How Good is Trinidad & Tobago to Live? - Page 35 of 35

Name: George Title: A dying nation Comments: - Page 35 - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 6th Nov, 2017 - 1:47pm

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When thinking of a good place to live, you must first seek after safety and security, not rum and fete.
How Good is Trinidad & Tobago to Live? Related Information to How Good is Trinidad & Tobago to Live?
Post Date: 17th Oct, 2017 - 4:21pm / Post ID: #

How Good is Trinidad & Tobago to Live? - Page 35

Name: George

Title: Morals below par

Comments: In my opinion, politicians here do not care about the working class, the poor or the underprivileged despite the fact that they live in strongholds of a particular political party thus supporting that party. After 55 years of independence and the reigns of power being held mostly by one political party, we have achieved very little as a rich nation, where the environment,living conditions .welfare and other essential amenities are concerned. Oh, yes we are ladened with roads and some white elephants. Some roads for instance, just doubling back on themselves, others really leading nowhere in particular, and believe or not there are plans to build more roads some going around in circles. No wonder the contractors and the corrupt politicians are rubbing their hands. We really don't need more roads. Maintaining the present roads in a proper manner will suffice. What we need is more proper and constant water supplies, street lighting, better education system. A proficient and respected police force, a reformed and dutiful justice system and better and more welfare and professional medical practitioners.We also need to immediately ban our local terrorist movement who are tarnishing the name of this nation. Most of all we need honest, compassionate politicians with good morals and self-discipline and not those that speak with false tongues and apply lip service and double standards to our politics and making promises they cannot keep. Our politicians need to set better examples when it comes to dealing with corruption, racial integration, inequality and crime here. Crime, in particular, has escalated since our independence to an alarming rate especially the slaughter of many innocent citizens and no one recently in a responsible position has done anything new, meaningful or constructive to stem the flow.They keep applying the same old tactics of spending massive sums of money on police demands for modern equipment something that has been going on for decades, and at the same time waiting to see if the rate of crime especially murders subsides, and making rash promises from time to quell the anxiety of the public, whilst in the meanwhile more citizens are being murdered by our local drug addicts and mad killers. 55 years after our independence and we are more or less have very little in respect of the expected advancement of the human being to display in this nation. In fact, since our colonial days, the quality and personal standard including the morals of our people has taken a turn for the worse, and each year is consistently falling well below par.

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Post Date: 6th Nov, 2017 - 1:47pm / Post ID: #

Live Tobago and Trinidad Good How

Name: George

Title: A dying nation

Comments: There are just too many things wrong with this nation that seems unlikely to be ever put right. We have at present an uncontrollable murder, crime and lawlessness rate that have surpassed those of the surrounding nations, and although we have a contingency of around 6,500 policemen they appear to be a law unto themselves, but unable to enforce proper law and order, with many of its established officers jumping onto the criminal bandwagon. We also have what appears to be a peculiar and unfair justice system with many of its legal professionals throwing the ethics of justice through the window by manipulating the rules and regulation of law for personal financial benefits. We now have too, a growing a number of badly behaved school children showing a tendency towards crime. In addition, we have many other adversities that are affecting the progress of this nation. We have a lack of proper housing, growing homelessness and vagrancy corruption of all sorts, bad roads and street lighting, lack of medicines and medical facilities,a poor education system turning out more educated citizens with criminal intentions, a racial divide accompanied by discrimination and racism, revolting prison officers, overcrowded prisons, lack of proper medical care and rising increase in cancer and other diseases, no reliable welfare care, and destruction of the environment and its wild animals. Most of all a brigade of politicians, wealthy citizens apparently living the life of Riley but suffering from acute financial greed, lack of morals and compassion with a growing tendency to be willfully spiteful and has adopted an attitude of superiority and aloofness. All these things are not new here and some have now become the norm and seemingly part and parcel of our culture and have been allowed to developed by our elected representatives since our independence, despite this nation being classified as one of the riches in the Caribbean. At present, our economy is in a mess which is displayed in the rising cost of living and the rising growth in poverty and unemployment.Income from our oil and gas production is below par and these resources are showing signs of depletion and yet despite the call for diversification, no one in authority is taking any notice as nothing is being done to make the future better for the sake of our upcoming generation. It remains a dog eat dog society. Things are getting much worse here together with the fact our image to the outside world is deteriorating at a faster than expected rate. We have crooks bearing our nationality among criminals on the police most wanted list in America, and a notorious citizen among the most wanted criminal on the Interpol list. It all adds up to this nation being a haven for criminals. I really don't know what else is needed to classify this nation as a dying nation.

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