Just out of curiosity.
What do you guys think of cigarette smoking?
Personally my thought about it is if people blow smoke in my face, I get pissed off. I hate when people just come in from smoking and talk really close to my face so I can smell their breath. I don't get why people smoke, just so that in the future they'll have yellow fingers, NASTY teeth (I can't stand people with messed up teeth when they're all black and whatever), lung cancer, and every other risk related to smoking.
April 12 was my one-year anniversary for quitting smoking! It's wonderful to be done with that.
I see adult folks now who smoke, and I just shake my head and hope they find a way to quit. Sometimes, if I have the opportunity, I'll give them a little brochure I made up that details how to quit that I got from a friend -- and it's how I quit.
What really bothers me is seeing kids smoking -- really young kids, under 12! That's just wrong, their bodies are still developing, they will do permanent damage! It breaks my heart.
Please don't smoke. Please don't smoke. Please don't smoke!
:thumb: Congratulations FarSeer!
June 3 this year will be my 6 year anniversary of Not Smoking! It was my birthday present to myself.
I started smoking when I was 18. To lose weight, to look and be cool, to occupy myself with because I was bored! Took me months to get used to them. Yes, it was one of the most stupid things I had ever done. That and pot, mescaline, and alcohol. I quit the pot and mescaline after about 8 to 10 months. My source got transferred by the army and I at least was smart enough not to use just any 'ol stuff that was floating around.
I lost weight, I gained weight, I got hooked good on them. I never chained smoked, ugh! that is too much. Nor did I eat at the same time I was smoking, double ugh! Once you are addicted it is pretty darn hard to get off. I used the three step patch system and lots and lots of prayers.
Alcohol is the same, you get addicted to it and then you try to rationalize why you continue to drink. I like the taste, I like how it makes me feel, I only do it socially. I drank for 13 years. Started out on hard liquor and stayed on it. So I know all the excuses. Been there, used them and when you get down to the nitty-gritty I was lying to myself the whole time. I NEVER liked the taste or smell or effect of either tobacco or alcohol. Don't kid yourself, when you are drinking you are NOT in control. I was addicted to the stuff.
When I see children ~ from age 17 and under ~ smoking and drinking I would like to have their parents arrested, because ultimately they are responsible. I die a little each time I see a child puffing on a smoke, or tugging on a bottle.
I was so amazed at how horrible my house smelled once I had stopped smoking! Took me weeks of scrubbing ~and I mean SCRUBBING~ to eradicate that crap from off the walls, furniture, etc. I had to paint over/ refinish my non-upholstered furniture. I also stunk. Took over 6 months before I quit smelling like tar when I worked up a real good sweat. And I thought I would never get the tar/nicotine taste out of my mouth and throat. When I would get a cold and cough hard, there it would be again!!
Now when I am around smokers, I cringe and have to hold my breath. They all smell like a full, wet ashtray.
Never start! Never Start! Never Start! If you have and you want to quit, then I do recommend the 3 step patch. See your Dr. and then do whatever he/she recommends. If you don't quit the first time, try and try again until you are successful. What have you got to lose? :) You have oh so much to gain :thumb:
I don't mind people smoking I've been around it my whole life, but like ashley said if people blow it in my face i get really pissed. I made the mistake of kissing someone after they had a cigarette so...no never again. if they want to make dirty habits, have at it. I just think it's absolutely repulsive.
Smoking may lead to heart failure by thickening the heart wall
Smokers without obvious signs of heart disease were more likely than nonsmokers and former smokers to have thickened heart walls and reduced heart pumping ability, report investigators at conclusion of their study. The longer and more cigarettes people smoked, the greater the damage to their hearts' structure and function, they report. Heart measures in former smokers were similar to nonsmokers, suggesting that quitting may reverse tobacco-related damage. Ref. Source 7n.
Where cigarette smoking's damage is done… down to your DNA. Scientists have known for decades that smoking cigarettes causes DNA damage, which leads to lung cancer. Now, for the first time, scientists created a method for effectively mapping that DNA damage at high resolution across the genome. Source 9z.