Black Hole

Black Hole - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 29th Oct, 2004 - 10:49am

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Best of  Black Hole Black Holes - Dark Stars - A power unleashed in space that is not worth getting close to.
7th Feb, 2004 - 1:26am / Post ID: #

Black Hole

Black Hole

There have been many myths and movies about the mysterious black hole. One has to wonder why such a thing would be created. What is its purpose (If any) and will we ever invent technology sufficient to study it? Maybe it is protecting something so dark, so deadly… ?


international QUOTE
black hole n.
  1. An area of space-time with a gravitational field so intense that its escape velocity is equal to or exceeds the speed of light.
  2. A great void; an abyss: The government created a bureaucratic black hole that swallows up individual initiative.

Black Hole
Black Hole (Hover)

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23rd Feb, 2004 - 1:35am / Post ID: #

Hole Black

I believe to some extent we are already studying black holes. I read recently of a black hole that swallowed up star. I didn't read the article, just the headline so I don't have any details, but the point is that apparently someone is studying them.

Post Date: 15th Apr, 2004 - 5:23am / Post ID: #

Black Hole
A Friend

Black Hole UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

I don't think we are anywhere near close enough with our technology to even begin to think of that. We've having trouble studying Mars, which is one of the closest things to out planet in even our solar system alone. It will be awhile until we get anywhere close to black holes.

14th May, 2004 - 10:29pm / Post ID: #

Hole Black

Black holes were and still a mystery. I doubt we can really investigate much about them, like Xtra pointed out we have trouble researching about Mars, and it is the closest of the planets in our solar holes? nah, we are far from knowing what's going on with them.

Post Date: 20th May, 2004 - 5:29pm / Post ID: #

Black Hole
A Friend

Hole Black

Maybe one day they'll send an unnmanned ship into one. I know that even light can't escape a black holes gravitational pull, but maybe a ship could send back images to earth as it enters the hole. I guess, if the universe were bathwater, the black hole is the drain?

20th May, 2004 - 6:10pm / Post ID: #

Black Hole

Well, if light can't escape a black hole how is the signals necessary to send back a picture going to be sent back. Not likely.

I must say, I question any of the information we think we have/know about black holes. Since it seems to me it is nothing more than speculation on the part of scientists based upon what they know of other things in space. It is quite possible (maybe even likely) that everything we think we know about them is completely untrue. It isn't like we have ever really done any exploring of these things.

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29th Oct, 2004 - 5:41am / Post ID: #

Black Hole

Black holes are problematic because you can't really study them. You can't get near one because it will swallow you!

Many scientists wanted to create a small black hole to study, but because of fears that it would swallow the whole lab from inside out, such experiments were never started.

29th Oct, 2004 - 10:49am / Post ID: #

Black Hole Sciences Education Art Writing & UFO

Many scientists wanted to create a small black hole to study

spock.gif How does one go about creating a black hole?

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