[Medieval] SCENARIO I, 'The Scroll'

[medieval] Scenario I ' The Scroll' - World of Medieval PBP RPG - Posted: 26th Feb, 2003 - 4:20pm

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4th Feb, 2003 - 9:43pm / Post ID: #

[Medieval] SCENARIO I, 'The Scroll'

The Game Master says...



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As usual, your thirst for adventure in the far horizon has you in an attitude of excitement as you hear the village herald (a servant that brings news) announce that one of the Great Elders of the village is in need of an ancient scroll.

The herald, a short stumpy man with a short beard and jet black eyes gets up on a special tower made just for him. Everyone in the village is gathered to hear what new comes from the Elders. The herald pauses and then in one breath says,

"Ye fellowww warriors. ye Elders of the village are in need of strong scouts to find and acquire a scroll of great importance. The pay is good and the reward is good if you bring the scroll in one piece. If ye be interested then apply to Mister Greaves of Brussels in the old shack."

Your mind races... now is my chance to show what you are made of... you hasten to get ready and be the first to meet with Greaves.

You decide to hasten your footsteps and get to Greaves' hut before anyone else does.

About Mister Greaves

What you know about Mr. Greaves is mostly from gossip around the fire at night with friends. Many see him as the village Elder's lackey. Others say he has strange powers and only acts as a grumpy old man to protect his true identity as a user of the magics. Whatever Mr. Greaves is or does, one thing is for sure, he is not friendly nor inviting and it will be a challenge to get him to say much when you meet with him.

At Greaves' Home

You arrive at the hut of Mr. Greaves. It is the typical hut of an old man. Not very well kept and built more for security rather than beauty. A carved stone on the floor has enscribed, "Keep Out!" Moss clutters the stone walls. It is strangely quiet. His house is near the forest on the edge of the village's boundary, and you expect that there won't be much noise, but it seems too quiet. you wonder why someone who serves the Elders so well would want to live all alone and near a forest.

You peer to see if there are any lights lit or smoke coming from the stack, but there are no indications that anyone is home. You knock on Greaves' heavy wooden door. Your thumps are loud enough to wake any zombie from a grave, but no one answers. You turn around and get ready to head back to the village center disappointed that you may have to wait til the next day when suddenly you hear a groan from within the hut....

"Help meeee, helppp meeee, pleaseee..."



wink.gif Begin creating your characters now. Follow the instructions in the thread called, '[Medieval] Create New Character Here' or visit https://www.bordeglobal.com/board/medieval

wink.gif Now that the party is setup gaming will begin. See below for story.


STARTED: 20th February, 2003

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20th Feb, 2003 - 10:26am / Post ID: #

Scroll The I SCENARIO Medieval

The Game Master says...

"Help meeee, helppp meeee, pleaseee..."

You are shocked to hear this plea for help, you run up to the hut's front door, place your hands on the door and put your ear to its cold wooden surface. "Am I hearing things?" you say to yourself as silence once against reigns from within the hut. You raise your head away from the door. You kneel on one knee and start to examine the various parts of the door; hinged side, handle, lock, etc. You knew earlier from your thumps on the door that it is not built thin, but extremely thick as though to stop a heavy battering ram for at least a few minutes. You are no lockpicking expert, but you take out a small fruit knife from your pocket and begin to have a go at the lock mechanism.

Suddenly, the door flings open as though it were a piece of paper being blown away, and you become so startled that you fall backwards, but unharmed.

You notice that nobody stands by the door and it is dark inside. Too amazed by these events and the ghastlily way the 'aura' of the hut seems to gather around you, you decided to head back to the Village Center in quick pace as though a bear were after you.

Out of breath, but thankfully safe you run to the abode of each of your mates (Village Map 'B') to gather them for a 'camp meeting'. You remember as a kid growing up that these 'camp meetings' helped to discuss the path of any task, if it be war, trade or handling the local bully. You would always meet to plan and plan again. You have come to understand its' value and so have your friends who thirst for the outdoors as much as you do. However, these camp meetings are not an open forum for everyone, you know that those in the Village, especially the young girls who liked to gossip by the river will think that you are foolish and give you a bad reputation. Most of the time you used your own hut's simple abode as a meeting place.

