Another way to combat high costs is to use a more appropriate vehicle and structure your life to not use one if possible.
I have bought an inexpensive house two kilometres from the town centre so we can walk to shops if necessary, and my wife commutes to work by walking, thereby saving almost two thousand dollars a year in parking fees alone. I commute to work on the highway, but ride a motorcycle to keep costs down. It is a large capacity, low stressed engine, low technology machine. Thus costs are kept down through engine longevity, low fuel consumption, and ease of self maintenance.
My sister is American, and the US has a systemic design problem with their cities. Her and her partner rent where they can and have no choice but to have cars, but choose large expensive to run four wheel drives. To commute to work in the city.
Choosing more appropriate lifestyle choices can save you money over more than just fuel prices.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 11 1.1%
The price of oil has reached a negative value as vehicular traffic both on land, air and sea has been halted due to the virus. What this means is there is no need for all the oil being produced but oil wells keep pumping it out so they have to essentially undersell to get rid of it. This means a big down turn in oil based economies if people do not start returning to normalcy soon.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 100%
I feel we depend on oil too much now, maybe this is a good thing for us as a collective. One can only hope we make something good out of this.
International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 58 5.8%
What I do know is OPEC plays a big part in the price of it all and they are looking to get as much money as they can before the whole world goes green and there won't be a need for all their oil.
International Level: Specialist / Political Participation: 38 3.8%