Hot Chicks - The RPG - Page 2 of 6

Thanks for the review JB. Is there any chance - Page 2 - Board, Card, RPG Reviews - Posted: 19th Oct, 2010 - 11:52am

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Hot Chicks - The RPG
Post Date: 18th Oct, 2010 - 7:13pm / Post ID: #

Hot Chicks - The RPG
A Friend

Hot Chicks - The RPG - Page 2

I suppose I'm going to have to figure out how to run a game in that format, then... Sounds like fun, though!

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18th Oct, 2010 - 7:22pm / Post ID: #

RPG - Chicks Hot

Can you give a sample of how a character is generated and the game format is engaged between players and GM - for instance is there a party leader, typical end mission where you have to find something or kill something, etc.?

To get an idea of how to run any game in a play by post format you can look at the Member Wars Board where there are current D&D Games being run: Source 5

Rather off topic, but...
You will of course have a Thread for rules, how to play, creating characters, someone to post what the party is doing, and so forth. It is all like a table top setting but with a Forum. Maybe if you join one of the D&D games there it will give you a better idea.

Post Date: 18th Oct, 2010 - 7:34pm / Post ID: #

Hot Chicks - The RPG
A Friend

Hot Chicks - The RPG Reviews RPG & Card Board

JB, you'll be receiving a message from me on FaceBook shortly regarding how I can get some more detailed information on character generation to you.

There may or may not be a party leader involved - that more depends on the group dynamic.

One of the mottos of the game is "Beat up the bad guys, take their stuff, lather, rinse, repeat." In running a game of Hot Chicks: The RPG, I use a system of pacing which I call "Suddenly, A Shot Rings Out." It goes like this:

1. The party gets together and has some time to get to know one another. They're in a comfortable location so they can role play meeting, and come up with a reason why they should be together.

2. Suddenly, a shot rings out! Something happens which immediately suggests that some rapid action must be taken. A car full of guys tries a drive-by shooting on the party. A group of Ninjas jumps out of a helicopter nearby. A robot clutching a girl in a bikini storms through the bar. This leads to A Fight.

3. A Fight breaks out.

4. After the fight, the PCs have a chance to find clues leading to their next most likely course of action. They find out that the Ninjas have kidnapped someone. The girl in the bikini reveals that there are more robots downtown, doing bad things. Perhaps one of the bad guys gets away.

5. The Chase. The PCs need to get to the next encounter, whether this is by chasing someone down, driving really fast, or engaging in a brutal and dangerous session of Free Running, they must travel the distance, perhaps engaging in a running gun battle as they go. Eventually, they find the next encounter, and...

Go Back to Step 3. Repeat this as often as it is entertaining, until the GM believes that the Players have gone through enough steps to meet the Boss, or Final Villain. This could be a matter of time spent, the number of clues collected, or enough hoops jumped through in general. Once the party has gone through steps 3, 4, and 5 a sufficient number of times, go to...

6. The Party Finds the Boss and Whups His Behind.

7. The Party goes through the Boss' stuff and then goes and hangs out. In a convention game, this is the end of the process. In an ongoing campaign, this leads back to step 1.

There is plenty of room for improvisation or deeper role play in this process, but this framework, which works just fine for any action film from the '80's, seems to get the job done.

18th Oct, 2010 - 7:53pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 RPG - Chicks Hot

I got the original PDF has part of a promotion for an RPG site's opening. I'm afraid I can't comment on play itself, as I never have played it, due to my group's schedule has been very infrequent and we only played probably a couple dozen times since that happened and we were in the middle of a campaign for another game.

It is well made overall, including a lot of rules and situations that I was surprised to find in it, considering, honestly, my initial impression on the general look of it with the CGI/Poser art in the version I have - I know it may be unfair to base opinions of games on their artwork and normally I don't, as I myself make little free RPG things and am not a very good artist and so normally am able to overlook poor art, but Poser art in particular sticks in my craw as truly an affront to the visual medium; there is nothing WRONG with the art, it tells the story and is relevant to the sections it is in and provides backgrounds and images that probably wouldn't otherwise be possible for people that might not otherwise be able to provide graphics. Doesn't change the fact is looks absolutely awful to me though.

