Rules & Explanation
Who should be here
Any dedicated Role-playing Game Player.
How it Works
Police Chief Role-playing Game is based on the GM posting a thread with a mystery and then the players are allowed to try and solve the case. The way this works is based on the principle of message approval as shown in the following example:
* GM posts a thread with a case
* You read the thread and then choose if you wish to have tips or not
* You then post a reply with your solution for the case
Somethings to Note
GM Threads
Only the GM can start threads. These threads always talk about the case. If you reply to these threads then it will NOT show at first until the game is FINISHED. The reason for this is so other players do not read the solutions of others.
Using Tips
You may use tips, but if you do so you must pay the price in FP. The reason for this is FP represents your effort or willingness to spend 'anything' to get a lead.
Posting Your Reply
Your reply must answer EXACTLY what is required of the Commissioner in order for you to win. Half answers or only a percentage of the case being solve DOES NOT COUNT.