Some Hiaku (haikus?)

Some Hiaku Haikus - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 4th Sep, 2005 - 8:29pm

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Post Date: 10th Jun, 2005 - 12:57pm / Post ID: #

Some Hiaku (haikus?)
A Friend

Some Hiaku (haikus?)


Watch that Big brother?

No, I don’t watch that rubbish.

But I hope Craig wins.


I love you so much

I can’t take my eyes off you.

Pass the remote, please.


The man who told me

“The end of the world is nigh”.

Didn’t say which end.


They’ve gone and done it.

That’s the four-minute warning.

Time for a beer, then.


Who’s there? Friend or foe?

It’s your mother-in-law, chuck.

Oh bother! Now, what?


I’m sort of vegan.

I only eat animals

That never eat meat.


If meat is so wrong,

Why did God make pigs and cows

Out of pork and beef?


She said, “I love you”.

He said “And I love you too”.

They were both lying.

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Post Date: 11th Jun, 2005 - 8:09am / Post ID: #

Some Hiaku (haikus?)
A Friend

haikus Hiaku Some

Interesting poems. What first got you into writing Haiku style? And do you write any other types of poems? I would be interested in reading more of your writing.

Post Date: 11th Jun, 2005 - 8:55am / Post ID: #

Some Hiaku (haikus?)
A Friend

Some Hiaku (haikus?) UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

I have always been interested in writing fiction, but never really did anything about it until last year when I attended a creative writing course.

The course syllabus included poetry which I wasn't particularly keen on, but I had a go.

To my great surprise, I found that I loved writing poetry, and have produced a dozen or so poems that I am quite proud of. I am also writing an epic narrative comedy poem about an 18th century adventurer.

I like to write poetry that rhymes, scans, has metre and rhythm. I am not keen on free or blank verse. I think that a lot of what people call poetry is just prose cut into odd lines.

I started writing haikus as an exercise in class. I like the constraints of 5-7-5 syllables, and that, if done properly, the third line has some kind of twist or pay-off.

As you're interested, I will post another poem for you to look at. I'd be grateful for any feedback.

--- I just tried to start a new topic to post my poem but, apparrently, I have reached my limit of 1 topic a day. undecided.gif I will try again later. Look out for it. The poem is called "When This is Done".

Reconcile Edited: mikejonesuk on 11th Jun, 2005 - 9:02am

Post Date: 4th Sep, 2005 - 8:29pm / Post ID: #

Some Hiaku (haikus?)
A Friend

haikus Hiaku Some

Writing haiku is an incredibly difficult thing to do well, especially if writing poetry does not come natural. I'm taking a creative writing course, and our first assignment was to write three haiku. I struggled with it so much! I am not a poetry writer by any means. Fiction, non-fiction type stuff I can do, but not poetry.

Haiku normally take something to do with nature and man and then combine them, which is what I tried to do with two of my three.

I can only remember two of my three right off the top of my head:

Chirp! Chirp! Chirp! Cricket sings
Fingers drumming Tap tap tap

Badly written haiku #2:

Bright red, shiny paint
Sparkling bright in the sun...
Splat! The birds...

> TOPIC: Some Hiaku (haikus?)


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