
Revenge! - Community News, FAQ, Feedback - Posted: 31st Aug, 2004 - 4:03am

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Posts: 48 - Views: 9230
Poll: With Regards to Stealing FP Choose the One that Best Describes You.
  I think stealing FP is immoral       33.33%
  I have stolen FP in the past, but no more       7.69%
  I think stealing FP is comical, I actively try it       0.00%
  I would like to try it but I am afraid of being caught       17.95%
  I need to research it more and make the attempt       41.03%
Total Votes: 39
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Need Some Revenge? The Art of Stealing FP...
Post Date: 26th Aug, 2004 - 11:57pm / Post ID: #



Being in the Den can sometimes be a bore hence I am here sharing a little bit more. Ever had a problem with a member who made a sly remark or who treated you with unknown messages in the dark? Do not fear, a way to take revenge is here. Be wise and follow my words and before long you will have treasure in your fold.

First you must have enough forum points to make the attempt less you find yourself rather bent. Then to the shop you must go and select 'BUY' from the left menu. After a time a page will open with an array of items plenty but not forgotten.

Now for the next turn you must see how much you can spend as this will decide the choice between decisive plans and pretend. If you have enough FP purchase 'Hire Agents to Steal for You', but if you are not able, take the lesser, 'Steal', which is not guaranteed, but still a chance for revenge true and through.

With these items in hand select your foe, ensure the name or it will certainly be ashame. Then with secure mind and black path, use the item and cross your heart...

Frequently Asked Questions About Stealing:
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Post Date: 27th Aug, 2004 - 12:41am / Post ID: #

Middle Ages Facts


Danged it be to the demons of Utmo's Pit! Woman, with that tongue thou hast in cheek how be the folk to understand thy ramblings? I swear by meh mother's grey hairs that thy words could make meh trusty axe dull as a spoon. Send them forth with no shiver of a cold wind to this wee little thread.

27th Aug, 2004 - 3:00am / Post ID: #

Revenge! Feedback & FAQ News Community

Well, I voted "stolen in the past, but no more" when what I wanted to say was "tried to steal" smile.gif I never actually got to steal any, and it was only an attempt to get revenge for someone stealing mine! It's really not very nice -- I earned those FP!! laugh.gif


27th Aug, 2004 - 3:18am / Post ID: #


I dont like this concept at all! I believe that FP is earned through posts and contests and for someone else to be allowed to steal that is just wrong. Stealing FP just starts a cycle of stealing like FarSeer testified to, and I dont really see the humor in it.

27th Aug, 2004 - 1:51pm / Post ID: #


Malexander, you sound like a religious zealot laugh.gif Do you know that you can buy insurance or informants for this purpose? If you have a Premium Plus account you can also bank the money and no one can touch it. The idea behind this is to help users appreciate the worth of FP, but the script is actually 'more intelligent' than it lets on.

27th Aug, 2004 - 6:07pm / Post ID: #


Malexander, you sound like a religious zealot

Do I really? I understand the concept of buying insurance, and that the possibility of stealing has been introduced so members protect and cherish their FP more. I just dont like it. Also what do you mean by this?

but the script is actually 'more intelligent' than it lets on

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27th Aug, 2004 - 6:14pm / Post ID: #


So then you took out some insurance then?

Also what do you mean by this?

Nothing really, your choice of words just makes it sound lke a real moral dilemma - just pulling your leg.


Yup wink.gif

Post Date: 31st Aug, 2004 - 4:03am / Post ID: #


Revenge! Community News FAQ & Feedback

Silently snooping I will be doing for those Villagers who have no insurance I will take their money without a second glance. Yes, thou hast been warned and I always leave my mark, get ready for I am about to start!

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