An hour passes... seated before you are the people whom you have grown up with as a child in the village and for whom you trust as your own mother and father, sadly now deceased. In fact, looking into your friends eyes you see that all of you have something in common; no parents or loved ones and only the shirt on your back. This is good enough reason alone to venture into the unknown. No worries about anyone in the Village gives you extra vigor to risk your life.

You immediately tell of your earlier experiences while looking into the eyes of Nick, Amaris and Medusa. They peer back with great interest. You begin to plan as it becomes dark outside. time is against you and this is the best time to begin...


GM: The first person in the story is Shadow. It is in his hut you are meeting. You are currently planning the party order with him. When you are finished planning what you will now do next then Shadow will post the final 'Party Order' in the thread called, '[Medieval] Party Order'. This should also include what you plan to do about the home of Greaves, how you plan to approach it, etc. Then the story will continue...

21st Feb, 2003 - 12:48am / Post ID: #

[Medieval] SCENARIO I, 'The Scroll' RPG PBP Medieval World

The Game Master says...

Shadow accepts the quick decision of the group to lead in a plan for what they would do in certain situations. Having done this Shadow stands, takes some small wooden pieces from off a nearby shelf and rests them on the table as though he were throwing dice. Shadow sits and then uses the wooden pieces to represent Medusa, Nick and Amaris and of course, himself. Shadow points to the 'order of things' for moving in the open, down a corridor, etc. Everyone nods their head in agreement and Amaris blurts out, "I agree, let's go." Everyone looks at Amaris and Shadow asks, "Where do we go? To Greaves home? What will we do when we get there?" Before anyone can answer, Nick blurts out, "Can I go buy some equipment?" Medusa pats Nick on the back while rolling her eyes and says, "No Nick, afterall it is night time and everything is closed!" Nick in his 'innocent' state says, "Well okay" while checking to see if his bicep grew any from yesterday's workout. Medusa looks over at Amaris with body language that can be interpreted to mean, "Men are so slow". Shadow brings order to the room by asking, "So what do we do now?"

21st Feb, 2003 - 10:34pm / Post ID: #

Scroll The I SCENARIO Medieval

The Game Master says...

Just as Shadow asks this question there is a sudden thump at the door. Everyone looks at each other as if they were to be afrighten, but Shadow motions with his hands telling everyone to be quiet. Shadow goes over to his window and peers slightly through his curtain. Standing at his door is Elis, a friend in the village, she has a small sack in her hand. Shaking his head because of Elis' timing Shadow goes over to his door and opens it only slightly....

Shadow: "Hi Elis, what can I do for you?"
Elis: (twisting her neck to try and see why you are only opening the door slightly) Hi, I just wanted to bring you this. (with a stuttering voice she also says...) I guess now is not a good time to talk?
Shadow: Thanks Elis as you take the sack from her and nod that it isn't such a good time. (not to encourage much talk shadow quickly closes the door and then goes over to the curtain of his window to look outside in the most discrete manner. She is gone while shaking her head and throwing her hands up in the air with the gesture of 'I give up!')

Shadow then looks up at the sky, it's getting dark and the heavy clouds from the East indicate a heavy rain is on its way. Shadow moves back to the table and says,

"Okay, we got to decide fast, its going to rain hard"

22nd Feb, 2003 - 6:42pm / Post ID: #

Scroll The I SCENARIO Medieval

The Game Master says...

Greaves' Hut

After some deliberation all of you quickly come to a plan. You all leave Shadow's hut in one
group, but trying to look as inconspicuous as possible. You do bring attention to the local folk
who see you armed with equipment and weapons. A few of the old women of the village are
already gesturing to one another about your possible destination and task. You shake your head
at the constant nosy way the villagers always pry into the business and others. Luckily it is dark
and you make your way to Greave's home in about 10 minutes.

