Why I Celebrate Christmas

Why Celebrate Christmas - Christmas - Posted: 10th Dec, 2014 - 3:18am

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Post Date: 22nd Aug, 2012 - 1:13pm / Post ID: #

Why I Celebrate Christmas

Why I Celebrate Christmas

If you truly celebrate Christmas then share with the Community about the reasons behind your participation.

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12th Oct, 2012 - 6:03pm / Post ID: #

Christmas Celebrate Why

What better time to share some joy with someone. Even if you aren't Christian its a great excuse to get together and be merry.

12th Oct, 2012 - 8:24pm / Post ID: #

Why I Celebrate Christmas Christmas

I celebrate Christmas because it is a good event to be together and have fun and enjoy with your family.

26th Oct, 2012 - 1:08pm / Post ID: #

Christmas Celebrate Why

Why not? Good food, decorations, time with friends / family and let's not try to omit the gifts that everyone looks forward to!

11th Dec, 2012 - 1:12pm / Post ID: #

Christmas Celebrate Why

Why not celebrate. Its one of the best times of the years because people are generally more cherry and thinking in others. I love it.

Post Date: 22nd Dec, 2012 - 10:45am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Why I Celebrate Christmas

What I"ve Learned Over the Years About Christmas

During the last few weeks I"ve noticed an increased tendency to reflect upon past Christmas celebrations in my life. There may be a deeper meaning to these reflections, although I suspect it has more to do with this being my last Christmas before turning 50, and all of the nostalgia this transition is prompting within me. Ref. Source 1

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Post Date: 13th Sep, 2014 - 5:04am / Post ID: #

Why I Celebrate Christmas
A Friend

Why Celebrate Christmas

I celebrate Christmas because it is the perfect excuse to spend time with family. Even if there is a person I really really don't like, I'll spend time with him anyway just because it is Christmas.

10th Dec, 2014 - 3:18am / Post ID: #

Why Celebrate Christmas Christmas

I love to celebrate Christmas, its the time of year where you can feel like all your troubles are gone and you have only good things to come to you.

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