
Tecomseh - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 2nd Feb, 2005 - 8:08pm

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12th Dec, 2004 - 12:33am / Post ID: #


Tecomseh, 1768-1813, was a native American fighting for his people's land and freedom.

Tecomseh, chief of the Shawnee( North native Americans in that period). Among his people he became distinguished for his prowess in battle, but he opposed the practice of torturing prisoners. When the United States refused to recognize his principle that all Native American land was the common possession of all the Native Americans and that land could not rightly be ceded by, or purchased from, an individual tribe, Tecumseh set out to bind together the Native Americans of the Old Northwest, the South, and the eastern Mississippi valley. His plan failed with the defeat of his brother, the Shawnee Prophet, at Tippecanoe (1811). Though Tippecanoe was, properly speaking, a drawn battle, it marked the collapse of the Native American military movement. In the War of 1812, Tecumseh allied himself with the British and was made a brigadier general. He led a large force of Native Americans in the siege of Fort Meigs, covered Gen. Henry Procter's retreat after the American victory on Lake Erie, and lost his life in the battle of the Thames (see Thames, battle of the), in which Gen. William Henry Harrison overwhelmed Procter and his Native American allies. Tecumseh had great ability as an organizer and a leader and is considered one of the outstanding Native Americans in American history.

click here for more information about this outstanding and daring man.

International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 29 ActivistPoliticianActivist 2.9%

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Post Date: 2nd Feb, 2005 - 8:08pm / Post ID: #

A Friend


Tecumseh was born in Ohio and is a legend there. There is a show there in Chillicothe, Ohio, which was about 2 hours or so away from where I lived. It is an extremely popular show, and I was taken to see it when I was young. The thing that I remember most was the commanding presence of Tecumseh, portrayed in that way to stay true to his character. There seemed to be hundreds of indians portrayed in the show, and I remember having strong feelings of compassion for what they went through and how their world had changed. Here is more information about the show:

"Witness the epic life story of the legendary Shawnee leader as he struggles to defend his sacred homelands in the Ohio country during the late 1700's.  "Tecumseh!" has been labeled as one of the most mesmerizing dramas in the nation.  The huge outdoor stages of the Sugarloaf Mountain Amphitheatre afford the audience a unique viewing experience. Sheer spectacle surrounds you with a herd of galloping horses, live military cannon in action, and the most dazzling battle sequences  offered on the American stage. Often emulated within the outdoor drama industry, "Tecumseh!" continues to set the standard for innovative production techniques. Over 100 people are involved each summer in bringing this exciting drama to life. The sites and sounds of natural elements serve to heighten this one-of-a-kind theatrical experience.  Tecumseh!'s reputation for artistic excellence in performance, staging and design has garnered international acclaim. Quality production elements such as the play's hauntingly beautiful Native American Music Score - (recorded exclusively by The London Symphony Orchestra) - and its narration sequences recorded by Native American Actor Graham Greene, continue to thrill audience members of all ages.  This professionally produced outdoor drama is written by seven-time Pulitzer Prize nominee and Emmy recipient, Allan W. Eckert, nationally known for his buckskin bestsellers"¦The Winning of America Series. The script has been acclaimed as the best of its kind within the outdoor drama industry and continues to fascinate thousands each summer as the story unfolds in the 1,800 seat Sugarloaf Mountain Amphitheatre near Chillicothe, Ohio.  Over 2 million visitors have witnessed this great outdoor play, making it the most popular of its kind in the State of Ohio and the entire Mid-Western United States. Visit and find out for yourself why this 33-year-old production has been so widely imitated and continues to remain"¦
THE ULTIMATE OUTDOOR DRAMA EXPERIENCE!  Website:  https://www.tecumsehdrama.com/show.html?a=show&b=shows&c=show

I would definitely recommend to anyone who either lives in or visits Ohio to see this show if possible.

> TOPIC: Tecomseh


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