LDS Position On Hypnosis - Mormon Hypnotist - Page 3 of 5

Name: Tamera Country: Comments: I am an active - Page 3 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 12th Mar, 2011 - 11:42am

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Post Date: 31st Oct, 2008 - 12:43pm / Post ID: #

LDS Position On Hypnosis - Mormon Hypnotist - Page 3

Name: Elwin

Comments: I surfed into this from a Google search. I know the church's stance on Hypnosis, but I am wondering what the various opinions are on the Silva Method, which involves use of the brain's "alpha state", and various visualization techniques.

Years ago, I spent $400 on their "Basic" course, but never did much with it. I am considering re-taking it (at most, a "refresher" costs $25). I have spoken with others who have taken the course and actually made use of it, and it does seem to be a viable modality, even though some of the stuff they claim seems to be a bit "out there".

However, I am wondering about part of the seminar wherein you create this sort of mental "laboratory of the mind", and then populate it with two "guides" to help you in whatever sort of problem solving you wish to undertake. There have been those who have stated that after a time, their "guides" seemed to become very real to them, and I am wondering about these guides in the context of "familiar spirits".

My thinking is this: It is my understanding that Satan can tempt you with "wrong thoughts", but cannot know your thoughts to see if his temptation is having any effect, only God or those to whom he gives authority can know another's thoughts. So my thinking is, that these "guides" simply arise out of our own thoughts, and are not something put there from malicious sources, but I still wonder.

In my reading on this scenario, it mentions how Napoleon Hill (the author of the book Think and Grow Rich--the granddaddy of a good chunk of most motivational stuff today), created something similar, with "imaginary" assistants who eventually became so real to him that he got rather frightened and discontinued making use of his technique. It also mentions that what Hill discovered, was the same sort of process that is used with the Silva Method.

I should also mention that I am someone who doesn't hypnotize (I have had a couple of counseling professionals try to use "guided imagery" on me, with no success"), which may be why I didn't use the Silva Method much, myself.

I am interested in this whole business from a weight loss standpoint, more than anything. I haven't had much luck sticking to diets, and I loathe exercise. I am looking for a way to "program" myself to perhaps overcome these obstacles, as I have been warned that if I don't take steps, I am at risk for a heart attack or stroke.

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Post Date: 26th Nov, 2008 - 1:25pm / Post ID: #

Hypnotist Mormon Hypnosis Position LDS

Name: Christian

Comments: I'm a church member and a hypnotist. In my understanding the legislation on hypnotherapy is that a hypnotist is NOT allowed to treat someone with a mental disorder at least in the state of Florida anyway. Hypnosis in a legal sense is classed as motivational speaking. I've seen miraculous things done with hypnosis and nero linguistic programming, I personally have cured numerous phobias which would take someone months or maybe even years of therapy conventionally.

30th Nov, 2008 - 2:53am / Post ID: #

LDS Position On Hypnosis - Mormon Hypnotist Studies Doctrine Mormon

I have looked at hypnosis and hypnotherapy as two different things. Hypnotherapy is a pathway to allievate addiction and pain. Hypnosis is more of a form of entertainment.
I look at hypnosis as a another way of breaking the Word of Wisdom. This is because I look at anything that tries to rob me of my free agency as a sin in the spirit of the Word of Wisdom. Alcohol when abused takes away the free agency of a person, tobacco takes away the free agency of a person, even over-eating can take away a person's free agency, hypnosis can take away a person's free agency.
The number one goal of the adversary is to take away our free agency.

Post Date: 29th Apr, 2009 - 7:27pm / Post ID: #

Page 3 Hypnotist Mormon Hypnosis Position LDS

Name: Carolina

Comments: What is the Church's Stance on Regression Therapy?

Post Date: 2nd Jul, 2009 - 7:48pm / Post ID: #

Hypnotist Mormon Hypnosis Position LDS

Name: Troy

Comments: I see nothing that hypnosis can do that dedicated prayer and fasting cannot do better. I believe my savior Jesus Christ can help me to overcome any obstacle or problem, be it mental physical emotional or whatever it may be.

I don't say this to judge but I believe too many members are relying on the arm of flesh to work out their issues instead of relying upon him who can take away all suffering from them.

Post Date: 2nd Jan, 2009 - 3:57pm / Post ID: #

LDS Position On Hypnosis - Mormon Hypnotist

Name: William

Comments: Wow, I appreciate the comments here, but it is clear that there are a number of misconceptions about hypnosis, what it is and what it can and cannot do.

