Why I Am Not Catholic
Were you once a Catholic and left the religion to follow another? Have you studied Catholicism in depth and felt it was not the religion for you? If so, please state your views here.
I am not catholic because it is a religion, like most, that teaches it's followers to be tolerant and to help the less fortunate, but it's leaders, those that should be the pinnacle of it's ideals, live quite luxuriously. Admittedly Pope Francis seems to be far more in touch with what the religion actually wanted to be taught rather then that which furthered the churches goals like previous popes had done.
Name: TJ
Comments: Very difficult to be a follower when there is so much abuse, politics and dishonesty in the church. The favoritism among local clergy is not the same as what is taught in the Bible. I cannot be Catholic.
I am not a catholic due to my grandfather who was one. I grew up in a strict household that did a lot of bible study and I know a lot about the bible and my younger brother was a minister. I learned a lot from different religions and just did not care for the way the Catholics wanted to rule with a iron fist. While I agree with some of their teachings I disagree with far more.
So you traded one pope for thousands. I'm curious do you have a denomination now?? The Papacy/Magisterium is absolutely needed. Without it what prevents from false teaching and understanding in a church? What gives someone a right to say they know the truth outside the church?
Well if you do not want to get into personal beliefs that is fine. But could I ask what you view as ruling with an iron fist? What would you be referring to there. Is it the Papacy in general or a certain Dogma or interpretation of the bible.