Mike Tyson - Page 3 of 6

The guy was a maniac in the ring and is still - Page 3 - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 14th Jun, 2008 - 5:43pm

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Posts: 46 - Views: 7716
Mike Tyson Mike Tyson, a well known boxer who made his name fighting in the ring in a brutal manner. Do you think Mike Tyson was the best there ever was in boxing? Will Mike Tyson go down in history as a sore loser, a criminal or a star? Share your views about Mike Tyson here.
21st Nov, 2007 - 5:52am / Post ID: #

Mike Tyson - Page 3

The guy is ugly, his attitude is ugly and what usually happens in his life is ugly, so nothing surprising with an ugly Tyson outcome.

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Post Date: 21st Nov, 2007 - 2:59pm / Post ID: #

Mike Tyson
A Friend

Tyson Mike

Not only that, he is rather crazy. Biting someones ear off is not normal.

21st Nov, 2007 - 5:09pm / Post ID: #

Mike Tyson Sports & Fashion Music Movies

Funny, I was just asking my husband about this thread last night and he said the same thing. He said the first thing that came to his mind about Tyson was he was psychotic! He did say he was an amazing fighter at one time but his first fight he lost, it almost seemed as if he didn't take it seriously and got beat bad.

I am not really into boxing but when I do hear Mike Tyson, I ALWAYS think of when he bit the ear off and how bizarre that was. I think he definitely has mental issues!

23rd Nov, 2007 - 2:53pm / Post ID: #

Page 3 Tyson Mike

He lacks both wisdom and intelligence. Maybe, and this is just a hope that it is not a result of some wicked doing, he suffered a lot of brain damage from his years in boxing. One thing is certain, he raised the bar of competitive boxing forcing his opponents to train harder and become stronger in order to beat him.

Post Date: 28th May, 2008 - 6:24pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Tyson Mike

Tyson chat show off after protest

Scotland A chat show featuring boxer Mike Tyson is cancelled after protests from politicians and women's groups.
Ref. https://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotlan...est/7422827.stm

14th Jun, 2008 - 10:14am / Post ID: #

Mike Tyson

This guy is definitely crazy!

NYC trial witness claims Mike Tyson put up `hit plot" money

NEW YORK (AP)-Mike Tyson put up $50,000 for a proposed "hit" on gang members suspected of killing his bodyguard in 2000, a government witness testified.

The allegation was made Thursday by Dwayne Meyers, a former member of the Cash Money Brothers gang. Meyers testified at the trial of Abubakr Raheem, who's accused of driving a getaway car after turf-war killings.

Meyers claimed the former heavyweight champion put up the money to retaliate for the June 2000 slaying of his close friend and former bodyguard, Darryl "Homicide" Baum. The alleged contract was never carried out.

Tyson's attorney was traveling Friday and could not immediately be reached for comment.

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Post Date: 14th Jun, 2008 - 2:20pm / Post ID: #

Mike Tyson
A Friend

Mike Tyson - Page 3

Somehow that does not surprise me if he did. I think he probably did put some hit money out there.

14th Jun, 2008 - 5:43pm / Post ID: #

Mike Tyson Movies Music Fashion & Sports - Page 3

The guy was a maniac in the ring and is still that way after he is no actor he really is a thug.

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