Potty Mouth!

Potty Mouth! - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 26th Jun, 2004 - 12:47pm

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Post Date: 25th Jun, 2004 - 2:55am / Post ID: #

Potty Mouth!
A Friend

Potty Mouth!

It's something all parents have or will experience during their child's development- inappropriate language a/k/a "potty mouth".

How do we handle it? How do we correct it?

Here in Florida, and in many places, putting soap in a child's mouth is now considered a form of child abuse. Instead, my husband and I use a teaspoon of vinegar. This is only as a last resort, though. And trust me, it works!

First, we ask where our son(s) heard the objectionable word or phrase. If it was at daycare or school, we bring it up to the proper individual in charge.

We explain the word/phrase's meaning, if neccesary, and discuss why this type of talk is not proper. Then we explore word alternatives if desired. For our 3 y/o, the sillier the substitution, the better. This also helps develop his creativity.

So, what else can we come up with? Can't wait to read your replies!

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25th Jun, 2004 - 3:40am / Post ID: #

Mouth Potty

You have a great program going there, Fugi smile.gif

I'm not so creative. I tell my daughter if she does not know what a word means, but she does understand that it is a "bad" word, then she is not allowed to say it or even spell it or write it (like in a note to someone else). And if she does know what the word means, and it's *bad*, then she also can't say it, write it, or spell it. Fortunately, she hasn't heard too many really terrible words -- for instance, she thinks "shut up" is a bad word because it's mean.


26th Jun, 2004 - 2:02am / Post ID: #

Potty Mouth! Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

Felipe started picking a couple of 'bad' words from school. It is hard to explain him because of his immaturity level but I try to tell him that those words are 'not nice'. I just heard it once and hope not to hear it again. The other day I serve a food that he doesn't normally like but he insisted to try when he did, he says 'This sucks!'. I was shocked.

26th Jun, 2004 - 12:47pm / Post ID: #

Mouth Potty

Well, I don't get all that creative. It depends upon the age of the child. When my grandson was younger (he is now 4), he used to say, "Oh my God" all the time. To many, including his mother, this is not an objectionable phrase. To me, it is. Well, I couldn't tell him it was a bad word or phrase because his other grandmother used to use that saying all the time and she and his mother thought it was cute that he was parroting it. So, instead, I would just correct him. Every time he said, "Oh my God!" I would repeat it and say instead, "Oh my Goodness!" First couple of times I just explained that Grandma didn't like that saying and so that in my presence he should say, "Oh my Goodness." It took a lot of effort on my part, but now it is never a problem. He just knows not to say it in my presence.

Now, since he is 4, if he says something objectionable, I simply tell him it is a bad word and that I don't want to hear him say it again. At his current age, that seems to work. I can tell you though that if he were to ignore my request intentionally I would punish him in the same manner as I punish for any other infraction. I don't think he needs to know, at 4, why it is a bad word. The fact that I say it is a bad word should be enough. If he asks me why it is a bad word, I just generally say "because it isn't nice and grandma doesn't like it."

> TOPIC: Potty Mouth!


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