Why Does God Create Disabled People?

Why God Create Disabled People - The Bible Revealed - Posted: 6th Sep, 2011 - 7:31am

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Post Date: 29th Jul, 2011 - 10:05pm / Post ID: #

Why Does God Create Disabled People?

Why Does God Create Disabled People?

Name: Meena

Comments: I believe in god but I cannot understand why he will give some people disabilities. Couldn't they be tested in this life the same without the disability?

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31st Jul, 2011 - 8:33pm / Post ID: #

People Disabled Create God Why

So the glory of god can come though these people with their challenges. It also gives us the blessing to serve them.

1st Aug, 2011 - 5:36am / Post ID: #

Why Does God Create Disabled People? Revealed Bible The

Man was created perfect. Adam and Eve's disobedience caused themselves and their children to suffer sickness and death. (Romans 5:12)
Satan the "original serpent" was the instigator in man's fall from perfection. (Revelation 12:9)


Post Date: 1st Aug, 2011 - 11:00am / Post ID: #

People Disabled Create God Why

Name: Meena

Comments: So because Adam and Eve did something wrong centuries ago a baby born today has to suffer pain and die early? Someone will have to go blind their whole life. That doesn't seem fair.

1st Aug, 2011 - 8:14pm / Post ID: #

People Disabled Create God Why

Meena, If you could bring relief of suffering I'm sure you would. Jehovah God through his son Jesus will do no less. Jesus Christ will break-up (reverse) the works of the devil.
(1 John 1:8)
Click the link in my first comment to see in detail from which my comments were drawn if your interested in learning more. B)

3rd Aug, 2011 - 9:26pm / Post ID: #

Why Does God Create Disabled People?

Don't you like a challenge? The test may seem a bit harder for some of us but really its all equal. If you were born into wealth then things may seem to go your way but it will be real hard for you to enter heaven because you'll just be thinking about riches.

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17th Aug, 2011 - 12:41am / Post ID: #

Why God Create Disabled People

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If you were born into wealth then things may seem to go your way but it will be real hard for you to enter heaven because you'll just be thinking about riches.

Nonsense! Where do you get this idea from? Just because someone may be very wealthy doesn't mean that's all their studying. That's a big stereotype my friend.

Why God creates disabled people? Does he? I thought he creates our spirits and then whatever happens from there has to do with biological factors...

Post Date: 6th Sep, 2011 - 7:31am / Post ID: #

Why Does God Create Disabled People?
A Friend

Why God Create Disabled People The Bible Revealed

What helps me understand it is knowing first off that I existed before I was born. That being said I "chose" to come down to Earth knowing I will face many challenges, perhaps even aware of physical ones. That being said I "chose" to accept those challenges to come down to Earth, receive a body, and participate in Heavenly Father's "Plan of Happiness." Does God physically create disabled people or is it all just a biological chance? It's hard to answer, I think sometimes it's a mix of both. Yet we did "choose" to accept those conditions. I guess in a way we said, "Challenge accepted!" (laugh) We may ask what purpose does such a challenge have? Jesus' apostles asked him regarding a blind man.

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"And his disciple asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?
(John 9:2)

Jesus' reply was thus;

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"Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him."
(John 9:3)

So I agree with Saved; They are able to manifest Gods works, through their example thus giving us motivation to be better people and Christians. Also it gives us a chance to serve them; is this not God's work being made manifest then?

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