Chinese Mom Has Abortion Because Her Only Child Threatened Suicide if She Had Another Baby
The Shanghi List has reported that a 44-year-old pregnant woman has aborted her baby because her 13-year-old threatened to commit suicide. Ref. Source 4
Woman Sues Chinese Government After Forced Sterilization Left Her With Medical Problems
In a bold and unprecedented move a Chinese woman has sued the government for forcing her to have tubal ligation surgery, which is a procedure where a woman’s fallopian tubes are blocked and severed. Ref. Source 2
Teacher in China Ordered to Have a Late-Term Abortion or Lose Her Job
In China, a teacher has been told that she will get fired if she doesn’t abort her second child even though she was initially given permission to have the baby in her town of residence, Huangshan city. Apparently an officer from the health and family planning commission said she has to follow different regulations since the school where she works is located in Guizhou province. Ref. Source 9m
Teacher in China Ordered to Have Late-Term Abortion or Lose Her Job Now Allowed to Give Birth
A teacher in China who was facing the prospect o having to have a late-term abortion or lose her job has been allowed to give birth following international pressure on the Chinese government. As LifeNews.com reported, a teacher has been told that she will get fired if she doesn’t abort her second child even though she was initially given permission to have the baby. Ref. Source 6r
State media: China abandons one-child policy
More than 30 years after China imposed its controversial "One-child" Policy, Chinese state media reported Thursday that it would be scrapped. The Xinhua news agency said all couples would be allowed to have two kids. Ref. USAToday
China Not “Ending” Human Rights Abuses, Forced Abortions Will Continue Under Two-Child Policy
Don’t get too excited over the news that China is “ending” it’s one-child policy that prohibits couples from having more than one child. Although the Asian nation is moving to a two child policy for everyone in China, rather than only allowing two children per couple for rural families, a top human rights activist tells LifeNews that the massive abuses such as forced abortions will continue. Ref. Source 3o