Illegals In The USA

Illegals Usa - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 25th Dec, 2004 - 2:14pm

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US Illegal Immigrants Security risk - they are working at airports, nuclear power plants and key areas! Illegal Immigration.
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Post Date: 4th Jun, 2004 - 4:28pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Illegals In The USA


The controversial roundup of illegal aliens working at Salt Lake City International Airport before the 2002 Olympics was not an isolated incident but the first of many nationwide in a search that identified more than 5,000 illegal aliens who lied to obtain jobs in sensitive areas from airport tarmacs to military bases and nuclear power plants.
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Post Date: 4th Jun, 2004 - 5:19pm / Post ID: #

Illegals In The USA
A Friend

USA The Illegals

If anyone is here in the USA legally, then welcome! It is when the aliens come in and use our resources, while illegal. I don't appreciate the very easy process for people from Mexico to come over the border, and shortly after get on welfare, unemployment, etc. This in no way applies to just the people from Mexico, but a majority of the illegal immigrants come through Mexico to get here. When I make statements like this, there will be those of you that find I am a bigot, racist, or other hatemonger, but in actuallity, I just want people to come here legally, so they are forced to pay the same taxes, fight for the same jobs, and other issues.

I am coming from a point of view in Utah, here are some of the problems we are faced with, Illegal alien's rights outweigh those that are born here and/or have gone through the correct process to be legal. It's not just in Utah, but the entire U.S. has similar relaxed policies. That's why 9/11 was able to was easy for the cell to establish itself, get the training needed, and execute their plan...

I can go on forever venting my frustrations towards the US's lack of internal resource management, while we go and invade other countries, but I will digress now ;) .

4th Jun, 2004 - 6:00pm / Post ID: #

Illegals In The USA History & Civil Business Politics

patmanutah, I completely agree with you and have the same point of view. US welfare should be designed for US citizens, but if you were to look at the list of people that line up every day for food stamps, medicare, etc, they are mostly foreign and most do not even speak English. I too am all for the US being the land of opportunity, but not at the expense of Americans who were born and grew up here, and who are in difficult times, and need government assistance. Those are the people that should be on the welfare system. If you move to the US, then you need to learn the language, get a job (legally) and work towards your goals, not have it handed to you on a silver platter.

International Level: Envoy / Political Participation: 241 ActivistPoliticianEnvoy 24.1%

12th Dec, 2004 - 5:50pm / Post ID: #

USA The Illegals

I totally agree with everything said so far. I think if someone decides to move to another country for whatever reason, they MUST be legal (I cannot say the word 'alien' I hate it, it makes you sound like if you are from Mars rolleyes ).

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

Post Date: 24th Dec, 2004 - 4:21am / Post ID: #

Illegals In The USA
A Friend

USA The Illegals

I'm not sure how I feel about the issue. I think that we need to help folks out in any case, whether that means helping them become citiizens and educating them so that they can be productive. A lot of criticism that I hear is along the lines of outright nativism and almost racism. Maybe I'm optimistic about humanity, but I have a feeling that most people that come into this country are looking to work, not leech off of a system. Give them the appropriate tools and they'll make a life for themselves.

When my Pennsylvania German relatives came here, I'm sure they didn't get too much help, so they depended on each other to get by. I know for a fact that they weren't very welcome by the "natives" who were there before them. Overall, I think that given a good atmosphere and some help (not necessarily hand-outs), recent immigrants can be as productive as any other American.

24th Dec, 2004 - 10:46pm / Post ID: #

Illegals In The USA

Well, I don't think my tax dollars should aid you in any way if you are illegal, except to aid you in returning to the place from which you came. Now, what I have seen, many immigrants (maybe even most) are very hard working and actually don't require or expect my help. They are content to take jobs that I would never consider. They are happy with less than most who have been born and raised here. This is likely because that less is still much more than they had before they came here.

Now, I do think we need to provide basic education for the children of these illegal immigrants. However, I don't think it is for me to fund their college education. When an illegal immigrant arrives at a hospital for medical treatment with out the means to pay, I say treat them and then deport them.

International Level: Diplomat / Political Participation: 320 ActivistPoliticianDiplomat 32%

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25th Dec, 2004 - 11:41am / Post ID: #

Illegals The USA

I have mixed feelings about this issue, for one side I agree with rustedhope and for another side I agree with Tena. I think it is all a matter of what persepective I'm seeing it. If I'm seeing it just as a woman who is very concerned about the welfare of other people, then definetly I think whether this people are legal or not, it does not matter, some of them ran away from their countries not only because of the economic problems facing them there but political problems, some of them have their husbands kidnapped and with no one helping them to raise their children. A very sad situation indeed. For the other side, if I see it as a government related employee then I would think that I have to enforce the laws that are necessary and if the illegal immigrant can prove that his/her home country is a risk to his/her life then the necessary procedures must take place, otherwise, sad or not, must return to her/his home country. :-/

I think the problem with some US citizens, since we are talking about illegals in the USA, they cannot comprehend how is it to live in a country where you have no freedom, you could be at risk on being kidnapped or killed, or no means to make enough money to provide food for your children. They can't say they 'know' because unless they have been there in their shoes or live in a country like that....(and not for vacation only) then their perspective of things are much different to someone who have seen it or have experienced it themselves. It is easy to say to send them back....but you have no idea where are you sending them in! :shocked:

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

25th Dec, 2004 - 2:14pm / Post ID: #

Illegals The USA Politics Business Civil & History

LDS, you give this issue a new perspective which I have never considered. I also believe many of those people who have suffered so much are the ones who also work very hard when they arrive here. They generally are not looking for handouts from others to survive.

While the situations from where they come are quite horrible, it really isn't possible for one country, no matter how rich it may appear to others, to fix all the ills of every society. It isn't possible for the US to take in every citizen of another country that has less to provide its citizens than the US does. An attempt at such actions would eventually lead to the same situation in the US. That may sound unlikely, but I don't think it is, if, in fact, the attempt were made to allow everyone in because of economic hardship. I do think we should not deport someone whose life is truly at risk due to political unrest or religious beliefs for example. However, the desire to simply live the "American Dream" really isn't enough, in my opinion, to allow them to stay.

If we allow people who arrive illegally to stay, simply because of how hard it is at home economically, that isn't fair to those trying to come in legally. The more illegals our government must support (there is some support even to those who don't ask, such as education for their children), the fewer can be allowed in legally. There are only so many resources to go around.

Perhaps the answer is to work harder at making things better in other parts of the world. However, we get critiziced for that too, so I think there isn't really a good answer to this that works for everyone. All we can do is what we can do, I suppose. :-/

I believe we all should think of illegal immigrants as people first, though. We often are tempted to remove the human element and simply view these people as subhumans. This allows us to justify our lack of compassion. Perhaps if we stopped this attitude, it would be a big first step to solving the problem.

Attached Image Edited: tenaheff on 25th Dec, 2004 - 2:17pm

International Level: Diplomat / Political Participation: 320 ActivistPoliticianDiplomat 32%

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