Should I Say "Thanks"?

Should - Community News, FAQ, Feedback - Posted: 3rd Dec, 2003 - 1:34pm

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3rd Dec, 2003 - 1:34pm / Post ID: #

Should I Say "Thanks"?

Q. Should I say 'Thanks'?
A. There is something in the posting world called, 'Thank You' messages. They are almost as annoying as off topic messages. Thank You messages basically involve the user asking a question or finding a topic that they were interested in, they begin reading the answers, become excited of their new found treasure (The answer they were looking for) and then proceed to reply with a message of thanks. Why is this annoying? A subject starts and then you have 5 thank ye messages trailing. It burdens other readers who have to wade through the 'off topic' stuff to get to the 'meat' of the thread.

Q. So are you saying I can't say "Thanks"?
A. No! We are saying do not make that your only reason for a reply. For instance, if you got information that was of benefit to you specifically then you can say how you applied the information or if there is something else you wanted to know or add and ONLY as a 'by the way' you say thanks.

Q. Are we to assume that everyone that reads is grateful?
A. Yes! That is why we are here in the first place, because we are grateful.

Q. Does this count for every Board and Thread?
A. No, your Intro Thread, and Rave section does not count since these are 'relaxed' areas, but in the main Boards we want everyone to stick with the topics. This at the same time does not mean that every Post you make should be "Thanks" - actually participate in Discussion by Posting outside of your Intro / Rave Thread.

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