European Union - Good Or Bad?

European Union Good Bad - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 18th Feb, 2004 - 11:46pm

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Posts: 93 - Views: 38668
EU - Euro Does the EU take away the sovereignty of nations in Europe? Now there is a suggestion that the EU needs its own leader. Can someone lead so many soverign nations peacefully?
European Union - Good Or Bad? Related Information to European Union - Good Or Bad?
16th Dec, 2003 - 5:22pm / Post ID: #

European Union - Good Or Bad?

Having lived for six years in Europe, and being married to an English woman, I try to pay some attention to what is happening in Europe. Sometimes it is difficult, unless I make a special effort to find European newspapers online.

From my view, the European Union is a very bad idea. It is an organization set up by the elite, in an effort to build an empire that has already failed twice before (Napolean and Hitler). Whenever the citizens of countries involved have been given a chance to vote on inclusion, they have voted against it.

Germany and France are the driving forces behind the creation of this organization, and are using various underhanded methods to force their views upon the other countries.

What effect do you see the creation of a "United States of Europe" Having on the rest of the world? Will it lead to even greater strife, or will it ultimately reduce international tensions?


International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 85.4%

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16th Dec, 2003 - 11:09pm / Post ID: #

Bad Good Union European

I really cannot say yea or ney on this, but I do know when I lived in England everyone said they wanted no part of it, so I was surprised when I heard the UK joined in. Some points...

1. There was a book written once (cannot remember the author), but he predicted that Germany would be the cause of the third world war. He claimed (in 1980) that Germany would become one again and that an empire would form that would lead to rebirth of a 'Hitler' to try and take over the world.

2. The EU really does not make sense to me unless they plan to form a Federal Government, and I doubt that would happen. The benefit has to be mostly economical for poorer countries?

I will have to give this more study... I too have been out of touch with Europe except for the BBC which keeps you up to date with everything.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

17th Dec, 2003 - 12:30am / Post ID: #

European Union - Good Or Bad? History & Civil Business Politics

The EU really does not make sense to me unless they plan to form a Federal Government, and I doubt that would happen. The benefit has to be mostly economical for poorer countries?

The only sense I see in it is for Germany to rule Europe. Yes, open borders, allowing workers to move where they want and goods to flow without overwhelming tarrifs is excellent. However, it is really a case of "everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others." For example, France demands that their goods be allowed into all countries of the EU, but places heavy tarrifs on other European goods coming into France.

The EU is on its way to becoming the most horrendous, invasive, massive government of all time.

I agree with you about England. The English don't want to be in the EU, but Labour does, so they just did it. The Torys aren't all that much better, but at least under the Iron Lady they stood up to Europe. The government doesn't care, in the least, what the people of Britain want. The elites want it, so Britain will be in it. At least for now....

Offtopic but,
Funny you should ask...
On Sunday, we had roast lamb with mint sauce and roasted potatoes and yorkshire puddings. Tonight, we had the leftover lamb cut up and cooked up in more yorkshire puddings, with mashed potatoes and gravy. YUM YUM!!!!

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 85.4%

17th Dec, 2003 - 12:47am / Post ID: #

Bad Good Union European

I believe the name of the book i was talking about is called, 'The Third Wave' and it pretty much descirbes all that you talked about. Maybe Germany will be the 'beast' of the North?

Offtopic but,
Darn, invite me over man! I am hungry already just reading it. Maybe you should invite your wife here to post some recipes. I have lots to ask her for! ;)

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

17th Dec, 2003 - 7:22am / Post ID: #

Bad Good Union European

I've heard the EU is bargaining with OPEC to get them to accept eruos for oil instead of US dollars -- if this is true, if this happens, what becomes of the $$??

Is this "off topic"?


International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 ActivistPoliticianAmbassador 59.5%

18th Dec, 2003 - 6:32pm / Post ID: #

European Union - Good Or Bad?

I haven't made my mind about the EU as yet but I do know that they want to become powerful enough so nobody can tell them anything, for one side I could understand to try to protect themselves but the other side, there are lots of risks involved, specially with those countries who have a past (Germany for instance), I feel that some of the countries in the EU have a big crave for power and for world domination, so that's why I'm not very keen about the whole thing. :-/

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18th Dec, 2003 - 10:00pm / Post ID: #

European Union Good Bad

QUOTE (FarSeer @ 17-Dec 03, 2:22 AM)
I've heard the EU is bargaining with OPEC to get them to accept eruos for oil instead of US dollars -- if this is true, if this happens, what becomes of the $$??

The reports that I have been reading indicate that the euro has been rising against the $ on a rather steady basis lately.

If you are into the major conspiracy theories (I'm not), then this could indicate an attack against the US, trying to drive our economy into the ground.

I am seeing more and more websites that do business in the euro. With Germany and France controlling the euro, as well as the EU, (and eventually the United States of Europe), I am sure that it won't be long before there are businesses that won't accept $, but only euros.


(and yes, it is offtopic) lol

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 85.4%

18th Feb, 2004 - 11:46pm / Post ID: #

European Union Good Bad Politics Business Civil & History

The EU at this moment is ever expanding with a number of nations that are supposed to join them this year. Is it growing too big that it will soon become 'ungovernable'?

The current worry with some members is that there seems to be secret mettings between such countires as France, Switerland and Germany so as to keep the others guessing.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

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