Holy War - Warrior God

Holy War Warrior God - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 1st Jan, 2004 - 3:06pm

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18th Feb, 2003 - 10:19am / Post ID: #

Holy War - Warrior God

The God of the Old Testament was referred to as a Warrior. Many a time the Israelites would go to war, but unless they did it with absolute obedience, then they would suffer the consequences of losing to the enemy and possibly death.

Some points to consider:
1. Soldiers were to keep away from women before battle (see Sisters? How you distract the Brothers)
2. They had to keep from every wicked thing
3. Usually they were not to take any of the belongings of the enemy
4. The Lord was to be consulted as to how the battle would take place

In the Book of Mormon, Captain Moroni was a great example of this by calling people to remember God, to prepare, and he also requested of the Lord how they should go to battle against the Lamanites. Of course, the stripling warriors were also a great example!

Now the purpose of this thread. In today's world we see where country comes against country in what they term to be a 'holy war'. Holy in that they believe what they are doing is what God wants them to do. Narrowing it down, we can see that the radical Islamic groups do this, the US does this, the UK, and many other nations. What are your feelings about the way war is handled. Do you think men really enter it with God's blessing? Can both sides be right?

If you were called up to go to war for a purpose you thought was not right, would you still fight?

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Post Date: 26th Dec, 2003 - 3:50am / Post ID: #

God Warrior War Holy

Alma 24:24
24 Now when the Lamanites saw this they did forbear from slaying
them; and there were many whose hearts had swollen in them for
those of their brethren who had fallen under the sword, for they
repented of the things which they had done.

Alma 24:25
25 And it came to pass that they threw down their weapons of
war, and they would not take them again, for they were stung for
the murders which they had committed; and they came down even as
their brethren, relying upon the mercies of those whose arms were
lifted to slay them.

26th Dec, 2003 - 5:11pm / Post ID: #

Holy War - Warrior God Studies Doctrine Mormon

If you were called up to go to war for a purpose you thought was not right, would you still fight?

No, of course not. I would only fight a war if I think there is a right purpose on it, no matter who says otherwise. I have never fought in a war before, and I hope I never will, but I think is one of the hardest things to do, to kill other people, to do it into an extent that you think is the right thing to do, it changes your mind, your life, everything forever.

29th Dec, 2004 - 10:55pm / Post ID: #

God Warrior War Holy

I am sure this will shock no one, but I would go to war simply because my country demanded it of me. I say this because I live in a country where to serve is a choice not a requirement. When you join the military here in the US you swear to go and fight as your Commander in Chief (The President) tells you. In the Marine Corps., we had a saying "Mine is not to question why, mine is just to do or die."

This will not sit well with most civilians, but wars cannot be fought by soldiers that question the reasons for why their governments or their immediate superior officers have given them a command. They must just do it. Otherwise many are endangered. So, if I were still in the military, I would not be asking if I thought it was a righteous cause, I would just be following orders. It would be my duty to do so. All in my opinion, of course, which probably won't be very popular. wink.gif

In fact, I see that my response when my President chooses to go to war even as a civilian is the same. I don't question if we should, I just support his decision. I am not suggesting this is what everyone should do. I do believe we need checks and balances in our government. I am just saying "Once a Marine Always a Marine" and so my unquestioning support of the decision to go to battle is just my "brainwashed" nature at this point.

Now, having said all that. I am not saying I would slaughter 1000s of innocent civilians as was done to the Jews in WWII. Most German soldiers had no part in that and didn't even know it was happening, really. Most were just on the battlefield. I am speaking only of my willingness to go to battle as commanded. I hope that I wouldn't commit any war atrocities just because someone told me too, but even, then, I can't be sure without truly facing the situation.

30th Dec, 2004 - 2:49am / Post ID: #

God Warrior War Holy

Well, well...why I am not surprised wink.gif. I understand your view Tena, although I do not personally agree with it. I think is okay to fight in a war for your country but if that war is unjustified or will put in jeopardy my beliefs as a LDS member then, I rather they kill me before doing something I may regret or be ashamed all my life.

30th Dec, 2004 - 3:04pm / Post ID: #

Holy War - Warrior God

Believe it or not LDS, I agree with you. It's just that I recognize in my personality that I don't question why when my country decides to go to war. I am not saying it is right or a good thing, just that I recognize it as true. I really was aware of it this time around when there was all the talk of war with Iraq. Towards the end, I realized that at no point had I really questioned if it was right. I simply chose to support the decision of my leaders. I think it is good that not everyone follows blindly and I don't follow blindly in all areas. However, I guess as a fall back to my Marine Corps training this is one area I find I don't question.

I would like to think, though, that if at some point I decided or became aware that a "cause" was contrary to my religious beliefs, that I would stick to my religious beliefs and not simply do as I am told. The key for me here is it would need to be contrary to my religious beliefs not just that I didn't necessarily agree with the cause. If I just didn't agree with the cause then I should use all legal avenues to change what my political leaders are doing. If it is against my religious beliefs, I must fight against it at all costs. At least I hope I would have the courage to do so.

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31st Dec, 2004 - 5:48pm / Post ID: #

Holy War Warrior God

Tena, I understand and I agree with you too. As you have mentioned in the past, in the Marines there is like a 'brainwashing' type of thing about not questioning orders. I hate wars, I cannot stand it, I don't think I could personally kill anybody but who knows really....

1st Jan, 2004 - 3:06pm / Post ID: #

Holy War Warrior God Mormon Doctrine Studies

What are your feelings about the way war is handled. Do you think men really enter it with God's blessing? Can both sides be right?
It depends on the war smile.gif I think the Crusades were absolutely wrong, as was the Inquisition. You don't just kill/torture people for not believing in God/Allah. The current Holy War is being waged against the "Crusaders" -- I've read it from some of the tapes transcribed in the newspapers.

Taking Hitler out was a good thing. Did the entire world need to get involved? Yes. He was powerful, and his followers were fanatics. So while the war itself caused misery and horror on several sides, the ultimate end to it was justified.


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