Moral Dress Code?

Moral Dress Code - General Religious Beliefs - Posted: 15th May, 2004 - 6:06am

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13th May, 2004 - 2:56pm / Post ID: #

Moral Dress Code?

Louisiana, in the United States is debating passing a law that makes it a crime to wear low slung pants. This is not the first time they have tried to do this.

House Bill 1626, also known as the "Baggy Pants Bill" states: "It shall be unlawful for any person to appear in public wearing his pants below his waist and thereby exposing his skin or intimate clothing."

State Representative Derrick Shepherd's bill would make any violator subject to three eight-hour days of community service and up to a fine of $175.

That means the local teens on the basketball court are going to have to keep their pants up, too.

I think the picture of Brittany Spears clearly shows her pants are quite low. You barely have private areas covered. Still, is it right to attempt to control what people wear in public? We know France has recently passed laws regulating religious items being worn in public. Now this with how low your jeans can be on your hips. What is next, no polka dots or horizontal stripes?

The article raises a good question. It points out that many plumbers reveal a lot of butt when they are working. laugh.gif Seriously, who gets to decide when it is offensive or not? And why should one generation decide what is right for another. How many people remember mini-skirts, for example?

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13th May, 2004 - 11:53pm / Post ID: #

Code Dress Moral

I think this is ridiculous, even though I don't agree with that type of clothing, I don't think a guy has the right to tell people who they don't even know what kind of clothes they can wear or not. If the people are in a religious organizations and the organizations have certain rules of proper clothing, then I would understand but that would be only the ocassion I could agree with it.

15th May, 2004 - 6:06am / Post ID: #

Moral Dress Code? Beliefs Religious General

I'm sure part of this may have to do with gang activity. It seems to be the new "thing" (or not so new, I guess, it's been around for a few years) for men to wear their pants anywhere from just below the hip line to literally BELOW their butts -- so their pants waistline is around the tops of their thighs. Absurd! And it's mostly young men and boys who are in dangerous street gangs. Shocking! So, here is Mr. Legistlature thinking he can regulate gangs by outlawing what they wear. What an idiot.

If the government cannot outlaw gay marriage, what hope do they have of instituting the Fashion Police to outlaw gangs???

In my outraged opinion.

> TOPIC: Moral Dress Code?


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