More news on the terrorism front. CNN reports that on Saturday morning, Palestinian Arab "freedom fighters" struck a great blow for the freedom of the "Palestinian" people. They targeted an extremely dangerous woman driving a car. After shooting the car up, they approached, placing themselves in extreme danger from the heavily unarmed 8-month pregnant woman and her four daughters. They then proceeded to shoot each of the occupants in the head, including the 2-year-old girl. Thus we see that without any doubt, these oh-so-courageous "freedom fighters" carry on the glorious work of liberty and civilization.
No, CNN didn't report all the details, those come from a variety of other sources, but at least CNN didn't do as the German media did, and REALLY glorify the Arab terrorists.
As I said before, and will again, terrorism is the deliberate targetting of innocent people. There is absolutely no way to justify the deliberate murder of a two-year-old girl as being an act of anything but a barbarian and terrorist.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 85.4%
More details on Saturday's attack in Israel.
* Yasser Arafat's Fatah faction claimed co-responsibility for the "heroic" attack in statements sent to both Reuters and The Associated Press. It named the two dead "martyrs" as Ibrahim Hamed and Faisal Abuntera. * The victims were civilians. A mother and four young girls. Tali Hatuel, 34, who was 8 months pregnant, and her four daughters, Hila, 11, Hadar, 9, Roni, 7, and Merav, 2. * After initial gunshots brought the car to a halt at the side of the road, Hamed and Abuntera approached the car and shot each of the children execution-style twice in the head at point-blank range. * Tali's husband David Hatuel, who is principal of a school in Ashkelon, southern Israel, said that he and his wife were expecting their first son. |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 85.4%
Yesterday the Australian government passed new legislation to combat terrorism. If you place an explosive device in a public place(whether it is detonated or not) you can now recieve up to 15 years jail.I personally think this is pretty lenient.
If you are convicted of "Cyber-terrorism" you face a maximum of 25 years. There is only one problem. No-one can seem to be able to define what cyber-terrorism is? Can anyone shed some light on this for me?
Good question. I would assume it has to do with using high technology to attack infrastructure, such as designing a virus or worm to shut down the power grid. But I haven't seen a good definition either.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 85.4%
More evidence about the international flavour of the War on Terrorism.
This article from The Globe and Mail talks about a firebomb attack against an EXTREMELY dangerous Elementary School in Montreal, Canada. Seems that the firebombers (ethnicity not identified in the paper to protect the guilty) didn't like the fact that Israel killed a terrorist leader a few weeks ago, so they took it out on a Canadian Jewish Elementary school.
Likewise, an article in the National Post from May 15, 2004, claims that Al Qaeda has added Canada to its active target list, partly because of the way Canada has treated a family whose father was killed in Afghanistan - fighting for Al Qaeda, and whose 14-year-old son was injured in the fighting. For some reason, Canada is investigating the family for terrorist connections. Those terrorist connections apparently don't like being investigated.
Seems Canadians might have to start looking over their shoulders, just like those militaristic Americans and Israelis, as well as the pacifist Spaniards, and French.
Yes, I am being a bit sarcastic. Some people seem so self-righteous, since their countries have stayed out of the fray. I sincerely hope that when Canada, France, and various other countries get hit, it won't even be as bad as 3/11, let alone 9/11. But it is likely to be worse.
When the Syrian terrorists were caught in Jordan, it was estimated that the chemical weapons they were prepared to use could have caused in excess of 20,000 deaths. But then, we ALL KNOW that terrorists don't have access to WMDs, right?
BTW, how many Canadians were killed on 9/11? Edited: JB@Trinidad on 16th Jun, 2004 - 10:50am
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 85.4%
BTW, how many Canadians were killed on 9/11? |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
One of the great threats from terrorists these days is to unleash viruses on an unsuspecting population. What is more sick is that some of these terrorists could easily infect themselves and then simply walk from place to place touching and infecting everything. With a two week incubation or less period people will be walking around infecting others and not know it. Now that is scary and has the potential to be an even worst attack than 9/11.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 100%
That would be an absolute nightmare. In view of how easily and quickly virii are spread, the circle of infection would widen daily. Look at how SARS affected mainly Taiwan, but then surfaced in Canada because of someone visiting Taiwan. The fact that it was stopped there was a miracle.
Offtopic but, There is a "horror" novel about this kind of thing, Stephen King's "The Stand" - although it was not about terrorists starting the epidemic... |
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%