Character Types
FLYERS - Those of this class are usually skilled in operating flying craft and familiar machinery. At high level, flyers are usually skilled at operating ships capable of interplanetary travel. Flyers may not be interested in research or one on one combat. They tend to be quite weak outside of their vehicles, but once in them they are tough opponents using the machines to their advantage. Flyers are weak in primitive cultures as they do not have access to any flying crafts.
The following skills are already known by this class:
Default Skills:
Vacc Suit
Small Craft Pilot
MERCENARY - This class is considered to be bodyguards, soldiers, assassins and bandits in the criminal zone. Mercenaries are trained in all kinds of weaponry, both primative and hightech. At higher levels they also handle ship's guns. Mercenaries are expert at survival and can adapt to various situations. They are weak when it comes to high tech equipment not involving weaponry. They are are usually not good problem solvers having developed their body more than mind.
The following skills are already known by this class:
Default Skills:
Martial Art
Slug Throwers
RESEARCHER - Doctors, Scientists, Merchants and other 'negotiating' classes are usually researchers. Since this class uses much of their mind and soul they tend to be weak physically but excellent negotiators, developers, and solvers.
The following skills are already known by this class:
Default Skills:
ENGINEER - In the 20th century these people would have been considered 'Mechanics', but their job description is more technical than that. In addition to fixing most things they can also come up with solutions to common problems in many areas that requires the laws of science.
The following skills are already known by this class:
Default Skills:
Mechanic-Wheeled or Mechanic-Small Craft
MERCHANTS - The life blood of any economy begins and ends with the Merchants. They create, make and sometimes destroy businesses based on the order of supply and demand. Sometimes Merchants can be ruthless while at other times they can be cunning. As a Merchant you will have the ability to source items as the need arises. Your knowledge of places and things is also heightened through interaction with many people.
The following skills are already known by this class:
Default Skills: