Anybody Ever Return To Their Mission Area?

Anybody Return Mission Area - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 3rd Jul, 2004 - 9:58pm

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Post Date: 9th Jun, 2004 - 11:47pm / Post ID: #

Anybody Ever Return To Their Mission Area?
A Friend

Anybody Ever Return To Their Mission Area?

Who here has gone back, maybe years later to walk the same streets they worked as a missionary? It can be a unique experience. I served in Argentina from 1977-79 and returned in 1993 for a short visit. My plan was to visit each of the 5 areas I served in, but I ended up in only two. I arrived in Buenos Aires in the early evening and took a cab from Ezeiza Airport downtown. My original intention was to take a bus to save money but the cab driver was persistent and kept coming down on the price. He finally charged me only $15.

I got a cheap hotel right in el centro. Near the intersection of Florida and Lavalle, which happened to be within the boundries of one of my assignments as a missionary. I spent the evening strolling the streets, reminiscing of the times I walked the same streets years earlier. I walked by the old pension on Moreno St. where 4 of us elders lived and around the corner to Piedras St. where 6 others lived. It was a Saturday night and the streets were crowded with Portenos out to enjoy the evening. I grabbed a Milanesa sandwhich and an empanada at a little eatery and then strolled some more till about midnight.

The next morning I got up early and took the subway to the Once train station, then the train out to Lujan. When I was in Lujan in 1978 we purchased a lot to build a chappel on but I left before it was built. I remembered it being near the train station and after about a 5 minute walk, I was there. Church started about 30 minutes before I arrived and I met the current missionaries at the door. I told them I had served there 15 years earlier and they stopped the meeting and everyone came out to see who was there. There were at least a dozen members I knew, including a lady I had baptized. It was a tearful reunion and 5 minutes later, we went upstairs and resummed the meeting. Of course, I was asked to bear my testimony.

I spent the next several days staying with one of the family's in the branch and was taken all over town to see others I knew who weren't at church. Sadly, a few were inactive but those who were active were very strong indeed. I went from one dinner appointment to another and spent many hours discussing old times. I was never allowed to leave this town and didn't get to visit my other areas.

When I departed, I promised to return....something that I feel somewhat guilty about as it has been 11 years and I have not gone back. I keep saying next year, but with the challenges of raising a family, it is difficult to leave.

But it was a great experience. If any have the opportunity to go back...Do it.

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10th Jun, 2004 - 12:49pm / Post ID: #

Area Mission To Return Anybody

Gaucho, every time you talk about Argentina, I have tears in my eyes....what wonderful memories you have cherished!. What a wonderful experience! I really hope you can return there soon, some things have changed drastically. I was in Argentina in the year 2000 and lots of things are different.
My husband served a mission in England and Wales, he always dreamt in returning but he never did, he always dream in taking me to Wales to experience how beautiful it is.

Post Date: 3rd Jul, 2004 - 9:58pm / Post ID: #

Anybody Ever Return To Their Mission Area?
A Friend

Anybody Ever Return To Their Mission Area? Studies Doctrine Mormon

Yep, have ben back to England several times, it's still my favorite, place to spend my holydays.
I served in the Preston area, and now there is a temple there, it's Wonderful.
My wife and I spend a week at the temple, some years back, and we met with some of the members, it was great.
I also have ben back to some of the other areas to meet with some of the people we taught and baptized. I'm still in contact with some of them.
I highly recommend it, it will properly be a experience that will make you cry of joy. I love Britain with all my heart.

> TOPIC: Anybody Ever Return To Their Mission Area?


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