Terrorism Around The World - Page 2 of 10

You didn't read the words carefully. - Page 2 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 30th Apr, 2004 - 2:23pm

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Global Terrorism Although this Thread covers Terrorist attacks around the world there are also Threads that cover Terrorism in specific countries. Do a search to find them if this one is too general and you need more specific information.
Post Date: 25th Apr, 2004 - 7:47pm / Post ID: #

Terrorism Around The World
A Friend

Terrorism Around The World - Page 2

if terrorism=killing of innocent people then havent G.W.Bush killed enough in afghanistan and iraq to be called The Big Terrorist????

note he also does provide israel with an income of 1 Billion us dollars a year and so he does play part of killin children in palestine and plus he did arm saddam with chemical weapons when iraq went at war against iran and he also trained binladen with the CIA and gave him arms to fight against the soviet !!!

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25th Apr, 2004 - 8:16pm / Post ID: #

World The Terrorism

You may notice my earlier post where I distinguished between targetting innocent civilians and inadvertently killing them in military actions.

Afghanistan harbored and supported Al Qaeda. There is absolutely no doubt about that fact. Even the Taliban admitted as much. All measures possible were taken to reduce and eliminate the deaths of innocent civilians.

Iraq, under Hussein, financed, supported, trained, and harbored terrorists of various stripes, including Hamas, Hezbollah, PLO, and others. We have discussed this in detail in the Iraq topic.

GW Bush was not involved, in any way, with Iraq or Iran in the mid-1980s. His father may have been indirectly involved as vice-president of the US, but that is highly unlikely considering the almost nonexistent powers of the VP. I don't know about the US supplying chemical weapons to Iraq at that time, although Iraq was perfectly able to produce their own at that time.

George W. Bush was also not involved, in any way, with Osama bin Laden during the Russia/Afghanistan campaign, although the US did certainly support the mujahadeen in that action, which I was always suspicious about.

Afghanistan was given every opportunity to surrender bin Laden and other Al Qaeda members. The Taliban refused.

I will reiterate. Terrorism is the deliberate targetting of innocent civilians.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 85.4%

Post Date: 26th Apr, 2004 - 1:27am / Post ID: #

Terrorism Around The World
A Friend

Terrorism Around The World History & Civil Business Politics

War on Terror?
As the "Coalition Of The Willing" marches across the Arab states cleansing the world of terrorist threats, I am left feeling confused.
It was reported here the other day that the U.S is lifting sanctions against Lybia so they can now resume purchasing oil from them. Hasn't Gaddafi been labelled a terrorist for years, after all he did harbour the Lockaby Plane Bombers for nearly two decades. Now Bush want's to jump in bed with him. It leads me to seriously question his motives?

26th Apr, 2004 - 9:26am / Post ID: #

Page 2 World The Terrorism

Well, Libya did exactly what GWB wanted, and demanded in September 2001. That is, he renounced terrorism, turned over his WMDs, and opened up his nuclear program to unrestricted inspection.

Thus, the first bloodless victory in the War on Terror. Of course, everything possible was done to accomodate him. GWB wants to reward good behaviour and punish bad. Isn't that how you deal with spoiled children?

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 85.4%

26th Apr, 2004 - 2:20pm / Post ID: #

World The Terrorism

When I read this discussion about the Arab Way of War, it took my breath away. I think it is the most powerful explanation of what terrorism is about that I have ever seen.

The author discusses the differences that the French saw in Vietnam (where they lost 170,000 troops) and Algeria (where they lost less than 18,000). The defeat in Algeria led to the Arab/Muslim militants following the retreating Europeans into Europe (Munich, 1972) and, eventually, the US. However, they have failed in their plans, and as long as the US holds firm, according to this discussion, they will continue to fail.

Much to the amazement and dismay of the militants (terrorists), Israel has stood up to them and responded with incredible force. Every time the terrorists attack Israel, the Israeli military responds with force an order of magnitude greater than that used against them.

The sole obstacles to the wave of darkness are the Anglosphere -- and ironically for the Europeans -- Israel. The strongest proof against the irresistibility of terrorism is Israel, which is often dented, but never seriously hurt by Arab Way of warfare. Indeed, at each clash the terrorists whine at being unfairly worsted because the Israelis have shown themselves capable of dealing out punishment an order of magnitude greater than they suffer. Israel is particularly irksome because it diminishes the psychological aura the Islamists work so hard to achieve. How can terrorism plausibly defeat America if it cannot beat a handful of Jews? And America too, is a deadly enemy. Already militarily invincible and capable of immense adaptation, it has already solved the military problems the French faced in Vietnam.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 85.4%

29th Apr, 2004 - 1:11pm / Post ID: #

Terrorism Around The World

Here is some more information about the aims and actions of the current crop of Muslim extremists - those for whom terrorism is a major tactic. (You may have to register to receive the article.)

This is what really caught my attention:

In this former industrial town north of London, a small group of young Britons whose parents emigrated from Pakistan after World War II have turned against their families' new home. They say they would like to see Prime Minister Tony Blair dead or deposed and an Islamic flag hanging outside No. 10 Downing Street.

"All Muslims of the West will be obliged," he said, to "become his sword" in a new battle. Europeans take heed, he added, saying, "It is foolish to fight people who want death - that is what they are looking for."

Don't these people realize that if they really do take the fight to Europe, that the Europeans won't be as careful as the Americans? I really hate to think what will happen to all the Muslims in Europe if these few continue to carry on their campaign of hatred.

It truly is a conflict of cultures that is going on. So far, the conflict comes mostly from the Muslim "militants". But if they keep up the pressure, the other side WILL react. And it won't be pretty.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 85.4%

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Post Date: 30th Apr, 2004 - 9:48am / Post ID: #

Terrorism Around The World
A Friend

Terrorism The World - Page 2

QUOTE (Nighthawk @ 26-Apr 04, 10:20 PM)
The author discusses the differences that the French saw in Vietnam (where they lost 170,000 troops) and Algeria (where they lost less than 18,000). The defeat in Algeria led to the Arab/Muslim militants following the retreating Europeans into Europe (Munich, 1972) and, eventually, the US. However, they have failed in their plans, and as long as the US holds firm, according to this discussion, they will continue to fail.

Your quote on the author sounded like a very well thought and serious essay ..... that is until the final bit about how the US has militarily solved the Vietnam problem that the French had. I couldn't help laughing at that. The author was probably trying to pull your leg, or to sound sarcastic. We all know that Vietnam, and the very word itself, equates to military failure on the part of the US. It was a war that they didn't and couldn't win. I could still remember the vivid images of the helicopters on the rooftop of the embassy building ferrying out all those people back in 1975 (?). And when Vietnam was unified, it was not the Americans who did the unification. The US was effectively booted out. But that was Vietnam........ now we are into another era, another arena.

30th Apr, 2004 - 2:23pm / Post ID: #

Terrorism The World Politics Business Civil & History - Page 2

You didn't read the words carefully. The author said that the US has NOW solved the problem that the FRENCH ran into in Vietnam.

As for Vietnam being a failure, it was only a failure because of the POLITICAL failure of the US. After the Tet Offensive, the US had won. After ROLLING THUNDER, the US had won. After ROLLING THUNDER II, the US had won. The politicians wouldn't let the US military win, and made them retreat after each of these wins.

Did you read the whole article? I didn't describe what the French had done wrong in Vietnam, that the US has solved. It is very interesting.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 85.4%

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