Chinese Family Planning Official Oversaw Forced Abortions, Then Fled When She Became Pregnant
Population Research Institute is pleased to announce the release of the second edition of Steven Mosher's best-selling book, A Mother's Ordeal: One Woman's Fight Against China's One-Child Policy, complete with a new preface by the author. Ref. Source 2
Chinese "Postbox" to Save Babies From Infanticide Closed as Disabled Babies Abandoned Every Day
The cultural preference for boys and healthy children in China is so prevalent that a baby "postbox" to save abandoned babies from infanticide has had to close because of overwhelming demand. Ref. Source 4
Chinese Woman Shares Her Awful Story of Being Victimized by Three Forced Abortions
The following is a post by Jinghong Cai of China, edited by the Human Rights group China Aid, on whose blog it originally appeared. It was almost midnight. We were awakened by the noise of someone frantically knocking on the door. My aunt, my mother's younger sister, was being carried by her husband; pale, visibly weak to the point of fainting, and seriously sick. Ref. Source 4
One-Child Policy Drives Chinese Father of Four to Commit Suicide So His "Illegal" Kids Can Attend School
China's draconian one-child policy has claimed many victims-hundreds of millions of unborn children have lost their lives, tens of thousands of women have died from botched abortions and sterilizations, and tens of thousands more have committed suicide to end the pain of late-term, forced abortions-but Wang Guangrong's story is particularly tragic. Ref. Source 5
Chinese Twins Aborted at 9 Months Due to One Child Policy
This week, China will mark 34 years of the one-child family planning policy that has resulted in massive human rights abuses, including forced abortions and coercive sterilizations. Ref. Source 2 ins-aborted-at-9-months-due-to-one-child-policy/
Newborn Girl Thrown From 17-Story Building in China With Umbilical Cord Still Attached
Tragically, a newborn girl was thrown from a 17-story apartment complex with her umbilical cord still attached in China. On Saturday, the infant was found on a busy pavement lying in a pool of blood. According to the Central European News agency, neighbor On Chiang said he 'spotted something on the ground and didn't immediately recognize it." Ref. Source 8