Please Interpret My Dream

Please Interpret Dream - Studies of Dreams, Mystics, Paranormal - Posted: 20th Sep, 2011 - 9:16am

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Post Date: 13th Jul, 2011 - 8:05pm / Post ID: #

Please Interpret My Dream

Please Interpret My Dream
Paranormal Related

Name: Ophelia

Comments: I'm in a class room at the head of the class. All the students are young like between 8-9 years old. They are writing something and when I try to get their attention they ignore me. So I start shouting and one of them looks up at me with glowing eyes and then goes back to writing. What does this mean?

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20th Sep, 2011 - 9:16am / Post ID: #

Dream Interpret Please

Too bad I missed this one.

I am not sure if Ophelia is saying she is in a teacher role, being at the head of the class, or is simply sitting at the head of the class. I presume as the teacher, since she is trying to get the kids' attention but they are not listening to her.

This type of dream would be nearly impossible to without knowing more about Ophelia is a person, and her skills and hobbies and particulars, such as: is she a teacher? Does she want to be, or does she do things that are similar to teaching, or that put her in a similar position to that in this dream? Does she work with kids, anywhere near this age, or did she at one time?

What kind of interests does Ophelia have, in TV or books? Obviously some paranormal, and ... Also sci-fi, maybe horror? The glowing eyes is cheesy Hollywood fare but would still be unnerving and scary if it actually happened.

At its most basic, Ophelia sounds like she feels she is trying to explain or instruct/teach people or children something, a lesson, to others, that she regards as children or immature (this could even be coworkers, friends or family or readers), or that need to learn - something that she feels she is very qualified to give instruction in and in which she has personal experience and knowledge, but that she is frustrated and that her normal "style" or method of teaching or speaking falls on deaf ears as everyone is busily "writing" their own stories, probably their life stories, or pursuing their own creative ventures, and either can't hear her words, or intentionally ignore her or don't feel what she says is important.

She is forced to change her communication from a formal and professional manner
to a much more confrontational and attention-seeking, dramatic "shock" style, of yelling or being abrasive, to get any reaction. But even when she does, only a few respond, and regard her... The glowing eyes... It is hard to say. The eyes are the windows to the soul, it is said, so perhaps she feels some may actually be illuminated after all, with an inner light, or "bright", to use a pun, but still just not be interested in what she has to say, and they return to their own concerns, not wanting to learn what she has to offer.

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