Regional Singles Events (31+)

Regional Singles Events 31+ - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 26th Jan, 2004 - 1:55am

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10th Dec, 2003 - 9:23pm / Post ID: #

Regional Singles Events (31+)

Any Singles in the So. Calif. area, this sounds like a great evening in January:

01/18/2004 Sunday, 7:00 p.m., Multi-Stake Singles Fireside with John Canaan (LDS singer) at Hemet Stake, 425 N. Kirby, Hemet, CA 92545.

Come join John Canaan's free Single Adult Fireside for a night you will never
forget. Your spirit will be lifted and your life will be enriched after spending just one evening with international singer John Canaan. His spirit will whisper to yours as he shares his gift of inspiration, music and incredible sense of humor. This is also an incredible missionary opportunity, so INVITE YOUR NON-MEMBER FRIENDS!!

This is a joint function with Young Single Adults and Single Adults. For more information concerning upcoming events in the area, please contact or See you there.

Message Edited!
1/8/2004 This event has been CANCELLED until further notice. -- Roz

Attached Image Edited: FarSeer on 8th Jan, 2004 - 9:43pm

Sponsored Links:
10th Dec, 2003 - 9:42pm / Post ID: #

Events Singles Regional

First Friday of Each Month
Singles Session in the San Diego Temple, 8:00 PM
Organized by the San Diego Single Adults.
The group goes out to eat afterwards.

Fourth Saturday of Each Month
Singles Session in the Los Angeles Temple, 4:45 PM (Note: new time.)
Meet in the foyer afterwards to go to a local restaurant.

Second Friday of Each Month
Singles session Mesa Arizona Temple., 6:30 p.m.
525 E. Main Street, Mesa, Arizona

I'm still trying to get information on the Redlands,CA Temple about Single Adult sessions.


Attached Image Edited: FarSeer on 10th Dec, 2003 - 10:01pm

10th Dec, 2003 - 9:56pm / Post ID: #

Regional Singles Events (31+) Studies Doctrine Mormon

Every Other Month, San Diego Stake
Latin Groove Dance
On the 1st Friday of
Oct, Dec, Feb, Apr, June, Aug
Casual dress (church standards apply)
Donation - $3 or bring a dish to share.
Open to Single Adults 30+
The DJ will be playing sets of 2 latin songs (Salsa, Latin Pop, Merengue, Cumbia, and Spanglish Rock) alternating with 2 Old School (Disco, R&B, Funk).
Come and help burn the dance floor down!
Location is the Trojan Ave. Chapel in San Diego
5299 Trojan Ave.
San Diego, Ca. 92115

28th Dec, 2003 - 11:50pm / Post ID: #

Events Singles Regional


JANUARY 13, 2004 @ 7:00 P.M.
Contact Jim Bosley 909-997-4581,

I don't know if this will be a regular event or not. I'm still checking, but at least I got this much!


7th Jan, 2004 - 4:03am / Post ID: #

Events Singles Regional

East Coast Temple Event
co-sponsored by the Newport NEws, Va, Stake AND
the DC Singles

May 1, 2004
1:00 Chapel meeting with the Temple President
1:45 All singles session
afternoon viewing of "Testaments"
pot luck dinner and dance at the Stake Center
next tothe Temple!

Nov. 6, 2004
Same as above!!!!!!

8th Jan, 2004 - 9:59pm / Post ID: #

Regional Singles Events (31+)

Single Adult Conference
January 16-18, 2004
"The Wise Seek Him Still"
Bogus Basin Building; 3229 Bogus Basin Road (at the base of Simplot
Presented by the Boise Idaho Stake for the Boise Multi-Stake Area
Topics to be Presented: Personality Profiles, Getting the most out of
the scriptures, Creative dating, Communication and Assertiveness
Training, Cooking for one or two, and How to cope with the Holiday

Friday, January 16th - Cookie Dance - Bring a dozen cookies; Dance
lessons from 8:30 pm to 9:00 pm, Dance from 9:00 pm to 12:00 am
Saturday, January 17th - Conference - Doors open at 10:00 am;
Conference starts at 11:00am
Includes Lunch and Dinner as well as wonderful Keynote Speakers and
exciting workshops Chapel Attire, Bring your Scriptures
Dance - Dance Lessons from 8:30 pm to 9:00 pm, Dance from 9:00 pm to
11:30 pm Casual attire
Sunday, January 18th - Fireside - Special Musical numbers, speaker,
and Testimony meeting to wrap up the conference, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm,
refreshments provided

Pre-Registration is $15 until January 8th; $20 from then to the day
of the conference.
All are invited to the dances and fireside, even if you cannot come
to the conference.

Questions and Registration: Call Renae at 854-1376 or email at

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
24th Jan, 2004 - 5:33pm / Post ID: #

Regional Singles Events 31+

Back by Popular Demand . . .

Northern California singles Dance
(Ages 25-39)

Saturday, January 31, 2004
8 p.m. to Midnight

Oakland Interstake Center
(Next to the Oakland Temple, 4770 Lincoln Way)

Over 50 Stakes in Northern California have been
Over 200 people attend.

LDS Standards-Casual dress
$5 Donation at the Door

Questions? Email

These are the dances that used to be sponsored by
the Walnut Creek
Third Ward. Four were held last year...This year
they are sponsored
by the East Bay Singles Ward...Five are scheduled
for this year.
Same ward.

26th Jan, 2004 - 1:55am / Post ID: #

Regional Singles Events 31+ Mormon Doctrine Studies

"Charge Your Eternal Batteries"
Redlands Stake Sponsoring
12-Stake Combined Single Adult Conference
Saturday, February 28, 2004

Temple session: 4:00 p.m. -- please call the Redlands temple and make your reservation 909-389-7369 ext. 100

cost is $3.00

Dinner: 6:30 p.m. -- ham, potatoes, veggies, salad, and desert (angel food cake, of course :) )

Fireside: 7:30 p.m. -- Larry M. Johnson will speak

Dance: 9:00 p.m. -- DJ is "California Sounds"

This is our first Redlands Temple Singles Conference -- if you live within 50 miles, please come! Help us make this a successful activity so that we can plan for more! Carpool where possible to ensure many can attend.

Thank you!

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