All is dark, there is no light coming from the house, you see the front door shut and no
movement whatsoever. Shadow motions to Nick to go to the back of the house while Amaris
and Medusa stand guard. Amaris' dog is more trained and stays quiet, but Shadow's dog begins
to bark at the front door of the hut. Whatever element of surprise you intended is now gone
between the glow of light from your torch and the barking of Shadow's dog.

"Sheeessshhhh" says Shadow to the dog, who now sniffs the surrounding edges of the hut's
exterior stone walls. Shadow approaches the door and starts to turn the heavy metal handle
with ease, with a little nodge the door stands still and does not open.

"It's locked!" says Shadow as he wished a thief were among the party members. Just as he says
that, Nick comes from one side of the house and speaks out loud, "Errr, there is no door for me
to check" and then proceeds to scratch his head with a lost look on his face.

"What do you mean?" says Shadow

"Errr, it has no windows, bosss, I mean Shadow, errr... no doors either"

Shadow thinks a bit and then suddenly realizes that he did not take a good look at the hut the
first time he was there and so decides to now. Walking around the hut Shadow realizes that this
is no ordinary place, and far from the normal home. It is solid stone brick all around and the
roof is made of what seems to be some kind of chipped stone and cement. Shadow ponders the
situation while rubbing his chin...

"This place is a prison more than a home Nick, what do you think?"

"Errr... yeah looks like it boss, I mean Shadow" says Nick in a puzzled way trying to figure out
how it could be like a prison.

Nick and Shadow go to the front of the hut while looking at the hut's structure for weakness or
openings. Medusa and Amaris are looking at each other wondering what is going on. Shadow
goes to the front of the door again and tries to push it with a trust more of frustration at his
unlucky state of affairs than to simply have it open. However, this push leads to the door
swinging open and Shadow is amazed and steps back while Nick holds on to his sword with a
tight sense of insecurity.

"Come here fool, trying to break in or help me, come here let me look at ye scum less I use my
magics against you and your friends" stutters a voice from within.

Shadow looks over at Nick and Nick at Shadow in puzzled expression. Shadow carefully
shines his torch into the entrance of the hut. The torch's light cuts through the darkness of within
and shines on the contents of Graves' home. Nick then says, "wait here" while he goes inside.
Nick steps back a bit to let Shadow pass as Medusa and Shadow look on.

Shadow enters the hut and suddenly the door slams hard closing Shadow in and leaving Nick,
Amaris and Medusa outside.

GM: You now need to decide what you will do. Shadow will not be leader in this decision
since he is within the hut. Amaris is now leader. Discuss in the camp thread quickly and Amaris
posts the final decision in party order thread.

23rd Feb, 2003 - 6:25pm / Post ID: #

[Medieval] SCENARIO I, 'The Scroll'

The Game Master says...

Outside Greave's Hut

After a few words to each other Amaris motions to Nick to go to the front door and try and enter. Amaris follows close behind and to a spot about ten feet to the south east of the door, her dog does the same while being slightly distracted by Shadow's dog running around the more bushy parts of the area tracking and making scents as only dogs know how. Medusa slaps her forehead and rolls her eyes...

"By all the wolves of Kramar! I have arrows and no bow!" says Medusa annoyed at herself. She then wrestles with her equipment a bit, shrugs her shoulders and holds her sword in hand.

Nick turns the handle, pushes with his might and the door does not even seem to sway in the slightest. Nick starts to grown from the stress of pushing with all his might now and then he comes up with a bright idea...

"Wait, errr, I know what to do..." (Nick steps away from the door, backs up a few paces, puts his equipment on the grassy ground and then runs up to the door in a position to hit the door as hard as he can with his shoulder.

"Ahhh, that hurt" groans Nick as he seems to 'bounce' off the door like a rubber ball and falls on the ground. (Nick picks himself up and then moves over to Amaris and Medusa for further instruction.)

As Medusa, Amaris and Nick ponder what to do the door of the hut opens and standing at the door is Shadow. He motions for you to come. All of you run up to the door in haste with curiosity as to what is inside.

