I already gave you the answer

Gave Answer - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 30th Oct, 2003 - 11:23am

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5th May, 2003 - 9:00pm / Post ID: #

I already gave you the answer

Recently I was thinking about how the Lord has given us many of the answers already that we constantly ask for. An example of this would be the way we eat. For instance, if one were to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, abstain from eatting lots of meat and fast, use herbs, get sufficient rest and exercise then that person's body would be really healthy. What I mentioned above is all already in the Word of Wisdom. Now there will be no need for prayers about curing that bad liver or ache in the back, because we would not have loads of fat and diseases on us. Some people at a funeral say, "Well it was his time and God took him" but is that really true if the person really slowly killed themself through overeatting, lack of exercise, etc? Now I used the body as an example, but what other examples of God already giving us the answer can you think of?

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Post Date: 12th May, 2003 - 11:50am / Post ID: #

 I already gave you the answer
A Friend

answer you gave I

When we pray asking for something and the Lord doesn't answer with a yes, at times the things we are praying for are not in the will of the father to give to us and he answers us with a no, but then sometimes we continue to ask regardless to get the answer we want when the answer has already been given.

28th Oct, 2003 - 10:03pm / Post ID: #

I already gave you the answer Studies Doctrine Mormon

That is a very good point. Joseph Smith showed us that with the lost 116 pages. The Lord know us so well, and how much we do not like to listen that he prepared for Joseph centuries before.

29th Oct, 2003 - 11:25am / Post ID: #

answer you gave I

This is a very timely topic for me right now.  Recently, I have begun to realize that sometimes if we pray really hard about something and fast and pray some more and fast and pray, and continually go on about something, the Lord might give us that which we ask, but it doesn't mean the answer to the prayer was yes.  We often do this with people in our lives as well.  How many times do we say no to our children or grandchildren to then change our answer after they continue to persist in begging for it?

I had a situation about 1 ½ years ago, where I think maybe I was being told no, but rather than see it as a "no" answer I saw it as "no answer" so I kept persisting.  I wanted something and prayed continually for about 4 months and fasted numerous times as well.  Eventually, the situation worked out the way I wanted it to.  However, looking back I realize it wasn't the best thing for me.  It had a large impact on my life and it was not a positive one.  Now I wonder if things would be different today if I had just been content to have "no" for an answer.  I have only just recently begun to realize that maybe I was being told "no" because of what would happen (and did) if I got that for which I was pleading.

It helps to be reminded though that Joseph Smith did the same thing and he too eventually got that which he was asking, with equally bad results.  smile.gif

I hope I can learn to trust when something doesn't happen for me that it isn't because I haven't prayed or fasted enough, but that maybe the answer is no.  I have a problem with this when I know the desire is a righteous one.  Just because what we are asking is righteous doesn't mean it is right for us right then.  Know what I mean?

29th Oct, 2003 - 12:47pm / Post ID: #

answer you gave I

You bring up an interesting point there. So the Lord listens and 'gives us our way' just to show us that we were wrong in asking? I guess we would have to pay attention to the answers He gives us the first time around. Very good thought. Thanks.

29th Oct, 2003 - 2:04pm / Post ID: #

I already gave you the answer

Tena, what a great point!!!We realize more and more that Heavenly Father doesn't act so different like any other mortal father here on Earth. He let us learn from experience (yes, even suffer), he gives us guidance when we needed it and gives us always the right answer if we are willing to listen. smile.gif

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30th Oct, 2003 - 11:23am / Post ID: #

I gave you answer

I received the quote below in my e-mail today.  I think it is appropriate for this topic.

Gems from the Teachings of Church Leaders
Elder Henry B. Eyring on Answers to Prayers

"Your obedience to the commandments, your desire to do His will, and your
asking in faith will determine how clearly the Master can guide you by
answers to your prayers."

(Henry B. Eyring, "Rise to Your Call," Ensign, Nov. 2002, 76)

> TOPIC: I already gave you the answer


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