Elizabeth Smart

Elizabeth Smart - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 18th Mar, 2003 - 12:41am

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Elizabeth Smart Case
Criminal - Brian David Mitchell
14th Mar, 2003 - 11:03pm / Post ID: #

Elizabeth Smart

Elizabeth Smart

Many of you I am sure are very interested in the Smart case. Think about your own family... Do you feel they are safe? Have you taken measures to teach your children what to do in such a case?

Attached Image QUOTE (From Deseret News)

Brian David Mitchell may have stalked Elizabeth Smart for months before he
allegedly cut through the window screen at the Smart home, kidnapped the
teenager at knifepoint, and then took her to the foothills above her house where
they camped for two months.

Although she's safe with her family again, Elizabeth Smart is still missing. Ed
Smart says it's obvious his daughter has undergone "an absolute brainwashing
job" the past nine months.

Keywords: The Smart Case

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

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14th Mar, 2003 - 11:45pm / Post ID: #

Smart Elizabeth

This particular case made me think a lot. Elizabeth Smart was a normal 14 years old mormon girl from Utah. She has never experience 'life' in the sense of hardship and in a place like Utah, you would definetly never think that something like that could happen. I am glad to hear she's alive and well although she still 'missing' in the sense that she has been thorugh a brainwashed process. It will take her a long while to recover from thus but I'm sure her family, members and friends will help her tp gp through this.
Personally, I believe that it's so important to talk with your children about what to do in certain circumntances of danger, in this way, if they ever face a situation they will not doubt in what to do, they will remember your words.
There is no safe place in this world, that's why we have to be like warriors in defending our families from evil.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

Post Date: 15th Mar, 2003 - 10:46am / Post ID: #

Elizabeth Smart
A Friend

Elizabeth Smart History & Civil Business Politics

What? Be like warriors in defending our children?

You mean we shouldn't take the kidnapping of our children before the UN and discuss the matter, letting them decide whether our children be returned or not?

Amazing how one's attitude changes when it hits close to home!!!

On a personal level, I trained my children just like my father trained me. Someone bothers you, put their lights out. Pickup anything you can get your hands on and try to kill them, all the while yelling at the top  of your lungs, kicking and screaming.
I taught them (daughter included) to go for the throat first, then the eyes.

I will say this about the Smart case. Had that been my daughter it would not have dragged on this long. I would have listened to my baby girl's description of the abductor and he would have had me on his tail from day one. Forget the police. His best hope would have been that the police DID find him.

16th Mar, 2003 - 12:56am / Post ID: #

Smart Elizabeth

Attached Image QUOTE

I will say this about the Smart case. Had that been my daughter it would not have dragged on this long. I would have listened to my baby girl's description of the abductor and he would have had me on his tail from day one.

It is easy to talk like this when you're not the one in the situation. I'm sure if we are in the same circumstances we will commit same mistakes and maybe more!. You have to think of the pressure, stress, media and so many things that can make you do things like you would not normally do.
Attached Image QUOTE
What? Be like warriors in defending our children?

You mean we shouldn't take the kidnapping of our children before the UN and discuss the matter, letting them decide whether our children be returned or not?

Amazing how one's attitude changes when it hits close to home!

Rather off topic, but...
Hello? anyone home? ::) what does this have to do with anything? Hmmmm...*LDS_forever thinking deeply* I think Stranger is a bit upset at LDS_forever for certain posts about the USA and UN... Awwww oh well... She still likes him anyway!

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

Post Date: 17th Mar, 2003 - 5:39pm / Post ID: #

Elizabeth Smart
A Friend

Smart Elizabeth

That was me poking a bit of fun at you.
I do that from time to time. Tongue-in-cheek, you might say.

"...it's easy to say what you would do..."

My reply can only be, ask anybody who knows me what I would do".

17th Mar, 2003 - 9:58pm / Post ID: #

Elizabeth Smart

To show you how small the world is... the video footage of the abducters taking the smart girl in SLC was taken by a Trinidadian that I know personally! (It was being shown on a local channel here in Trinidad)

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
18th Mar, 2003 - 12:21am / Post ID: #

Elizabeth Smart

Wow, that's good to know JB. It seems like Trinidadians are always in everything huh?

Attached Image QUOTE

My reply can only be, ask anybody who knows me what I would do

Rather off topic, but...

Well, I cannot do that. *smile* but what I can say is that our thoughts change when we are in the situation itself, I have seen it. I will give [Yes] an example. I have an uncle who died last year, he was like a father since he raised me since I was 1 year old, anyway...he reminds me a lot of you in certain things, he always used to say I would do this or that if I was in that situation and one day two robbers point a gun on my sister's head and the other one on her neck. I tell ya, he just turn white like paper! he could not say a word, he could not do anything, he was shocked...

Sometimes we think we could do this or that but until you're in the situation it's so hard to really know.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

18th Mar, 2003 - 12:41am / Post ID: #

Elizabeth Smart Politics Business Civil & History

Every situation is a movie in the US:

Attached Image QUOTE


On Wednesday, Elizabeth Smart was freed from her captors and returned to her
family. On Thursday, producers were already in the offices of various network
executives pitching TV movies about the Utah girl and her ordeal. Which
shouldn't surprise us.  Source

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

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