Gun Control vs. Gun Violence In The USA - Page 2 of 6

Could this end gun violence in the US? ONE - Page 2 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 16th Jun, 2015 - 12:53pm

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  Gun Control vs Gun Violence In USA
Post Date: 4th Dec, 2013 - 7:46pm / Post ID: #

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Gun Control vs. Gun Violence In The USA - Page 2

Support for stricter gun control laws appears to be dropping, a CNN/ORC International poll shows, roughly a year after the shootings in Newtown, Connecticut, that left 26 people dead.

The poll came out today, just before 911 calls were released from the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

According to the survey, 49% of Americans say they support stricter gun control laws, with 50% opposed. The 49% support is down six percentage points from the 55% who said they backed stricter gun control in January, just a few weeks after the tragedy. Adam Lanza killed 20 students and six teachers before killing himself. Ref. CNN

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Post Date: 5th Dec, 2013 - 9:04pm / Post ID: #

Gun Control vs. Gun Violence In The USA
A Friend

USA The Violence Gun vs Control Gun

I come from an outsider point of view. Here in Greece you may not own a gun, with the exception of hunting rifles, which can only be obtained by individuals with hunting licenses. Also, using such a rifle against people, even in defense means your gun(S) is taken from you, and so is the license. There are guns in the black market of course, but that's world wide. Let me just tell you that we rarely ever have gun incidents.

The main problem is that Americans have grown up with the ability to own a gun. It's in their mentality, lifestyle and culture. Now I'm not saying that's with all USA citizens, but there is a big chunk of the population that actually prefers having guns available to (Almost) everyone.

Their main concern is usually "What if I need to defend myself? The criminal is going to get a gun one way or another! What about me!?" The answer is simple in my opinion. Look at other countries and how the can survive with gun control. Let me redirect you to an article I read recently. It's no nonsense, and that might help me prove my point here.
German Police Used Only 85 Bullets Against People in 2011 ...

"49 warning shots, 36 shots on suspects. 15 persons were injured, 6 were killed." From the article.
The article features statistics from Germany's biggest and respected magazine "Der Spiegel".

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14th Jan, 2014 - 4:11pm / Post ID: #

Gun Control vs. Gun Violence In The USA History & Civil Business Politics

I don't like guns, they're too loud and can do a lot of damage but still its part of our Constitution and for a reason. It stops tyrants from doing whatever they want. On a smaller scale it stops criminals from doing what they want. They're loud, but they're necessary.

International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 3 ActivistPoliticianPolitics 101 0.3%

Post Date: 14th Jan, 2014 - 7:30pm / Post ID: #

Gun Control vs. Gun Violence In The USA
A Friend

Page 2 USA The Violence Gun vs Control Gun

As well as allowing criminals to do what they want easier. I'm not saying that guns can't be found anywhere, but in a country where guns are scarce, the it's not easy to find, let alone carry one. In countries like the USA you can find guns anywhere like Walmart. I find it uneccessary and ridiculous, and I'm sorry if that offends anyone that thinks otherwise.

14th Jan, 2014 - 8:28pm / Post ID: #

USA The Violence Gun vs Control Gun

Is there less gun violence in countries where the general public aren't allowed to have guns? Where is the statistics?

International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 3 ActivistPoliticianPolitics 101 0.3%

Post Date: 14th Jan, 2014 - 8:43pm / Post ID: #

Gun Control vs. Gun Violence In The USA
A Friend

Gun Control vs. Gun Violence In The USA

You can see the statistics on the post I made above. If you don't think that to be satisfyingly enough I found interesting statistics on wikipedia and other sources that international discussions does not let me link. Let me just say I never heard a gunfire other than those two times I went to army practise shooting and hunting. Guns being rarer -> less people using guns, simple as abc.

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14th Jan, 2014 - 8:52pm / Post ID: #

Gun Control vs. Gun Violence The USA - Page 2

Guns are outlawed in my country unless you have a special permit and those are mostly for people whose life is at risk. Even with all the laws gun violence in my country is rampant. I often wonder if it would curb violence if more people were able to have a gun but I don't think it would. For one people will be more quick to fire their weapon if they had one and that would mean more murders would take place.

International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 1 ActivistPoliticianPolitics 101 0.1%

Post Date: 16th Jun, 2015 - 12:53pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Gun Control vs. Gun Violence The USA Politics Business Civil & History - Page 2

Could this end gun violence in the US?

ONE US state has adopted this law and over a 10 year period saw gun related deaths drop 40 per cent. Why won't the rest of the country adopt the policy? Ref. Source 9t

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