But the rules, using the "Reverse D20" as they call it, seem solid enough, and thankfully aren't *really*, at least in the core book, using a roll-under (instead of over) version of the at-the-time OGL D20 system, complete with Feats and such - this can be confirmed by the way Hot Chicks has, even just by reading the system, a relatively quick setup time and playable game mechanic, unlike the actual D20 system, in my opinion. It does use a D20 and has powers and skills and such, which is fine, and seems to implement all those fine, and as noted, has rules for all manner of situations and considerations, such as movement, jumping, drowning, electricity, etc. And of course combat, also considerably simplified over their core mechanic's counterpart namesake's version.

The concept itself, to me at least, seems part titillation, part standard RPG, part tongue-in-cheek, similar to Macho Women With Guns or other spoof games from earlier games, which isn't a bad thing, as those carved out quite a niche for themselves - but they remained firmly in that niche, due to that same unusual nature - sort of like the Xena TV show: wildly popular - among people that like the pseudo historical Greek action fantasy comedy genre. There are a few skills and other mentions that are inappropriate for some younger eyes or minds but could easily be left out by older GMs, so while those errant facepalm-worthy elements can be easily remedied for more broadly applicable play, usually these are things that have only the very barest hint of anything approaching any obvious practical application even if you were running a game in the genre-appropriate game, at least one where you would think it would be comfortable for most people to play it without being squicked out, so I don't see why they were included to begin with, as they could easily have been left out and the extra GM effort to remove them could have been conveniently spared in the first place.

I didn't know Hot Chicks had so many supporting supplements, so kudos to the authors and publishers for their continued success for the game!

18th Oct, 2010 - 7:56pm / Post ID: #

RPG - Chicks Hot

I understand how it goes. I think our usual format will be easy to integrate with Hot Chicks RPG, however you will need to decide whether you want a party leader posting the decisions of everyone or you are fine with having a Thread where the players come and tell you what they will do in the story. It really just depends on how organized you like things.

Rather off topic, but...
I sent you an Email. Thanks.

18th Oct, 2010 - 8:21pm / Post ID: #

Hot Chicks - The RPG

Please just like make the players add their own actions in because having to choose a leader and then like collect everyone's action can delay everything for a long time cause where all on different time zones.

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19th Oct, 2010 - 1:13am / Post ID: #

Hot Chicks - RPG - Page 2

I'm the owner of my own copy of Hot Chicks the RPG - thanks Scottcorum.

I looked online at some of the reviews for Hot Chicks RPG (I also noticed JPatt's review) and they have one particular thing in common - they do not like the art. Being that I am a natural artist and a graphic artist I will give my professional input into the art first.

The art of Hot Chicks RPG is actually following the correct concept, yes it is, I will explain more. Some of the female figures are a little voluptuous but what would you expect from a name like "Hot Chicks the RPG". Back to the concept art... The reason I call it that is because the Art looks like a draft, something you would use to start but not complete in itself. It is in my imagination that there was probably a time line needed to get this done that limited more work on it but there are certain techniques that could be applied to the CURRENT images that would rest all the art critic souls, its just a matter of applying the right customization method or "finishing" touch. The hand drawings are actually a lot better than the graphic art, those just need some clean up to remove the gritty look to be perfect. OK so let the art rest, now on to the meat of the book.

Form an overview and without actually playing it - Hot Chicks The RPG is intense with its information for all kind of situations. It reminded me a little bit of an old James Bond 007 RPG I once had and never got to play. It is written in a colorful manner so you do not become bored with facts but you can see how a certain piece of info may be useful even if it is not directly applied to your character. At the end f the book are many examples and stats so you can see how things add up or may look - very helpful. I can only imagine that actual game play must be invigorating for the imagination.

19th Oct, 2010 - 11:52am / Post ID: #

Hot Chicks - RPG Board Card & RPG Reviews - Page 2

Thanks for the review JB. Is there any chance of seeing hat a typical character sheet looks like?

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