I am a Master Hypnptist (the therapeutic kind) and an active church member with a calling. I know a fair amount about the subject of hypnosis and self-hypnosis. The church is cautious to "recommend" that church members do not participate in hypnosis for entertainment or demonstrational purposes. It does not prohibit the use of hypnosis for therapeutic reaons. A number of members have been able to quit addictions like tobacco addictions and pornography while all other modalities have failed them. Others have received relief from medical or psychological ailment under competent medical supervision.

It was the physician James Braid that coined the term "hypnosis" because the state represented a form of light sleep (where the eyes flutter). Hypnosis is the Greek term for sleep (in fact, sleeping pills are known as hypnotics). In his research, Braid realized soon after coining the term that "sleep" was not the proper definition as the state in no way represents sleep with the exception of the REM-like eye fluttering that is characteristic of the lighter stages of hypnosis (if the eyes are closed, which is not necessary to produce a trance state). Braid tried to re-coin the state as mono-ideism, which reflects the idea that hypnosis is a state where one can concentrate deeply on one subject. Unfortunately, the term hypnosis stuck.

Enough on the history. Just what is hypnosis and what is it not?

Have you ever daydreamed in a sacrament meeting, allowing your attention to wander while someone was speaking? You were in a light trance state when this happened.

Have you ever been driving on the freeway and realized with a start that you were two exits passed where you needed to turn because you had "spaced out." This is called road hypnosis.

Have you ever been reading the scriptures only to find that your eyes had scanned over several verses, but you didn't remember anything? You were in a hypnotic state when this happened.

Have you ever watched television? Or read a book that absorbed you so profoundly that you identified with the characters--almost like you were there? Both of these activities fall sqaurely in the realm of hypnosis. In fact, television is single most popular form of hypnotic entertainment.

Have you ever started surfing the internet to suddenly find that an hour or more had slipped away. This is a hypnotic phenomenon called "time distortion."

Anyway, enough examples of naturally ocurring hypnosis. What is it exactly? Although I don't have the time to fully explain the state, it is a state of selective thinking driven by information overload eg the flickering lights of the TV, the loud sounds, the music, the rapidly changing visual stimuli or the rapidly changing scenery on the freeway. The state takes place in the "alpha" state as measured by EEG. The waking state is where the Beta state and Alpha state simultaneosly exist. The Alpha state is the state of most hypnotic phenomena (including meditation, as mentioned previously). The Alpha state is also the state where REM sleep happens, but there are deeper stages of sleep that rely on Delta and Theta states.

Hypnosis is not a state where free will ceases to exist. Why would God create such a state? Hypnosis is a state of rapport between client and hypnotic facilitator. As long as rapport is maintained, the client can decide to accept or reject suggestions from the hypnotic facilitator. If rapport is broken, such as when an idea is suggested that is contrary to the beliefs of the client, the client ceases to respond to suggestion.

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Post Date: 10th Nov, 2010 - 10:41pm / Post ID: #

LDS Position Hypnosis Mormon Hypnotist - Page 3

Name: Donald

Comments: Regarding hypnosis thread: Hypnosis is one of the most powerful tools God gives us. Hypnosis needs to be respected as God intended and used properly as previously mentioned by other's using this thread. Like anything hypnosis can be grossly abused. The church position is correct use for goal advancement, healing, and release of stress. Hypnosis is the bypass of the critical factor of the conscious mind. Our conscious minds after about 8-10 years of age filters information going to the subconscious mind. So please do not allow children to be exposed to information, sound, visual, sensual etc. As the subconscious mind does not discern what is real and not real, therefore the child can grow up with terrible beliefs, and imprints. [..] You must trust the therapist or individual providing services. Regardless of what literature you read a skillful hypnotist can trick the mind to believe you want or are doing something you would like to do. The statement that a person will not do anything they would not normally say or do is false. Thank you for allowing me to express my opinion regarding this very important topic.
[..] Doctor of Hypnotherapy.

Post Date: 12th Mar, 2011 - 11:42am / Post ID: #

LDS Position Hypnosis Mormon Hypnotist Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 3

Name: Tamera

Comments: I am an active member of the church and a Professional Clinical Hypnotherapist. I practice a very gentle, non-invasive form of hypnotherapy that helps people get past the blocks and obstacles that are holding them back from experiencing health, happiness and achieving their life purpose. The church handbook authorizes the use of Hypnotherapy by a qualified professional for the personal health and growth of the individual but gives caution that "entertainment hypnosis" be avoided. Many of the concerns people have regarding hypnosis are typical of "entertainment hypnosis". Heavenly Father has given us many tools for health and well being. Just as you would carefully select your medical doctor or surgeon, carefully and prayerfully select a qualified hypnotherapist whom you connect with and can trust.

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