
Amazons - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 14th May, 2006 - 3:26am

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Post Date: 27th Apr, 2004 - 9:12pm / Post ID: #



Are there really such women that dwell in the Amazon or elsewhere and live without man or is this all a myth? Have you ever heard of an organized community that was against men in the same way?

Fierce warriors, they wielded spear and sword in defense of children and motherland. The ancient Greeks considered the Amazons their most fearsome opponents, defenders of an ancient woman-centered faith who had to be defeated that father-rule might prevail---so it is that Penthesilea leads her Amazons in defense of matriarchal Troy. It was the Greeks who named them "Amazon" from a-mazos, that is, "without a breast." And so the legend has come down to us of ferocious women warriors who cut off their right breast, that it not hinder their use of the bow; who fought and often defeated the greatest of the Greek heroes; and who finally retreated into the mist-enshrouded mountains of Anatolia and Armenia and Bactria as wave after wave of patriarchal warriors invaded their lands.


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Post Date: 30th Apr, 2004 - 8:13am / Post ID: #

A Friend


There is a commune in the mountains not far from here which is totally made up of women(men are banned) numbering around 120. They find men from a nearby town to breed with. If the child is a boy he can only remain in the group till he is four and then gets adopted out. These are really rough women and when you see them in town, it really makes you wonder how they live like that.

30th Apr, 2004 - 10:11am / Post ID: #

Amazons? UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

Are you serious? Can you give some references or articles on them? How they started, what are there concepts, etc.

As a side note LDS was telling me something about the Greek Amazons cutting their breasts off so they could shoot better with the bow and arrow.

Post Date: 1st May, 2004 - 2:50pm / Post ID: #

A Friend


Are you serious?

Bloody oath!(aussie slang:means "mate, i'm tellin' you the truth!"

Can you give some references or articles on them? How they started, what are there concepts, etc.

Can't give you any refs or articles on them because there's no real documentation on them. From what i'm told about 30 yrs ago a handfull of women came here and bought some acreage up in the mountain ranges about forty miles from here. They were some hard line women's libbers(possibly lesbians?) who came out here to live an alternate lifestyle free of men. It's just grown from there. Apparently they have been able to become virtually self sufficient by means of farming etc,and live in a style which most of us would say is very primitive ie: no electricity, hot water etc. They get their money from welfare but don't really spend it because they live so reclusively. I have only seen a small group of them once in five years that i've been here, but they're definately there.

14th May, 2004 - 2:49am / Post ID: #


This is the first time ever I heard a story like that!. Are you serious? How they live/dress, etc? what the people say about them? what's the government position about their lifestyle?.

Post Date: 14th May, 2006 - 3:26am / Post ID: #

A Friend



The AMAZONS were a nation of women dwelling about the river Thermodon [see map below]. They were, as a race, considered to be the children of Ares and Harmonia 2. The AMAZONS of Libya were much earlier in point of time and disappeared entirely many generations before the Trojan War; but those about the Thermodon river were in their full vigour a little before that time. The Libyan AMAZONS were also known for having waged war against the people of Atlantis, the most civilised men of the region, who dwelt in a prosperous country and possessed great cities.

The Amazons were fierce warrior women who didn't need men, and even banned them accept when needing them for breeding. They come from Greek mythology and no real evidence of them has ever been found. But like most myths and legends, I believe they have a base in truth as is was viewed originally. Whether by finding bones or large spears they thought belong to women, someone some where found evidence they interpreted as Amazons and the legend began. Remember, what we call Greek mythology, they called their main religion.

Here is a great site talking more about the Amazons including the custom of pinching off the right breast so that it would not get in the way of shooting a bow and arrow.

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