The Key To A Man's Heart

The Key Man' S Heart - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 5th Jan, 2005 - 10:56pm

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Is there really a 'key' only humans will know...
Post Date: 8th Aug, 2004 - 11:58pm / Post ID: #

The Key To A Man's Heart

The Key to a Man's Heart
Is there really a 'key', only humans will know...

What are the ways a woman can get close to a man's heart?

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9th Aug, 2004 - 2:55am / Post ID: #

Heart Mans To Key The

Food! of course! laugh.gif Most men love to eat and if the woman knows how to cook then that's a way to win their heart. wink.gif

29th Sep, 2004 - 5:24am / Post ID: #

The Key To A Man's Heart Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

It's keeping that heart that's been a problem for me!

I've always tried to put that man first in my life, do little things to make them smile, take really good care of their everyday needs (laundry, cleaning house, cooking, etc.), and show them I love them. At least it works for a while....


Post Date: 8th Nov, 2004 - 10:26pm / Post ID: #

The Key To A Man's Heart
A Friend

Heart Mans To Key The

Hah i remember when i was having probs in my marriage my friend brought across a book "his needs her needs - a guide to an affair proof marriage" - not a very big book... I just figured our needs would be on the last page BEER, FOOD, SEX.

But we actually do have a third of the book. Men are real selfish can't remember all the needs but the first one really was sex. Then the wife had to keep herself looking good at all times. Real superficial stuff.

As for me, i say plain old communication that's all u really need to keep me happy.

Once u learn what make the other person unhappy, overcome that, and try to meet the other persons needs - well that's a relationship.

Too often we put pressure on themselves trying to please each other. Too much stress.

4th Jan, 2005 - 10:10am / Post ID: #

Heart Mans To Key The

Food is a good way to get my attention, but the way to my heart is to be your best self. We often say we fall in love, but it is more like falling in lust. I may desire a woman because of her smooth skin, her money, her cooking, or her fashion sense. However, the women I can honestly say I have loved are those who are not focused on getting my attention. They are too busy improving themselves and the world around them. They are emotionally honest people who don't have to pretend. I am not looking for a woman who needs me - I am looking for a woman who knows who she is and works toward her goals, but loves me anyway.

Post Date: 4th Jan, 2005 - 10:59am / Post ID: #

The Key To A Man's Heart
A Friend

The Key To A Man's Heart

the way to a man's heart is to make him feel important. All the good women know how to do this instinctively. By making him feel important I do not mean to please him or do things for him. Do not make it to easy for him ( is one of the best way to loose him) but make it a challenge and let him win. Go on with your life because he will be more attracted to a fairly independent women (although he will say otherwise) but be very interested in his. Do not criticize him to much for his mistakes but praise him for the accomplishments (not submissive as an inferior but equal as an competitor). May be this would seem like to much effort but if you really want him , this is the way to do it.

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5th Jan, 2005 - 9:54pm / Post ID: #

The Key To Man's Heart

To win someone's heart, it is probably important to win his or her interest first. Men are quite visually oriented, so our attention is drawn to women who present themselves nicely. This does not mean we are only attracted to supermodels in bikinis. I am attracted to women who smile. I am attracted to eyes that twinkle. I am attracted to modest, nice clothes that show a girl respects herself and likes to look nice.

Honestly, a woman's outward, visible demeanor is a great indicator to me of whether I would like a relationship with her. Clothing and makeup aside, if she is confident and caring, happy and down-to-earth, and especially if she lives her religion, I want to know her better. That opens the door for love.

Post Date: 5th Jan, 2005 - 10:56pm / Post ID: #

The Key To A Man's Heart
A Friend

The Key To Man's Heart Culture Family Travel & Consumer Reviews

Hmmm... Me and my fiancee we're acquaintances for about a year. Her brother became my friend through church (where she also goes), and eventually we (her and I) became friends. After about 3 more years of being friends, our relationship grew closer and more trusting, and we grew into close friends. Eventually are close friendship grew into something that could become more than friends, and then we finally decided we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together.
We didn't go through any dating or anything like that, and there hasn't even been an official proposal (though I intend to fix that soon). I think the biggest thing on her part that won my heart is that she is real. So many girls at my church act like whoever the latest TV star is, but she has always remained steady.
Another big thing is that we both share many of the same interests, so we can do stuff together and have fun, but we still have enough difference in interest that we can do stuff apart from each other.

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