Rate Threads
Do you Rate each Thread after reading it? There is a little box on each thread that allows you to give it a worst to excellent rating and this helps other users know the 'worth' of a thread's content.
The rating can then be seen on the Board's Index.
Key: Two step process for Rating a Thread: click on "Thread Options" button and in the drop down menu select to Vote, that's all.
I have never rated a thread since on the forum. I guess I should try to make a better effort to do this, but personally I would prefer to rate individuals (charisma) than the entire thread.
I have found while viewing a Board that my eyes tend to fall on higher rated threads than those that are not rated or rated very low, hence I try to rate well threads that I think should have emphasis and 'demote' threads that aren't very thought provoking.
Not only don't I generally rate threads, I don't pay any attention to how others have rated them either. I read them for myself and decide if I am interested. The title plays a big role in whether or not I read them as well as on what board they are located.
I, too, prefer to rate the person who created the thread or made the good post through charisma.