Fancy Backgrounds
Q. Why do some Users have a special background in their posts?
A. It may mean they are Member or Moderator of the Month.
Q. How can I get a special background for my posts?
A. Earn it by become a Member or Moderator of the Month.
Q. Can I choose that background I want?
A. You may suggest, but you cannot choose as the image must conform to the cosmetics of the various skins within the Community.
Q. How come some Bots have such special backgrounds?
A. Bots are special already and thus deserve special things that give them uniqueness and add to their distinct theme.
Is There A New Member Test Board
Q. Is there a place in which I can test the post features without actually creating a thread?
A. No, if you Post something and it does not look right then you have 30 minutes to edit it if you are a Regular Member. Donating Members have a lot more time.
Q. Why do some threads have the user as 'A Friend'?
A. These were members that either left or were most likely deleted due to lack of posting or lack of constructive content. The term 'A Friend' is what we give to all users who are not members. We call them 'Friend' because anyone willing to join us and lend their input is a 'Friend'.
Q. Why do some members have different colors in the background?
A. They are most likely Bots or have been made Member or Moderator of the Month as the case may be.
Q. Are there Boards that are unseen? How can I find them?
A. There are many hidden Boards, you may notice some of them you do not have permission for as it is dependent on your group status (Mature, RPGer, Upgraded Member, etc.)
Q. Sometimes I see a thread talking about a feature I do not see - why is that?
A. If you are using Dial-Up Skin then most features are not visible to enhance download speeds. If you are using skins that are not default then they are there, but not in a location you are used to.