifled with for mere amusement.

I rarely talk about OBE though, even to members, because I have seen the fear many people have of this subject. I wish it weren't so, because there is so much I would like to share, experiences good and bad.

In the end though, because of my spiritual experiences, I have come to a deeper, more profound respect for the spiritual realm and what it is to be a spiritual being in a physical environment. I have also a greater testimony of God's gifts and love to his children.

As a priesthood holder, I do believe that I should be better informed about spiritual gifts and empowered therein. At least so as to become like God, and to counter those powers that are counter to the Lord's.

Post Date: 26th Aug, 2008 - 4:50am / Post ID: #

Astral Travel?
A Friend

Astral Travel?

BJ, You just keep doing it! Great topics! You and your wife play well off each other, good team.

I don't have idea about the Church position about Astral Traves, I seriously doubt we support it since we are talking about the separation of our souls from our bodies..deep stuff..., - LDS_Forever

You may be interested to know that the concept is actually in the D&C, I'll show you at the end of my post...

I've always understood that our spirits can voluntarily leave our bodies but, if we leave, we may lose possession of our temples to those who have never been given bodies. - pattyditz

Fear is not of God, But Power is. Your body is your Holy Temple you must welcome other spirits in, they are not permitted to enter without your choice. Only you give temple recommends to your body.

I actually made it to the living room to and reached the light I wanted to turn off. The entire trip to the living room took several minutes, as my body was so heavy it was difficult to walk. I also felt, more than saw, something like a rope or chain connecting me to my physical body. - lindamb

This was likely the 'Silver cord". Not made of silver but silverish in color.
  6 Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern.
  7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. - ECCLESIASTES 12:6-7

He stated that the church deeply discourages this type of activity (astral projection) as it leaves your body open for others to take over. Thereby, no guarantee of returning safely to your own body.
Same fear again...

As for the Topic I personally feel that one cannot leave their body as a spirit because then you die. It may seem, basic, but then there are laws governing these things, and in none of the scriptures do I see where one soul was able to do this. - BJ

Excellent point, you are correct, it would be death. The body is laid down and then taken up again. This is what Christ did, he laid his life down by choice and later took it up again. This would be considered the ability to choose "whether life or death", and life again... If you can choose to die, then you can also choose to live again. If you die without choice, then you do not have the choice to live again. You will need to learn mastery over the body more eventually...

But many would readily condemn seeking those same experiences. Is this stigma healthy or unhealthy? - JustinM
Joseph Smith was content to know that he could receive spiritual manifestations at will. See JSH 1:29 In fact I do believe nearly the entire D&C is an example of Joseph seeking a spiritual manifestation in answer to a question, not for proof mind you, but in faith.
Further, there is a strong taboo in the church against sharing spiritual experiences. This taboo is rooted in the true concept of teaching and receiving by the Spirit for edification. Spiritual experiences that are shared in a poor moment and environment don't edify. Unfortunately, this taboo has become entrenched as a tradition beyond its true roots; LDS members and leaders share less than they probably should, just like they seek less than they probably should. -JustinM

Your right, it isn't good to hide the light given us by the Lord. Things are changing, faster than most realize, not fast enough for my tastes. Just keep sharing like Joseph did... Great post JustinM! I would give you a charm if you were a member!
Interesting comment! Very good comments on the "Astral projection".
There are many explanations, but as LDS, we know that our spirits do not leave the body, unless we die. - ErickW
There it is again...
I've studied this topic, as well as other spiritual topics that I should not have, for many years. - ErickW
Why? What other topics should we not study?
I have also a greater testimony of God's gifts and love to his children. - MaoriLDS
Incredible experience to have isn't it! Anyone who has experienced Christ's or God's love first hand understands how powerful and unconditional love can be.

Ok, so D&C says that those who become First born have power over life and death.
Wherefore, all things are theirs, whether life or death, or things present, or things to come, all are theirs and they are Christ's, and Christ is God's. 
- D&C 76:59
Careful unbiased reading will show that this blessing happens at any time, even in this life. The criteria given to receive this and other blessings is: Testimony of Jesus, faith, repentance, Baptism, remission of sins, receive the Holy Ghost, overcome by faith, sealed by the Holy spirit of promise. That's it.
The criteria are spelled out in verses, 51-53 then the blessings begin with 54. All the blessings are either referred to as current blessings as in present tense or future blessings.
For example, presently, "They are they who are the church of the Firstborn." and "Wherefore, all things are theirs, whether life or death,... "

For example, future, "These are they who shall have part in the first resurrection." and "These are they who shall come forth in the resurrection of the just."

Notice not yet resurrected, and in order to choose dead, as was so aptly stated before, we must have a body and a spirit united first...

From my current understanding, there are differences between projecting your conscience/remote viewing, Astral Projection and OBE.

Oh, and eventually we can place our spirit in more control than our body in which case we will be able to "fly among the clouds" with our bodies or walk through walls as Christ did, or move via the spirit. Some examples of this are: Hel. 10:16, Acts 8:39, and found this quote by Bruce that sums it up...
Bruce R. McConkie

"Other prophets had been and would be transported bodily from place to place by the power of the Spirit. Ezekiel was lifted up and carried by the Spirit. (Ezek. 8:2-3.) Nephi "was caught away in the Spirit of the Lord, yea, into an exceeding high mountain," upon which he "never had before" set his "foot." (1 Ne. 11:1.) Mary herself "was carried away in the Spirit" at the time of the conception of Jesus. (1 Ne. 11:19-21.) Nephi the son of Helaman "was taken by the Spirit and conveyed away out of the midst" of those who sought to imprison him, and thus "he did go forth in the Spirit, from multitude to multitude, declaring the word of God." (Hel. 10:16-17.) After Philip baptized the eunuch, 'the Spirit of the Lord caught [him] away," and he was carried to Azotus. (Acts 8:39-40.) It is not an unheard-of thing for the Lord, by the power of the Spirit, to transport mortals from place to place"¦" (The Mortal Messiah¸ p. 413)

Reconcile Edited: Amonhi on 26th Aug, 2008 - 5:12am

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Post Date: 26th Aug, 2008 - 5:28am / Post ID: #

Astral Travel?
A Friend

Astral Travel - Page 2

This is the way I understand it. The rope or chain that you all talk about is an unbilical cord to the body.

Your spirit can actually leave the body and come back to it being alive. It is a thought but it is real. I have naturally down this.

You can also separate your hand or a leg from your body. When viewed with your spiritual eye one looks solid and the other the same, but only transparent. It also moves very fast. And the solid flesh is paralyzed.

It is a lack of control of your own body. It could be because of sin. You should not practice this at all. If you find yourself in such a situation then you should fight your way back to the body. Demonic influences are at play here and will try to gain control of your flesh.

Demons will also try to pull you out of your body (sometimes by the 10s). That is why it is important not to commit sin. Self mastery is the key.

No, I have not read anything about this really. I just know. It doesn't happen to me anymore. Repentance and self control are the keys here.

P.S: Completely different than astral travel I think. The spirit took Nephi and moses to places by thought. The spirit is pure knowledge.

A couple more things. If you experience this then their ar other forces at play. It is always a distraction of some sort to drag you away, and then other things attack your body. You have to deal with other things when you get back to your fort (body). They are usually subtle and urecognizable to begin with. Confrontation is inevitable. They are terrified of the light of christ. A must have.

I wont say much more on this. Never leave your fort.

Hopefully all the wars end one day and we can all be at peace.

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Post Date: 27th Aug, 2008 - 11:40pm / Post ID: #

Astral Travel?
A Friend

Astral Travel Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 2

It is a lack of control of your own body. It could be because of sin. You should not practice this at all. If you find yourself in such a situation then you should fight your way back to the body. Demonic influences are at play here and will try to gain control of your flesh. - Quasar

Fear is one of Satan's greatest tools. He uses fear to control us. God empowers us to control our selves and our circumstances. Fear is an expression that something else has more power than God. If God is in control, then there really is nothing to fear. Also, the devil will use our fears to feed his pride and thirst for the appearance of power over us. Our fear of the devil is a magnet that draws them to us. Even the thought of Light, pure light surrounding you and proceeding from you will chase more base spirits away. Fear of them will draw them"¦

We have spirits just like any Devil does. We however we have 1) mastered the spirit world (Progresses as far as we could as Spirits) and 2) gained a body which we are using to gain mastery over the physical world. These 2 things give us more power than Satan. This is why Satan told Cain that Cain would rule and be greater than Satan.

Having mastered the spiritual world, we are spiritual creators learning to be physical creators. This being the case, we can instantly create any number of things in the spirit world to aid and protect us if we are afraid. The destroyer is not so proficient at creating.

Rather off topic, but...
There are some who have a personal room in the spiritual New Jerusalem. They use these rooms as they see fit, generally to study, test or create all sorts of things to help them learn or accomplish their work.

I would strongly suggest that you pray for a "guide" to assist you. You will recognize when you guide arives because of the increased presence of peace, light or love. A guide will help you to understand how to experience and progress safely. I would suggest that they will rarely answer any questions you have not asked. If you can ask the question, you can receive the answer.

I found this website which addresses the point of "danger" of having your body attacked while astral projecting. Source 6

As for being attacked by demonic forces, I have not experienced this for many years in the spirit or the flesh. They are no-longer a concern for me. I am therefore not a very good person to provide warning. I can say that it is possible to become un-attracting to such entities. Like attracts like, so become a dislike as was said by Quasar regarding a reason to stop "Sinning". D&C 88:40

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