Why I Do Not Follow Judaism
If you feel Judaism is not the right religion then please place your thoughts in a constructive manner without being sarcastic or derogatory.
I do not follow Judaism in particular because I believe that all religions are valid in the eyes of God. Likewise a true modern religion would take into account all the religions of the world in a unity of thought. The Jewish prophets are valid. The prophet Yeshua is also valid. The same is true of the prophets of the Eastern religions. Thus a true concept of God involves all the prophets of God.
I moved from Judaism to Unitarian Universalism for the reasons stated above. They view all aspect of the Divine as valid and promote critical thinking about human spirituality. In practice they are pretty much secular humanists, focusing on social justice and environmental conservation. But the sermons can be very spiritual and even what mainstream religions might recognize as religious. But no hell (Just like Judaism) and no concept of sin and salvation (Unlike Judaism). Just wrestling with how to live with our human natures.