Shadow seems to have a relaxed face as though he is very familiar with the hut and its owner. He even acts as if he were the host of this whole affair. Shadow looks at all of you with interest and then explains,

"Greaves is hurt, we need to get him to the village, he was attacked by an unknown assailant. I believe you will need to see he gets to the herbalist if possible. He has told me some things that I will let you know about soon, but quick, let's take him to the village".

All of you enter the hut. Inside the air seems heavy as there is not much ventilation in the room. You find it strange that anyone would live in a place covered with dust and spider web. This home has no maid you think to yourself as you view the many books on shelves, scrolls on tables and little artifacts scattered about. Your eyes then rest on Greaves who is already looking at you with mistrust as you view his home. He seems to only be tolerating your presence because you are willing to get him to the village, any other day and you know you would not have even been able to get this close to him or even enter his home. Greaves is bleeding from the back of his head, it is not a big wound as you can tell by the few drops of blood on the floor, he seemed to have been hit from behind. All of you try to assist Greaves to his feet and even this seems to be a task as Greaves pulls and tugs in opposition to your help. You see that he does not like to be touched at all, but lets you because he is too weak physically. Nick then takes Greaves in his arms with such ease as though Greaves' weight were equal to that of a bird.

"Be careful you muscle freak, I don't take kindly to strangers you know" grumbles Greaves, as you begin to wonder just who is helping who. All of this begins to question the look on Shadow's face. Shadow has an expression of contentment and absolute joy of Greaves being helped. It were as if Shadow knew Greaves for a long time, in fact, maybe even close friend or family. Medusa and Amaris look at each other with eye motions that say, something is not right here. Nick starts to go out the door with Greaves unaware of any of the body language that Medusa and Amaris picks up, Shadow follows after Nick while saying,

"Come on girls we do not have time to waste" (as he leaves the torch he has carries takes the light with him leaving the hut dark once again).

Medusa and Amaris, in the dark now start to whisper with each other...

GM: Does Amaris and Medusa want to do anything or are they following behind Nick and Shadow? Amaris is leader and Medusa and Amaris need to discuss if they wish to do anything or nothing at this point in the camp then Amaris posts the final answer in the party order thread. Nick and Shadow are already on their way so they will not be involved in that decision.

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24th Feb, 2003 - 10:18pm / Post ID: #

[Medieval] SCENARIO I 'The Scroll'

The Game Master says...

Medusa and Amaris decide to follow after shadow and nick but not before they take a quick
look around the hut.  Both Amaris and Medusa are very suspicious and are keeping an eye on
their surroundings and also watching the supposedly hurt Mr. Greaves.  Amaris speaks with
Shadow, trying to see if he is under a spell or not.  Asking questions but not being obvious of
her objective.  Medusa is especially keeping watch over Greaves and tries to distract him just
a bit to keep his attention off of Shadow and Amaris talking.

You hurriedly look around Greave's Hut to see if you find anything of significance. You realise with the poor lighting and the way everything is thrown about that you will need at least an hour to even begin a proper search. You see 'things' that you could take but make no motion to. Within a few seconds of your decision to look around the door of the hut is now starting to close in a controlled, timed movement. Amaris notices this and says,

"I have the feeling if we do not get out of here now we will not be able to get out at all!"

To test her theory Amaris places her hand on the door and tries to push in the opposite direction of the door's closing, but the door is still closing as though she were not even there. (Amaris notices that this door is very thick and fitted with iron studs and plates. The force that closes it is either mechanically or magically driven.) Amaris looks over at Medusa with a look of fear... not wanting to stay any longer.

Medusa nods her head and runs out of the hut with Amaris just as Greaves is complaing with Nick for holding him in a bad position. Shadow is watching you in a puzzled fashion wondering why you are taking so long to come out of the hut. Shadow says,

"Onward to the Village!"

It is a long journey back to the village because Nick has the weight of Greaves on his shoulders and it is dark. Since only Shadow has a torch lit it makes the way difficult to see, but fortunately the path is more or less clear. Medusa position herself near Nick to see if she can converse with Greaves, but Greaves seems to be in a sleepy state and you begin to wonder if he is more ill than he is showing. Medusa talks to Nick asking how he feels and if he needs to rest. Nick nods that he is okay and seems to handle the weight with ease, but his rations seem almost to fall off of him as he has no backpack or sack to carry them. Medusa wonders if this is the party of forgetfulness and looks over at Amaris and Shadow to see how they are handling their equipment.

Meanwhile Amaris taps Shadow on the shoulder and indicates with her hands the atittude of 'Well, what info do you have for us?' Shadow understanding the gesture says,

"Don't worry Amaris, Greaves is all steam. He is a good guy and we need to respect him. He could even be our master if you think about it. We need to make sure and protect him. Trust me on this."

Amaris raises a brow at Shadow's statement and then asks,

"So where are we going to take him now?" Shadow explains that he was on the way to his hut when he was ambushed by several assassins dressed in black. "He was hit in the head, knocked unconcious and then the next he knew we, well I was first off... knocking at his door. He thought we were the same as those who attacked him because of our persistence to get in. He is very distraught and we need to keep him calm", explains Shadow who now looks over at Greaves, now slumped on Nick's shoulder.

"We need to go faster Nick" as shadow picks up the paste of his foot steps. Amaris then asks,

"So what did he tell you, anything special?"

"No" says Shadow. Amaris heart starts to pickup its rythmn, beating with more vigor, then wonders a bit and starts to look around to see if there are any 'assassins' around.

Nothing else of significance happens. You are now in the Village. Shadow goes to the local herbalist with all of you. The herbalist takes Greaves from you and then beckons that you go to the home of the Elders and inform them. The herbalist seems confident of a cure for Greaves and does not need your presence. You cross the bridge leading to the home of the Elders, you can go no further as Village Guards stop you. You explain what happened and the guards say they will take the message to the Elders. You nod in approval. It is around 7pm, it is dark and Shadow begins to stutter something...

"Where are we? What are we doing here? Wait, we are in the village?" Amaris and Medusa now look at each other while Nick says,

"We in the Village Boss"

Amaris then asks, "Shadow, are you alright?" Shadow nods positively but with a confused expression on his face, Amaris continues,

"You remember Greaves, we brought him back to the Village?"

Shadow replies, "I remember entering Greaves home, and now I am here."

Even Nick is amazed at what Shadow is saying. Shadow beckons everyone back to his hut.

Normally, no one is walking around at night. Villagers tend to get suspicious of people that do most of their activity at night - hence Shadow's decision to go to his home

As you enter the home of Shadow, he begins to light a few candles, you all gather around his table. Sitting on the table is a bag, Shadow says,

"I did not even check to see what was in the bag" (Shadow takes the bag up and looks inside) "Hmmm.... seems like cakes" (Shadow then drops the bag on the table without much care, walks over to one wall and says,

"Good thing it was not a snake, should of checked it earlier" while rolling his eyes.

Nick then says, "Cakes!" as he reaches across the table to get the bag.

What do you want to do now? Shdow now has lead again for Party Order thread.

26th Feb, 2003 - 4:20pm / Post ID: #

[Medieval] SCENARIO I 'The Scroll' World Medieval PBP RPG

The Game Master says...

All of you are now looking at Nick with eyes of 'don't you dare try to eat those cakes'. Nick looks disappointed that you will not allow him to eat the cakes. He puts the bag on the table after inspecting it for sweet smells and then says,

"Anyone have something to eat? I feel hungry, Greaves was heavy for that walk."

GM: All of you need to eat and drink something, time is passing by and you are getting hungry. It is already eight o'clock. The village is starting to get very quiet as everyone retires to bed to get ready for a hard working day. You have grown accustomed to this over the years, but your current excitement leaves no thoughts for sleep on your mind.

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> TOPIC: [Medieval] SCENARIO I, 'The Scroll'


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